South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 33 - Rights Of Physically Disabled Persons
Section 43-33-370. Authority of system upon receipt of written request to investigate complaint.

Upon (A) the receipt of a written request to investigate a complaint that has been signed by a person with a developmental or other disability, his parent, legal guardian, any relative or a state agency; or upon (B) the receipt of a complaint of abuse or threatened abuse to a person with a developmental or other disability who is not capable of giving informed consent for the system to investigate the complaint and who does not have a parent or legal guardian to sign a written request to investigate the complaint, the system may:
(1) Interview any member of the staff of the program or facility which is providing or did provide treatment, services or habilitation to the person making the complaint or on whose behalf the complaint is made.
(2) Inspect and copy any documents, records, files, books, charts or other writings which are maintained in the regular course of business by the program or facility and which bear upon the subject matter of the individual complaint, except for the individual medical, treatment or other personal records of other persons in the program or facility.
(3) Request the assistance of any rights protection or advocacy services provided by the program or facility.
(4) Refer a complaint to the ombudsman, law enforcement agencies or any other public or private programs or facilities, as it deems appropriate.
HISTORY: 1979 Act No. 48, Section 7; 1980 Act No. 465; 2017 Act No. 52 (S.325), Section 5, eff May 19, 2017.

Editor's Note
2017 Act No. 52, Sections 10 to 12, provide as follows:
"SECTION 10. The Governor shall take all actions necessary pursuant to 29 U.S.C. Section 732 to designate Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc., formerly known as the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System for the Handicapped, Inc., as the South Carolina administrator of the Client Assistance Program.
"SECTION 11. Authorized appropriations and the assets and liabilities of the Client Assistance Program are transferred to and become part of Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc., formerly known as the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System for the Handicapped, Inc.
"SECTION 12. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor. Protection and Advocacy for People with Disabilities, Inc., formerly known as the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System for the Handicapped, Inc., shall administer the Client Assistance Program upon the completion of all necessary filings with the federal government."
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 52, Section 5, in the first paragraph, substituted "person with a developmental or other disability" for "developmentally disabled or handicapped person" twice, and substituted "system" for "System" twice.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 43 - Social Services

Chapter 33 - Rights Of Physically Disabled Persons

Section 43-33-10. Declaration of policy.

Section 43-33-20. Right of use of public facilities and accommodations of blind, other special need persons, and guide dog trainers.

Section 43-33-25. Use of motorized chairs or carts by handicapped on beaches.

Section 43-33-30. Duty of driver approaching blind pedestrian; failure of blind pedestrian to carry white cane or use guide dog.

Section 43-33-40. Unlawful interference with rights of blind or other physically disabled person.

Section 43-33-50. White Cane Safety Day.

Section 43-33-60. Policy regarding employment of blind and other physically disabled persons.

Section 43-33-70. Right of blind and other physically disabled persons to equal access to housing accommodations.

Section 43-33-210. Definitions.

Section 43-33-220. Nondiscrimination in psychometric testing by State agencies; technical assistance to agencies; special assistance or procedures for handicapped persons.

Section 43-33-230. Complaints.

Section 43-33-310. Legislative findings.

Section 43-33-320. Repealed.

Section 43-33-330. Appointment of board.

Section 43-33-340. Definitions.

Section 43-33-350. Powers and duties of System.

Section 43-33-360. Interview of complainant.

Section 43-33-370. Authority of system upon receipt of written request to investigate complaint.

Section 43-33-380. Information not to be disclosed unless authorized in writing.

Section 43-33-390. Immunity from civil and criminal liability for persons providing information in good faith.

Section 43-33-400. Cooperation with departments, officers, agencies, and institutions; requests for system to provide protection and advocacy services; inspection and copying of records.

Section 43-33-510. Short title.

Section 43-33-520. Guaranteed opportunities.

Section 43-33-530. Discrimination prohibited without reasonable justification.

Section 43-33-540. Injunctive relief or civil damages for persons discriminated against.

Section 43-33-560. Handicap, handicapped, and mental impairment defined.

Section 43-33-570. Reasonable justification defined.