(A) The political subdivisions of this State, in regard to tort and automobile liability, property, and casualty insurance shall procure insurance to cover these risks for which immunity has been waived by: (1) the purchase of liability insurance pursuant to Section 1-11-140; or (2) the purchase of liability insurance from a private carrier; or (3) self-insurance; or (4) establishing pooled self-insurance liability funds, by intergovernmental agreement, which may not be construed as transacting the business of insurance or otherwise subject to state laws regulating insurance. A pooled self-insurance liability pool is authorized to purchase specific and aggregate excess insurance. A pooled self-insurance liability fund must provide liability coverage for all employees of a political subdivision applying for participation in the fund. If the insurance is obtained other than pursuant to Section 1-11-140, it must be obtained subject to the following conditions:
(1) if the political subdivision does not procure tort liability insurance pursuant to Section 1-11-140, it also must procure its automobile liability and property and casualty insurance from other sources and shall not procure these coverages through the Insurance Reserve Fund;
(2) if a political subdivision procures its tort liability insurance, automobile liability insurance, or property and casualty insurance through the Insurance Reserve Fund, all liability exposures of the political subdivision as well as its property and casualty insurance must be insured with the Insurance Reserve Fund;
(3) if the political subdivision, at any time, procures its tort liability, automobile liability, property, or casualty insurance other than through the Insurance Reserve Fund and then subsequently desires to obtain this coverage with the Insurance Reserve Fund, notice of its intention to so obtain this subsequent coverage must be provided to the Insurance Reserve Fund at least ninety days prior to the beginning of the coverage with the Insurance Reserve Fund. The other lines of insurance that the political subdivision is required to procure from the fund are not required to commence until the coverage for that line of insurance expires. Any political subdivision may cancel all lines of insurance with the Insurance Reserve Fund if it gives ninety days' notice to the fund. The Insurance Reserve Fund may negotiate the insurance coverage for any political subdivision separate from the insurance coverage for other insureds;
(4) if any political subdivision cancels its insurance with the Insurance Reserve Fund, it is entitled to an appropriate refund of the premium, less reasonable administrative cost.
(B) For any claim filed under this chapter, the remedy provided in Section 15-78-120 is exclusive. The immunity of the State and its political subdivisions, with regard to the seizure, execution, or encumbrance of their properties is reaffirmed.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 463, Section 1; 1997 Act No. 155, Part II, Section 55E; 2014 Act No. 121 (S.22), Pt VII, Section 19.C, eff July 1, 2015.
Editor's Note
2014 Act No. 121, Section 19.A, provides as follows:
"SECTION 19.A. (1) The Insurance Reserve Fund is transferred to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority on July 1, 2015, as a division of the authority.
"(2) The Insurance Reserve Fund, transferred to the authority, shall administer and perform all administrative and operational functions of the Office of Insurance Services, including the Insurance Reserve Fund, except that the Attorney General of this State must continue to approve the attorneys-at-law retained to represent the clients of the Insurance Reserve Fund in the manner provided by law."
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 121, Section 19.C, substituted "Insurance Reserve Fund" for "Budget and Control Board" throughout, and made other nonsubstantive changes.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures
Chapter 78 - South Carolina Tort Claims Act
Section 15-78-10. Short title.
Section 15-78-30. Definitions.
Section 15-78-60. Exceptions to waiver of immunity.
Section 15-78-110. Statute of limitations.
Section 15-78-170. Action or claim for death of person; division of recovery.