South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 78 - South Carolina Tort Claims Act
Section 15-78-70. Liability for act of government employee; requirement that agency or political subdivision be named party defendant; effect of judgment or settlement.

(a) This chapter constitutes the exclusive remedy for any tort committed by an employee of a governmental entity. An employee of a governmental entity who commits a tort while acting within the scope of his official duty is not liable therefor except as expressly provided for in subsection (b).
(b) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to give an employee of a governmental entity immunity from suit and liability if it is proved that the employee's conduct was not within the scope of his official duties or that it constituted actual fraud, actual malice, intent to harm, or a crime involving moral turpitude.
(c) Prior to January 1, 1989, a person, when bringing an action against a governmental entity under the provisions of this chapter, shall name as a party defendant only the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting and is not required to name the employee individually, unless the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting cannot be determined at the time the action is instituted. In the event that the employee is individually named, the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting must be substituted as the party defendant. The provisions of this section may in no way limit or modify the liability of a licensed physician or dentist, acting within the scope of his profession.
On or after January 1, 1989, a person, when bringing an action against a governmental entity under the provisions of this chapter, shall name as a party defendant only the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting and is not required to name the employee individually, unless the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting cannot be determined at the time the action is instituted. In the event that the employee is individually named, the agency or political subdivision for which the employee was acting must be substituted as the party defendant. The provisions of this section in no way shall limit or modify the liability of a licensed physician or dentist, acting within the scope of his profession, with respect to any action or claim brought hereunder which involved services for which the physician or dentist was paid, should have been paid, or expected to be paid at the time of the rendering of the services from any source other than the salary appropriated by the governmental entity or fees received from any practice plan authorized by the employer whether or not the practice plan is incorporated and registered with the Secretary of State.
(d) A settlement or judgment in an action or a settlement of a claim under this chapter constitutes a complete bar to any further action by the claimant against an employee or governmental entity by reason of the same occurrence.
(e) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to give a director appointed pursuant to Section 58-31-20 immunity from suit and liability as set forth in Section 58-31-57. The State Fiscal Accountability Authority, Insurance Reserve Fund, is prohibited from providing insurance coverage for this individual liability; however, nothing shall prevent the Public Service Authority or its directors from obtaining insurance coverage from any other source.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 463, Section 1; 1988 Act No. 352, Section 7; 1994 Act No. 380, Section 3; 2005 Act No. 137, Section 3, eff May 25, 2005.

Code Commissioner's Note
At the direction of the Code Commissioner, references in this section to the offices of the former State Budget and Control Board, Office of the Governor, or other agencies, were changed to reflect the transfer of them to the Department of Administration or other entities, pursuant to the directive of the South Carolina Restructuring Act, 2014 Act No. 121, Section 5(D)(1), effective July 1, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
The 2005 amendment added subsection (e).

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures

Chapter 78 - South Carolina Tort Claims Act

Section 15-78-10. Short title.

Section 15-78-20. Legislative findings; declaration of public policy; extent of, and construction of, waiver of immunity.

Section 15-78-30. Definitions.

Section 15-78-40. Tort liability of State, agency, political subdivision, or governmental entity, generally.

Section 15-78-50. Right of injured person to file claim; non-liability of governmental entity where employee would not be liable if a private person; injunctions against governmental entities.

Section 15-78-60. Exceptions to waiver of immunity.

Section 15-78-70. Liability for act of government employee; requirement that agency or political subdivision be named party defendant; effect of judgment or settlement.

Section 15-78-80. Filing of verified claim; handling and disposition of claims; requirement that agencies and political subdivisions cooperate with State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Section 15-78-90. Settlement of claims and actions; institution of action where claim has or has not been filed.

Section 15-78-100. When and where to institute action; requirement of special verdict specifying proportionate liability of multiple defendants.

Section 15-78-110. Statute of limitations.

Section 15-78-120. Limitation on liability; prohibition against recovery of punitive or exemplary damages or prejudgment interest; signature of attorney on pleadings, motions, or other papers.

Section 15-78-130. Defense of political subdivision which has not purchased insurance through State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Section 15-78-140. Procurement of insurance by political subdivisions; exclusivity of remedies provided in this chapter.

Section 15-78-150. Authority of State Fiscal Accountability Authority to purchase liability insurance; funding of purchase by participating governmental entities; premiums set according to risk; development of actuarial rating system plan.

Section 15-78-160. Nonliability of State Fiscal Accountability Authority where lack of insurance coverage results from agency's or political subdivision's failure to pay premium.

Section 15-78-170. Action or claim for death of person; division of recovery.

Section 15-78-180. Applicability of chapter to causes of action arising before or after July 1, 1986.

Section 15-78-190. Compensation of plaintiff pursuant to underinsured or uninsured defendant provisions of plaintiff's insurance policy.

Section 15-78-200. Exclusive and sole remedy for torts committed by employee of governmental entity while acting within scope of employee's official duty.

Section 15-78-210. Rights and privileges preserved.

Section 15-78-220. Rights and privileges not affected.