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Section 37-2-101. Short title. - This chapter shall be known and may be cited as...
Section 37-2-102. Scope. - This chapter applies to consumer credit sales, including home solicitation...
Section 37-2-103. Index of definitions in chapter. - The following definitions apply to this title and appear in...
Section 37-2-104. "Consumer credit sale" defined. - (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), "consumer credit sale"...
Section 37-2-105. "Goods"; "merchandise certificate"; "services"; "sale of goods"; "sale of services"; "sale of an interest in land"; "precomputed" defined. - (1) "Goods" includes goods not in existence at the time...
Section 37-2-106. "Consumer lease" defined. - (1) "Consumer lease" means a lease of goods: (a) which...
Section 37-2-107. "Seller" defined. - Except as otherwise provided, "seller" includes an assignee of the...
Section 37-2-108. "Revolving charge account" defined. - "Revolving charge account" means an arrangement between a seller and...
Section 37-2-109. "Credit service charge" defined. - "Credit service charge" means the sum of: (1) all charges...
Section 37-2-110. "Cash price" defined. - Except as the administrator may otherwise prescribe by rule, the...
Section 37-2-111. "Amount financed" defined. - "Amount financed" means the total of the following items to...
Section 37-2-201. Credit service charge for consumer credit sales. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale, including a...
Section 37-2-202. Additional charges. - (1) In addition to the credit service charge permitted by...
Section 37-2-203. Delinquency charges. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale including an...
Section 37-2-204. Deferral charges. - (1) In this section and in the provisions on rebate...
Section 37-2-205. Credit service charge on refinancing. - With respect to a consumer credit sale, refinancing, or consolidation,...
Section 37-2-206. Credit service charge on consolidation. - If a buyer owes an unpaid balance to a seller...
Section 37-2-207. Credit service charge for revolving charge accounts. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale made pursuant...
Section 37-2-208. Advances to perform covenants of buyer. - (1) If the agreement with respect to a consumer credit...
Section 37-2-209. Right to prepay. - Subject to the provisions on rebate upon prepayment (Section 37-2-210),...
Section 37-2-210. Rebate upon prepayment. - (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, upon prepayment...
Section 37-2-301. Compliance with Federal Truth in Lending Act. - A person upon whom the Federal Truth in Lending Act...
Section 37-2-302. Receipts; statement of account; evidence of payment. - (1) The creditor shall deliver or mail to the consumer,...
Section 37-2-303. Notice to cosigner and similar parties. - (1) A natural person, other than the spouse of the...
Section 37-2-304. Advertising. - (1) A seller or lessor may not advertise, print, display,...
Section 37-2-305. Filing and posting maximum rate schedule. - (1) Every creditor (Section 37-1-301(13)), intending to impose a credit...
Section 37-2-306. Notice of assumption of rights. - (A) Every creditor engaged in this State in making consumer...
Section 37-2-307. Motor vehicle sales contracts closing fees. - (A)(1) Every motor vehicle dealer charging closing fees on a...
Section 37-2-308. Disclosures for motor vehicle sales or leases; credit and lease advertising; penalties and hearing rights. - (A) As used in this section, unless the context requires...
Section 37-2-309. Manufactured home credit disclosure; material terms. - (A) An estimate of the disclosures required by Section 37-2-301...
Section 37-2-401. Scope. - This part applies to consumer credit sales and consumer leases....
Section 37-2-402. Use of multiple agreements. - A seller may not use multiple agreements with respect to...
Section 37-2-403. Certain negotiable instruments prohibited. - With respect to a consumer credit sale or consumer lease,...
Section 37-2-404. Assignee subject to claims and defenses. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale or consumer...
Section 37-2-405. Balloon payments. - (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), if any scheduled...
Section 37-2-406. Restriction on liability in consumer lease. - The obligation of a lessee upon expiration of a consumer...
Section 37-2-407. Security in sales and leases. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale, a seller...
Section 37-2-408. Cross-collateral. - (1) In addition to contracting for a security interest pursuant...
Section 37-2-409. Debt secured by cross-collateral. - (1) If debts arising from two or more consumer credit...
Section 37-2-410. No assignment of earnings. - A seller or lessor may not take an assignment of...
Section 37-2-411. Referral sales and leases. - With respect to a consumer credit sale or consumer lease,...
Section 37-2-412. Notice of assignment. - The buyer or lessee is authorized to pay the original...
Section 37-2-413. Attorney's fees. - (1) With respect to a consumer credit sale or consumer...
Section 37-2-414. Limitation on default charges. - Except for reasonable expenses incurred in realizing on a security...
Section 37-2-415. Authorization to confess judgment prohibited. - A buyer or lessee may not authorize any person to...
Section 37-2-416. Change in terms of revolving charge accounts. - (1) Whether or not a change is authorized by prior...
Section 37-2-501. Definition: "home solicitation sale". - "Home solicitation sale" means a consumer credit sale of goods...
Section 37-2-502. Buyer's right to cancel. - (1) Except as provided in subsection (5), in addition to...
Section 37-2-503. Form of agreement or offer; statement of buyer's rights. - (1) In a home solicitation sale, unless the buyer requests...
Section 37-2-504. Restoration of down payment. - (1) Within ten days after a notice of cancellation has...
Section 37-2-505. Duty of buyer; no compensation for services before cancellation. - (1) Except as provided by the provisions on retention of...
Section 37-2-506. Compliance with Federal Trade Commission Trade Regulation Rule. - A seller may elect to comply with the Federal Trade...
Section 37-2-601. Sales subject to title by agreement of parties. - The parties to a sale other than a consumer credit...
Section 37-2-605. Credit service charge for other sales. - With respect to a sale other than a consumer credit...
Section 37-2-701. Definitions. - In this Part: (1) "Advertisement" means a commercial message in...
Section 37-2-702. Required disclosures; manner of disclosure; when disclosures required. - (1) In a consumer rental-purchase agreement, the lessor shall disclose...
Section 37-2-703. Renegotiation; extension of agreement. - (a) A renegotiation occurs when an existing consumer rental-purchase agreement...
Section 37-2-704. Advertisements; statement of terms. - (1) If an advertisement for a consumer rental-purchase agreement refers...
Section 37-2-705. Delinquency charges. - (1) With respect to a consumer rental-purchase agreement, the parties...
Section 37-2-706. Deposits; delivery charges; pick up charges. - (1) In a consumer rental-purchase agreement, the lessor may contract...
Section 37-2-707. Charge for default of lessee. - Except as specifically provided for in this part, a consumer...
Section 37-2-708. Use of note as evidence of consumer's obligation. - With respect to a consumer rental-purchase agreement, the lessor may...
Section 37-2-709. Assignment; claims or defenses. - (1) With respect to a consumer rental-purchase agreement, an assignee...
Section 37-2-710. Assignment of earnings. - A lessor may not take an assignment of earnings of...
Section 37-2-711. Lessee's rights and obligations upon assignment. - The lessee is authorized to pay the original lessor until...
Section 37-2-712. Confession of judgment. - A lessee may not authorize any person to confess judgment...
Section 37-2-713. Lessee's right to return property, continue rental, or purchase property before end of rental-purchase agreement. - In a consumer rental-purchase agreement, at any time after the...
Section 37-2-714. Lessee's right to reinstatement of rental-purchase agreement. - (1) A lessee who fails to make timely periodic payment...