South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 13 - Prisoners Generally
Section 24-13-730. Implementation of new programs and program changes subject to appropriations by General Assembly.

Any new program established under Sections 14-1-210, 14-1-220, 14-1-230, 16-1-60, 16-1-70, 16-3-20, 16-3-26, 16-3-28, 16-23-490, 17-25-45, 17-25-70, 17-25-90, 17-25-140, 17-25-145, 17-25-150, 17-25-160, 63-3-620, 24-3-40, 24-3-1120, 24-3-1130, 24-3-1140, 24-3-1160, 14-3-1170, 24-3-1190, 24-3-2020, 24-3-2030, 24-3-2060, 24-13-210, 24-13-230, 24-13-610, 24-13-640, 24-13-650, 24-13-710, 24-13-910, 24-13-915, 24-13-920, 24-13-930, 24-13-940, 24-13-950, 24-21-13, 24-21-430, 24-21-475, 24-21-480, 24-21-485, 24-21-610, 24-21-640, 24-21-645, 24-21-650, 24-23-115, and 42-1-505 or any change in any existing program may only be implemented to the extent that appropriations for such programs have been authorized by the General Assembly.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 462, Section 41.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, "63-3-620" was substituted for "20-7-1350" in accordance with 2008 Act No. 361 (Children's Code).

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 24 - Corrections, Jails, Probations, Paroles and Pardons

Chapter 13 - Prisoners Generally

Section 24-13-10. Segregation of sexes.

Section 24-13-20. Sheriffs' duties with respect to arrest of escaped convicts; penalty.

Section 24-13-30. Use of force to maintain internal order and discipline and to prevent escape of inmates.

Section 24-13-35. Treatment of female inmates; visits with minor dependents.

Section 24-13-40. Computation of time served by prisoners.

Section 24-13-50. Monthly reports required from municipal and county facility manager responsible for custody of convicted persons.

Section 24-13-60. Screening of offenders for possible placement on work release.

Section 24-13-65. Prisoners to be provided for litter control projects.

Section 24-13-80. Prisoners to pay for certain costs; definitions; criteria for deductions from inmates' accounts; reimbursement to inmates; recovery from estates of inmates.

Section 24-13-100. Definition of no parole offense; classification.

Section 24-13-125. Eligibility for work release; limitations; forfeiture of credits.

Section 24-13-150. Early release, discharge, and community supervision; limitations; forfeiture of credits.

Section 24-13-175. Calculation of sentence imposed and time served.

Section 24-13-180. Paroled inmate rehabilitation facilities; public hearings; exemptions.

Section 24-13-210. Credit given inmates for good behavior.

Section 24-13-220. Time off for good behavior in cases of commuted or suspended sentences.

Section 24-13-230. Reduction of sentence for productive duty assignment or participation in academic, technical, or vocational training program.

Section 24-13-235. Voluntary program.

Section 24-13-260. Failure of officer having charge of inmate to allow deduction in time of serving sentence; penalty.

Section 24-13-410. Unlawful escape or possessing tools or weapons therefor; penalty.

Section 24-13-420. Unlawful escape; harboring or employing escaped convicts; penalty.

Section 24-13-425. Tampering with the operation of an electronic monitoring device; penalty.

Section 24-13-430. Rioting or inciting to riot; penalty.

Section 24-13-440. Carrying or concealing weapon; penalty.

Section 24-13-450. Taking of hostages; penalty.

Section 24-13-460. Furnishing prisoners alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs; penalty.

Section 24-13-470. Throwing of body fluids on correctional facility employees and certain others; penalty; blood borne disease testing.

Section 24-13-640. Statewide uniform for prisoners assigned to work details outside of correctional facilities.

Section 24-13-650. Prohibition against release of offender into community in which he committed violent crime; exception.

Section 24-13-660. Public service work performed by inmates.

Section 24-13-710. Implementation of supervised furlough program; search and seizure; fee; guidelines; eligibility criteria.

Section 24-13-720. Inmates who may be placed with program; search and seizure.

Section 24-13-730. Implementation of new programs and program changes subject to appropriations by General Assembly.

Section 24-13-910. Administration of work/punishment programs; eligible offenders.

Section 24-13-915. Meaning of "local detention facility".

Section 24-13-920. Removal of inmate from program for violation of program regulations.

Section 24-13-930. Surrender of inmates' earnings; amounts deductible.

Section 24-13-940. Contracts for service of sentences in custody of Department of Corrections or of other local detention facilities.

Section 24-13-950. Standards for operation of local inmate work programs.

Section 24-13-1310. Definitions.

Section 24-13-1320. Regulations; reports.

Section 24-13-1330. Court ordered participation; department evaluation and notification of unsuitability; inmate's agreement to terms and conditions; effect of completion; participation is a privilege.

Section 24-13-1510. Short title.

Section 24-13-1520. Definitions.

Section 24-13-1530. Home detention programs as alternative to incarceration; correctional programs for which it may be substituted; local programs.

Section 24-13-1540. Promulgation of regulations; approved absences from home.

Section 24-13-1550. Verification.

Section 24-13-1560. Use of electronic monitoring device.

Section 24-13-1570. Approval required for change in residence or schedule; notice that violation of detention is a crime; revocation; input of victim regarding eligibility for home detention.

Section 24-13-1580. Necessity of written consent to electronic home detention; other residents' knowledge.

Section 24-13-1590. Article not applicable to certain controlled substance offenders; probation and parole authority not diminished.

Section 24-13-1910. Centers for alcohol and drug rehabilitation established; construction and operation of, and responsibility for centers.

Section 24-13-1920. Program for alcohol and drug abuse intervention, prevention, and treatment services; funding.

Section 24-13-1930. Placement of certain offenders in center; report of availability of bed space.

Section 24-13-1940. Development of rules and regulations for operation of centers; funding and lease of building.

Section 24-13-1950. Probation after release from center; revocation of suspended sentence; gender not grounds for ineligibility for program.

Section 24-13-2110. Preparation of inmates for employment.

Section 24-13-2120. Coordination of agencies.

Section 24-13-2130. Memorandum of understanding to establish role of each agency.

Section 24-13-2140. Coordination by Department of Corrections.