(A) An insurer authorized to transact business in this State, except as to risks or policies for which reserves are required under subsections (B) and (C) and Section 38-9-180 except for real estate title insurance policies, and subject to specific provisions of this title, shall maintain reserves equal to the unearned portions of the gross premiums charged on unexpired or unterminated risks and policies. Credit for reinsurance is allowed a ceding insurer as a deduction from reserves required by this section only as provided in Section 38-9-200 or 38-9-210.
(B)(1) With reference to insurance against loss or damage to property except as provided in item (5) and with reference to all general casualty insurance and surety insurance every insurer shall maintain an unearned premium reserve on all policies in force.
(2) The director or his designee may require that these reserves are equal to the unearned portions of the gross premiums in force as computed on each respective risk from the policy's date of issue. If the director or his designee does not so require, the portions of the gross premium in force to be held as premium reserve must be computed according to the following table:
Term for Which
Policy was Written Reserved for
Unearned Premium 1 year or less 1/2 2 years 1st year 3/4 2nd year 1/4 3 years 1st year 5/6 2nd year 1/2 3rd year 1/6 4 years 1st year 7/8 2nd year 5/8 3rd year 3/8 4th year 1/8 5 years 1st year 9/10 2nd year 7/10 3rd year 1/2 4th year 3/10 5th year 1/10 Over 5 years pro rata.
(3) All of these reserves may be computed, at the option of the insurer, on a yearly or more frequent pro rata basis.
(4) After adopting a method for computing the reserve, an insurer may not change methods without the director's or his designee's approval.
(5) With reference to marine insurance, premiums on trip risks not terminated are considered unearned, and the director or his designee may require the insurer to carry a reserve equal to one hundred percent on trip risks written during the month ended as of the date of statement. For all accident and health policies the insurer shall maintain an active life reserve which places a sound value on its liabilities under these policies and which is not less than the reserve according to standards set forth in regulations issued by the director and not less, in the aggregate, than the pro rata gross unearned premium reserves for these policies.
HISTORY: Former 1976 Code Section 38-9-170 [1947 (45) 322; 1952 Code Section 37-152; 1962 Code Section 37-152] recodified as Section 38-55-110 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; Former 1976 Code Section 38-5-770 [1947 (45) 322; 1948 (45) 1734; 1949 (46) 600; 1952 Code Section 37-188; 1956 (49) 2022; 1958 (50) 1608; 1960 (51) 1554; 1962 Code Section 37-188; 1964 (53) 1835; 1969 (56) 210; 1975 (59) 182; 1978 Act No. 601; 1979 Act No. 18; 1982 Act No. 373] recodified as Section 38-9-170 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; 1991 Act No. 13, Section 9; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 535.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 9 - Capital, Surplus, Reserves, And Other Financial Matters
Section 38-9-10. Capital and surplus required of stock insurers; delinquency.
Section 38-9-20. Surplus required of mutual insurers; delinquency.
Section 38-9-40. Director to notify insurers of amounts required; annual schedule.
Section 38-9-50. Restrictions on kinds of insurance that insurers may write.
Section 38-9-60. No limitation on certain license provisions.
Section 38-9-70. Insurers may make deposits to do business in other states.
Section 38-9-90. Securities or bonds must be held as security for claims.
Section 38-9-100. Deposit of securities not necessary when made with other states.
Section 38-9-110. Voluntary deposits for compliance with laws of other states.
Section 38-9-120. Exchange of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-130. Interest on deposited securities.
Section 38-9-140. Principal of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-150. Return of deposited securities.
Section 38-9-160. Enforcement of trust created by deposit.
Section 38-9-170. Unearned premium reserve.
Section 38-9-180. Standard Valuation Law.
Section 38-9-190. Loss and claim reserves.
Section 38-9-200. Reinsurance credits; liability reductions.
Section 38-9-210. Reduction from liability for reinsurance; security.
Section 38-9-220. "Qualified United States financial institution" defined.
Section 38-9-230. Confidentiality.
Section 38-9-310. Definitions.
Section 38-9-320. Preparation and submission of RBC (risk based capital) Report; form and content.
Section 38-9-340. Regulatory Action Level Event defined; duties of director; corrective action.
Section 38-9-370. Confidential hearing; notification; time of hearing.
Section 38-9-380. Confidentiality of reports, plans, and orders.
Section 38-9-400. Limitations on use of RBC (risk based capital) Instructions, Reports, and Plans.
Section 38-9-410. Other powers or duties of director or designee.
Section 38-9-420. Regulatory power of director.
Section 38-9-430. Exemptions from application of article.
Section 38-9-440. Applicability of RBC (risk based capital) requirements to foreign insurers.
Section 38-9-450. Limitation of liability.
Section 38-9-460. Notification by director which may result in regulatory action.