(A) An "Authorized Control Level Event" includes any of the following events:
(1) filing of an RBC Report which indicates that a licensee's Total Adjusted Capital is greater than, or equal to, its Mandatory Control Level RBC, but is less than its Authorized Control Level RBC;
(2) issuance of an Adjusted RBC Report that indicates the event in Section 38-9-350(A)(1), provided that the licensee does not challenge that Adjusted RBC Report pursuant to Section 38-9-370. If the licensee challenges that Adjusted RBC Report, then the Authorized Control Level Event occurs upon notification that an administrative law judge has rejected the challenge; or
(3) the failure of a licensee to respond to a Corrective Order in a manner satisfactory to the director, provided the licensee has not challenged the Corrective Order pursuant to Section 38-9-370. If the licensee has challenged a Corrective Order and an administrative law judge has rejected the challenge or has modified the Corrective Order, then the Authorized Control Level Event occurs upon the failure of the licensee to respond to that Corrective Order in a manner satisfactory to the director.
(B) In the event of an Authorized Control Level Event, the director may take action pursuant to Section 38-9-340 or, if the director considers it to be in the best interests of the policyholders and creditors of the licensee and of the public, he may take action necessary to place the licensee under regulatory control pursuant to Section 38-26-10, et seq., or to Section 38-27-10, et seq. The Authorized Control Level Event is sufficient grounds for the director to take that action, and the director has the rights, powers, and duties detailed within those provisions of law. If the director takes action, then the licensee is entitled to the protections that are afforded under those provisions pertaining to summary proceedings.
HISTORY: 1996 Act No. 254, Section 2; 2014 Act No. 164 (S.908), Section 5, eff January 1, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 164, Section 5, substituted "licensee" for "insurer" throughout; and made other nonsubstantive changes.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 9 - Capital, Surplus, Reserves, And Other Financial Matters
Section 38-9-10. Capital and surplus required of stock insurers; delinquency.
Section 38-9-20. Surplus required of mutual insurers; delinquency.
Section 38-9-40. Director to notify insurers of amounts required; annual schedule.
Section 38-9-50. Restrictions on kinds of insurance that insurers may write.
Section 38-9-60. No limitation on certain license provisions.
Section 38-9-70. Insurers may make deposits to do business in other states.
Section 38-9-90. Securities or bonds must be held as security for claims.
Section 38-9-100. Deposit of securities not necessary when made with other states.
Section 38-9-110. Voluntary deposits for compliance with laws of other states.
Section 38-9-120. Exchange of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-130. Interest on deposited securities.
Section 38-9-140. Principal of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-150. Return of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-160. Enforcement of trust created by deposit.
Section 38-9-170. Unearned premium reserve.
Section 38-9-180. Standard Valuation Law.
Section 38-9-190. Loss and claim reserves.
Section 38-9-200. Reinsurance credits; liability reductions.
Section 38-9-210. Reduction from liability for reinsurance; security.
Section 38-9-220. "Qualified United States financial institution" defined.
Section 38-9-230. Confidentiality.
Section 38-9-310. Definitions.
Section 38-9-320. Preparation and submission of RBC (risk based capital) Report; form and content.
Section 38-9-340. Regulatory Action Level Event defined; duties of director; corrective action.
Section 38-9-370. Confidential hearing; notification; time of hearing.
Section 38-9-380. Confidentiality of reports, plans, and orders.
Section 38-9-400. Limitations on use of RBC (risk based capital) Instructions, Reports, and Plans.
Section 38-9-410. Other powers or duties of director or designee.
Section 38-9-420. Regulatory power of director.
Section 38-9-430. Exemptions from application of article.
Section 38-9-440. Applicability of RBC (risk based capital) requirements to foreign insurers.
Section 38-9-450. Limitation of liability.
Section 38-9-460. Notification by director which may result in regulatory action.