South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 78 - South Carolina Tort Claims Act
Section 15-78-60. Exceptions to waiver of immunity.

The governmental entity is not liable for a loss resulting from:
(1) legislative, judicial, or quasi-judicial action or inaction;
(2) administrative action or inaction of a legislative, judicial, or quasi-judicial nature;
(3) execution, enforcement, or implementation of the orders of any court or execution, enforcement, or lawful implementation of any process;
(4) adoption, enforcement, or compliance with any law or failure to adopt or enforce any law, whether valid or invalid, including, but not limited to, any charter, provision, ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation, or written policies;
(5) the exercise of discretion or judgment by the governmental entity or employee or the performance or failure to perform any act or service which is in the discretion or judgment of the governmental entity or employee;
(6) civil disobedience, riot, insurrection, or rebellion or the failure to provide the method of providing police or fire protection;
(7) a nuisance;
(8) snow or ice conditions or temporary or natural conditions on any public way or other public place due to weather conditions unless the snow or ice thereon is affirmatively caused by a negligent act of the employee;
(9) entry upon any property where the entry is expressly or impliedly authorized by law;
(10) natural conditions of unimproved property of the governmental entity, unless the defect or condition causing a loss is not corrected by the particular governmental entity responsible for the property within a reasonable time after actual or constructive notice of the defect or condition;
(11) assessment or collection of taxes or special assessments or enforcement of tax laws;
(12) licensing powers or functions including, but not limited to, the issuance, denial, suspension, renewal, or revocation of or failure or refusal to issue, deny, suspend, renew, or revoke any permit, license, certificate, approval, registration, order, or similar authority except when the power or function is exercised in a grossly negligent manner;
(13) regulatory inspection powers or functions, including failure to make an inspection, or making an inadequate or negligent inspection, of any property to determine whether the property complies with or violates any law, regulation, code, or ordinance or contains a hazard to health or safety;
(14) any claim covered by the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Act, except claims by or on behalf of an injured employee to recover damages from any person other than the employer, the South Carolina Unemployment Compensation Act, or the South Carolina State Employee's Grievance Act;
(15) absence, condition, or malfunction of any sign, signal, warning device, illumination device, guardrail, or median barrier unless the absence, condition, or malfunction is not corrected by the governmental entity responsible for its maintenance within a reasonable time after actual or constructive notice. Governmental entities are not liable for the removal or destruction of signs, signals, warning devices, guardrails, or median barriers by third parties except on failure of the political subdivision to correct them within a reasonable time after actual or constructive notice. Nothing in this item gives rise to liability arising from a failure of any governmental entity to initially place any of the above signs, signals, warning devices, guardrails, or median barriers when the failure is the result of a discretionary act of the governmental entity. The signs, signals, warning devices, guardrails, or median barriers referred to in this item are those used in connection with hazards normally connected with the use of public ways and do not apply to the duty to warn of special conditions such as excavations, dredging, or public way construction. Governmental entities are not liable for the design of highways and other public ways. Governmental entities are not liable for loss on public ways under construction when the entity is protected by an indemnity bond. Governmental entities responsible for maintaining highways, roads, streets, causeways, bridges, or other public ways are not liable for loss arising out of a defect or a condition in, on, under, or overhanging a highway, road, street, causeway, bridge, or other public way caused by a third party unless the defect or condition is not corrected by the particular governmental entity responsible for the maintenance within a reasonable time after actual or constructive notice;
(16) maintenance, security, or supervision of any public property, intended or permitted to be used as a park, playground, or open area for recreational purposes, unless the defect or condition causing a loss is not corrected by the particular governmental entity responsible for maintenance, security, or supervision within a reasonable time after actual notice of the defect or condition;
(17) employee conduct outside the scope of his official duties or which constitutes actual fraud, actual malice, intent to harm, or a crime involving moral turpitude;
(18) imposition or establishment of a quarantine by a governmental entity, whether the quarantine relates to persons or property;
(19) emergency preparedness activities and activities of the South Carolina National Guard and South Carolina State Guard while engaged in state or federal training or duty. This exemption does not apply to vehicular accidents;
(20) an act or omission of a person other than an employee including but not limited to the criminal actions of third persons;
(21) the decision to or implementation of release, discharge, parole, or furlough of any persons in the custody of any governmental entity, including but not limited to a prisoner, inmate, juvenile, patient, or client or the escape of these persons;
(22) termination or reduction of benefits under a public assistance program;
(23) institution or prosecution of any judicial or administrative proceeding;
(24) holding or conduct of elections;
(25) responsibility or duty including but not limited to supervision, protection, control, confinement, or custody of any student, patient, prisoner, inmate, or client of any governmental entity, except when the responsibility or duty is exercised in a grossly negligent manner;
(26) failure to supervise or control areas open for public hunting or activities thereon. Failure to control, maintain, and/or supervise the use of and activities in, on, and around public boat ramps except within a reasonable time after actual notice of the defect or condition. Failure to maintain navigational markers, except within a reasonable time after actual notice of the defect or condition.
(27) solicitations on streets and highways as authorized by the provisions of Section 5-27-910.
(28) Notification of any public school student's parent, legal guardian, or other person with whom a public school student resides of the student's suspected use of alcohol, controlled substance, prescription or nonprescription drugs by any public school administrator, principal, counselor, or teacher if such notification is made in good faith.
(29) acts or omissions of members of the state and county athletic commissions or ringside physicians acting within the scope of their official duties pursuant to Chapter 7 of Title 52.
(30) acts or omissions of members of local foster care review boards acting within the scope of their official duties pursuant to Subarticle 4, Article 13, Chapter 7 of Title 20. However, the member shall act in good faith, his conduct may not constitute gross negligence, recklessness, wilfulness, or wantonness, and he must have participated in a training program established by the state foster care review board system.
(31) acts or omissions of employees and volunteers of the South Carolina Protection and Advocacy System for the Handicapped acting within the scope of their official duties pursuant to Article 5, Chapter 33 of Title 43, when such acts or omissions are done or made in good faith, and do not constitute gross negligence, recklessness, wilfulness, or wantonness.
(32) a pre-occupancy housing inspection contracted for by the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce pursuant to Section 46-43-40.
(33) the performance of any duty related to the service of members of the Judicial Merit Selection Commission or the Citizens Committees on Judicial Selection.
(34) the performance of any duty related to the service of the members of the Tobacco Community Development Board.
(35) the failure of a library's or media arts center's governing board to adopt policies as provided in Section 10-1-205.
(36) acts or omissions by a special state constable who is appointed pursuant to Section 23-7-10 and acting within the scope of his official duty under conditions of a national emergency or of a serious and immediate risk to the physical security of an energy facility within the special state constable's jurisdiction as provided in Section 23-7-40.
(37) the performance of any duty related to the service of the members of the Tobacco Settlement Revenue Management authority.
(38) conduct of a director appointed pursuant to Section 58-31-20 giving rise to a lawsuit under Section 58-31-57.
(39) the grant or denial by a governing body of a county or municipality as provided in Section 23-35-175 of an application to extend a Fireworks Prohibited Zone beyond the subject property for which a Discharge of Fireworks Prohibited Agreement has been filed.
(40) an injury a student may sustain as a result of self-monitoring or self-administering medications or for an injury that a student may sustain from taking or using medications or self-monitoring devices for which the student does not have a prescription or does not have authorization by the school district.
HISTORY: 1986 Act No. 463, Section 1; 1988 Act No. 352, Sections 5, 6; 1988 Act No. 373, Section 2; 1988 Act No. 664; 1988 Act No. 675, Section 1; 1989 Act No. 132, Section 2; 1990 Act No. 351, Section 2; 1996 Act No. 386, Section 3; 1997 Act No. 35, Section 6; 1999 Act No. 77, Section 4; 2000 Act No. 362, Section 1; 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 69A.5; 2000 Act No. 387, Part II, Section 97B; 2000 Act No. 407, Section 3; 2005 Act No. 6, Section 2, eff January 13, 2005; 2005 Act No. 81, Section 2, eff May 26, 2005; 2005 Act No. 137, Section 2, eff May 25, 2005.

