(1) With respect to a consumer credit sale or consumer lease, an assignee of the rights of the seller or lessor is subject to all claims and defenses of the consumer against the seller or lessor arising from the sale or lease of property or services, notwithstanding that the assignee is a holder in due course of a negotiable instrument issued in violation of the provisions prohibiting certain negotiable instruments (Section 37-2-403).
(2) A claim or defense of a consumer specified in subsection (1) may be asserted against the assignee under this section only if the consumer has made a good faith attempt to obtain satisfaction from the seller or lessor with respect to the claim or defense and then only to the extent of the amount owing to the assignee with respect to the sale or lease of the property or services as to which the claim or defense arose at the time the assignee has written notice of the claim or defense. Written notice of the claim or defense may be given before the attempt specified in this subsection. For the purposes of this section, written notice is any written notification other than notice on a coupon, billing statement or other payment medium or material supplied by the assignee.
(3) For the purpose of determining the amount owing to the assignee with respect to the sale or lease:
(a) payments received by the assignee after the consolidation of two or more consumer credit sales, except pursuant to a revolving charge account, are deemed to have been applied first to the payment of the sales first made; if the sales consolidated arose from sales made on the same day, payments are deemed to have been applied first to the smallest sale; and
(b) payments received for a revolving charge account are deemed to have been applied first to the payment of finance charges in the order of their entry to the account and then to the payment of debts in the order in which the entries of the debts are made to the account.
(4) A card issuer, including a seller credit card issuer, is subject to the claims and defenses of the consumer arising from the sale or lease of property or services pursuant to the credit card in accordance with the provisions of Section 37-3-411.
(5) An agreement may not limit or waive the claims or defenses of a consumer under this section.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 8-800.194; 1974 (58) 2879; 1976 Act No. 686 Section 17.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code
Section 37-2-101. Short title.
Section 37-2-103. Index of definitions in chapter.
Section 37-2-104. "Consumer credit sale" defined.
Section 37-2-106. "Consumer lease" defined.
Section 37-2-107. "Seller" defined.
Section 37-2-108. "Revolving charge account" defined.
Section 37-2-109. "Credit service charge" defined.
Section 37-2-110. "Cash price" defined.
Section 37-2-111. "Amount financed" defined.
Section 37-2-201. Credit service charge for consumer credit sales.
Section 37-2-202. Additional charges.
Section 37-2-203. Delinquency charges.
Section 37-2-204. Deferral charges.
Section 37-2-205. Credit service charge on refinancing.
Section 37-2-206. Credit service charge on consolidation.
Section 37-2-207. Credit service charge for revolving charge accounts.
Section 37-2-208. Advances to perform covenants of buyer.
Section 37-2-209. Right to prepay.
Section 37-2-210. Rebate upon prepayment.
Section 37-2-301. Compliance with Federal Truth in Lending Act.
Section 37-2-302. Receipts; statement of account; evidence of payment.
Section 37-2-303. Notice to cosigner and similar parties.
Section 37-2-304. Advertising.
Section 37-2-305. Filing and posting maximum rate schedule.
Section 37-2-306. Notice of assumption of rights.
Section 37-2-307. Motor vehicle sales contracts closing fees.
Section 37-2-309. Manufactured home credit disclosure; material terms.
Section 37-2-402. Use of multiple agreements.
Section 37-2-403. Certain negotiable instruments prohibited.
Section 37-2-404. Assignee subject to claims and defenses.
Section 37-2-405. Balloon payments.
Section 37-2-406. Restriction on liability in consumer lease.
Section 37-2-407. Security in sales and leases.
Section 37-2-408. Cross-collateral.
Section 37-2-409. Debt secured by cross-collateral.
Section 37-2-410. No assignment of earnings.
Section 37-2-411. Referral sales and leases.
Section 37-2-412. Notice of assignment.
Section 37-2-413. Attorney's fees.
Section 37-2-414. Limitation on default charges.
Section 37-2-415. Authorization to confess judgment prohibited.
Section 37-2-416. Change in terms of revolving charge accounts.
Section 37-2-501. Definition: "home solicitation sale".
Section 37-2-502. Buyer's right to cancel.
Section 37-2-503. Form of agreement or offer; statement of buyer's rights.
Section 37-2-504. Restoration of down payment.
Section 37-2-505. Duty of buyer; no compensation for services before cancellation.
Section 37-2-506. Compliance with Federal Trade Commission Trade Regulation Rule.
Section 37-2-601. Sales subject to title by agreement of parties.
Section 37-2-605. Credit service charge for other sales.
Section 37-2-701. Definitions.
Section 37-2-702. Required disclosures; manner of disclosure; when disclosures required.
Section 37-2-703. Renegotiation; extension of agreement.
Section 37-2-704. Advertisements; statement of terms.
Section 37-2-705. Delinquency charges.
Section 37-2-706. Deposits; delivery charges; pick up charges.
Section 37-2-707. Charge for default of lessee.
Section 37-2-708. Use of note as evidence of consumer's obligation.
Section 37-2-709. Assignment; claims or defenses.
Section 37-2-710. Assignment of earnings.
Section 37-2-711. Lessee's rights and obligations upon assignment.
Section 37-2-712. Confession of judgment.
Section 37-2-714. Lessee's right to reinstatement of rental-purchase agreement.