South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 33 - Health Maintenance Organizations
Section 38-33-30. Necessity of certificate of authority; foreign corporation.

(A) No person may establish or operate a health maintenance organization in this State without first obtaining a certificate of authority from the director or his designee. A foreign corporation, upon compliance with the provisions of this chapter, may be issued a certificate of authority upon further conditions that:
(1) the applicant is registered as a foreign corporation to do business in this State;
(2) the applicant is subject to regulation of its financial condition by authorities in its state of domicile, including regular financial examination not less frequently than once every three years; and
(3) the applicant complies with such conditions as the director or his designee may prescribe with respect to the maintenance of books, records, accounts, and facilities in this State.
(B) Each application for a certificate of authority must be verified by an officer or authorized representative of the applicant, must be filed in a form prescribed by the director or his designee, and must set forth the following:
(1) a copy of the organizational documents of the applicant, such as the articles of incorporation, articles of association, partnership agreement, trust agreement, or other applicable documents, and all amendments;
(2) a copy of the bylaws and regulations, or similar document, if any, regulating the conduct of the internal affairs of the applicant;
(3) a list of the names, addresses, and official positions of the persons who are to be responsible for the management and conduct of the affairs of the applicant, including, but not limited to, all members of the board of directors, board of trustees, executive committee, or other governing board or committee, the principal offices in the case of a corporation, and the partners or members in the case of a partnership or association;
(4) a copy of any contract made or to be made between any providers or persons listed in item (3) and the applicant;
(5) a copy of the form of evidence of coverage to be issued to the enrollees;
(6) a copy of the form or group contract, if any, which is to be issued to employers, unions, trustees, or other organizations;
(7) financial statements showing the applicant's assets, liabilities, and sources of financial support. If the applicant's financial affairs are audited by independent certified public accountants, a copy of the applicant's most recent certified financial statements satisfies this requirement unless the director or his designee directs that additional or more recent financial information is required for the proper administration of this chapter;
(8) a description of the proposed method of marketing, a financial plan which includes a projection of operating results anticipated until the organization has had net income for at least one year, and a statement as to the sources of working capital as well as any other sources of funding;
(9) a power of attorney duly executed by the applicant appointing the director and his authorized deputies or designees, as the lawful attorney of the applicant in this State upon whom all lawful process in any legal action or proceeding against the health maintenance organization on a cause of action arising in this State may be served;
(10) a statement reasonably describing the geographic area to be served;
(11) a description of the complaint procedures to be utilized as required under Section 38-33-110;
(12) a description of the procedures and programs to be implemented to meet the quality of health care requirements in Section 38-33-40;
(13) a description of the mechanism by which enrollees have an opportunity to participate in matters of policy and operation under Section 38-33-60(2);
(14) any other information as the director or his designee may require to make the determination required in Section 38-33-40.
(C)(1) An applicant or a health maintenance organization holding a certificate of authority granted hereunder shall, unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, file a notice describing any material modification of the operation set out in the information required by subsection (B). The notice must be filed with the director or his designee prior to the modification. If the director or his designee does not disapprove within thirty days of filing, the modification is considered approved.
(2) The department may promulgate regulations exempting from the filing requirements of item (1) those items he considers unnecessary.
(D) An applicant or a health maintenance organization holding a certificate of authority shall file all contracts of reinsurance or a summary of the plan of self-insurance. Any agreement between the organization and an insurer is subject to the laws of this State regarding reinsurance. All reinsurance agreements or summaries of plans of self-insurance and any modifications thereto must be filed and approved. Reinsurance agreements shall remain in full force and effect for at least thirty days following written notice by registered mail of cancellation by either party to the director or his designee.
HISTORY: Former 1976 Code Section 38-33-30 [1962 Code Section 37-333; 1968 (55) 2407; 1978 Act No. 441 Section 3] recodified as Section 38-67-30 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; Former 1976 Code Section 38-25-30 [1962 Code Section 37-1133; 1974 (58) 2378] recodified as Section 38-33-30 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 1; 1987 Act No. 83, Section 1 [amendment to former 1976 Code Section 38-25-30 transferred to Section 38-33-30 by 1987 Act No. 155, Section 24]; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 633; 1997 Act No. 68, Section 7.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 38 - Insurance

Chapter 33 - Health Maintenance Organizations

Section 38-33-10. Short title.

Section 38-33-20. Definitions.

Section 38-33-30. Necessity of certificate of authority; foreign corporation.

Section 38-33-40. Issuance of certificate of authority; criteria and considerations; arrangements for participation of providers in each geographic area served.

Section 38-33-50. Powers of health maintenance organization; notice prior to exercise of powers.

Section 38-33-60. Members of governing body; advisory panels, etc.

Section 38-33-70. Fiduciary relationship in handling of funds.

Section 38-33-80. Enrollee entitled to evidence of coverage; contents of evidence of coverage; discontinuance or replacement of coverage; charges for services.

Section 38-33-90. Statements and reports.

Section 38-33-100. Financial requirements before issuance of certificate of authority to health maintenance organization.

Section 38-33-110. Complaint procedures; reports; malpractice claims; applicability of Freedom of Information Act.

Section 38-33-120. Investment of funds.

Section 38-33-130. Security deposit; individual stop-loss coverage; provisions for unpaid claim liability; individual conversion policy.

Section 38-33-140. Advertisements; application of provisions relating to trade practices; use of term "insurer" or "health maintenance organization".

Section 38-33-150. Agent for organization; exemption from licensing requirements.

Section 38-33-160. Operation of health maintenance organization by insurance company; contracts for cost of care.

Section 38-33-170. Examination of affairs of organization; quality of health care services; books and records; expense of examination; reports.

Section 38-33-180. Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.

Section 38-33-190. Rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation of a health maintenance organization; priorities.

Section 38-33-200. Implementation of regulations.

Section 38-33-210. Notification of grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of certificate of authority; hearings; judicial review.

Section 38-33-220. Fees.

Section 38-33-230. Levy of administrative penalty in lieu of revocation or suspension of certificate of authority; monetary penalty; notice and hearings; injunctions.

Section 38-33-240. Application of provisions of insurance law or law relating to solicitation or advertising by health professionals; practice of medicine, dentistry or other healing profession.

Section 38-33-250. Records of organization as public documents; trade secrets, etc.

Section 38-33-260. Confidentiality of health records.

Section 38-33-270. Contractual powers of Department to assist in investigative duties; assessments for consulting expenses.

Section 38-33-280. Acquisition or exchange of securities of a health maintenance organization; merger or consolidation of HMO.

Section 38-33-290. Participation by physician, podiatrist, optometrist, or oral surgeon as provided in HMO.

Section 38-33-300. Liability for participation in quality of care or utilization review.

Section 38-33-310. HMO may contract with out-of-state provider.

Section 38-33-325. Obstetrician-gynecologist services; referrals; authorization for services; member notification of plan provisions.