Code Commissioner's Note
Pursuant to the directive to the Code Commissioner in 2010 Act No. 146, Section 122, "Department of Employment and Workforce" was substituted for all references to "Employment Security Commission", and "Executive Director of the Department of Employment and Workforce" or "executive director" was substituted for all references to the "Chairman of the Employment Security Commission" or "chairman" that refer to the Chairman of the Employment Security Commission, as appropriate.
Editor's Note
Section 46-43-40 referenced in item (32) was repealed by 2012 Act No. 207.
Effect of Amendment
The first 2005 amendment added item (39) relating to applications to extend Fireworks Prohibited Zones.
The second 2005 amendment added item (40) relating to self-monitored or self-administered medications.
The third 2005 amendment added item (38).

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 15 - Civil Remedies and Procedures

Chapter 78 - South Carolina Tort Claims Act

Section 15-78-10. Short title.

Section 15-78-20. Legislative findings; declaration of public policy; extent of, and construction of, waiver of immunity.

Section 15-78-30. Definitions.

Section 15-78-40. Tort liability of State, agency, political subdivision, or governmental entity, generally.

Section 15-78-50. Right of injured person to file claim; non-liability of governmental entity where employee would not be liable if a private person; injunctions against governmental entities.

Section 15-78-60. Exceptions to waiver of immunity.

Section 15-78-70. Liability for act of government employee; requirement that agency or political subdivision be named party defendant; effect of judgment or settlement.

Section 15-78-80. Filing of verified claim; handling and disposition of claims; requirement that agencies and political subdivisions cooperate with State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Section 15-78-90. Settlement of claims and actions; institution of action where claim has or has not been filed.

Section 15-78-100. When and where to institute action; requirement of special verdict specifying proportionate liability of multiple defendants.

Section 15-78-110. Statute of limitations.

Section 15-78-120. Limitation on liability; prohibition against recovery of punitive or exemplary damages or prejudgment interest; signature of attorney on pleadings, motions, or other papers.

Section 15-78-130. Defense of political subdivision which has not purchased insurance through State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Section 15-78-140. Procurement of insurance by political subdivisions; exclusivity of remedies provided in this chapter.

Section 15-78-150. Authority of State Fiscal Accountability Authority to purchase liability insurance; funding of purchase by participating governmental entities; premiums set according to risk; development of actuarial rating system plan.

Section 15-78-160. Nonliability of State Fiscal Accountability Authority where lack of insurance coverage results from agency's or political subdivision's failure to pay premium.

Section 15-78-170. Action or claim for death of person; division of recovery.

Section 15-78-180. Applicability of chapter to causes of action arising before or after July 1, 1986.

Section 15-78-190. Compensation of plaintiff pursuant to underinsured or uninsured defendant provisions of plaintiff's insurance policy.

Section 15-78-200. Exclusive and sole remedy for torts committed by employee of governmental entity while acting within scope of employee's official duty.

Section 15-78-210. Rights and privileges preserved.

Section 15-78-220. Rights and privileges not affected.