(A) For subdivision lots in a plat recorded on or after January 1, 2001, a subdivision lot discount is allowed in the valuation of the platted lots only as provided in subsection (B) of this section, and this discounted value applies for five property tax years or until the lot is sold or a certificate of occupancy is issued for the improvement on the lot, or the improvement is occupied, whichever of them elapses or occurs first. When the discount allowed by this section no longer applies, the lots must be individually valued as provided by law.
(B) To be eligible for a subdivision lot discount, the recorded plat must contain at least ten building lots. The owner shall apply for the discount by means of a written application to the assessor on or before May first of the year for which the discount is initially claimed. After initially qualifying for the discount provided in this section, no further application is required, unless ownership of the property changes. A property owner may make a late application for the discount provided in this section until the thirtieth day following the mailing of the property tax bill for the year in which his discount is claimed provided the application is in writing and accompanied by a one hundred dollar late application penalty, payable to the county treasurer for deposit to the county general fund. The value of each platted building lot is calculated by dividing the total number of platted building lots into the value of the entire parcel as undeveloped real property.
(C) If a lot allowed the discount provided by this section is sold to the holder of a residential homebuilder's license or general contractor's license, the licensee shall receive the discount through the first tax year which ends twelve months from the date of sale if the purchaser files a written application for the discount with the county assessor within sixty days of the date of sale.
(D)(1) For lots which received the discount provided in subsection (B) on December 31, 2011, there is granted additional eligibility for that discount in all property tax years beginning after 2011 and before 2017, in addition to any remaining period provided for in subsection (B). If ten or more lots receiving the discount under this item are sold to a new owner primarily in the business of real estate development, the new owner may make written application within sixty days of the date of sale to the assessor for the remaining eligibility period under this item.
(2) For lots which received the discount provided in subsection (C) after December 31, 2008, and before January 1, 2012, upon written application to the assessor no later than thirty days after mailing of the property tax bill, there is granted additional eligibility for that discount in all property tax years beginning after 2011 and before 2017. If a lot receiving the additional eligibility under this item is transferred to a new owner primarily in the business of residential development or residential construction during its eligibility period, the new owner may apply to the county assessor for the discount allowed by this item for the remaining period of eligibility, which must be allowed if the new owner applied for the discount within thirty days of the mailing of the tax bill and meets the other requirements of this section.
HISTORY: 2000 Act No. 346, Section 1A, eff for property tax years beginning after 1999; 2001 Act No. 89, Section 57, eff July 20, 2001; 2012 Act No. 179, Section 1.A, eff May 25, 2012; 2014 Act No. 277 (H.4944), Section 1, eff June 9, 2014; 2016 Act No. 237 (H.3710), Section 1, eff June 3, 2016.
Editor's Note
2000 Act No. 346, Section 1B, provides as follows:
"The provisions of Section 12-43-225 of the 1976 Code added by subsection A. of this section are not severable, and if a court of competent jurisdiction determines any part of the section to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, the entire section is therefore invalid and the provisions of Section 12-43-224 of the 1976 Code shall remain operative to provide multiple lot discounts."
2012 Act No. 179, Sections 1.B. and 5, provide as follows:
"B. No refund is allowed due to the amendments to Section 12-43-225 of the 1976 Code, as contained in this SECTION."
"SECTION 5. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to property tax years beginning after 2011."
2014 Act No. 277, Section 2, provides as follows:
"SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor and applies to property tax years beginning after 2013."
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 277, Section 1, in subsection (D), in two places, substituted "additional year of eligibility for that discount in property tax years 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015" for "additional three years of eligibility for that discount in property tax years 2012, 2013, and 2014".
2016 Act No. 237, Section 1, amended (D), providing an additional year of eligibility in certain circumstances.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 43 - County Equalization And Reassessment
Section 12-43-210. Uniform and equitable assessments; rules and regulations.
Section 12-43-217. Quadrennial reassessment; postponement ordinance.
Section 12-43-222. Roll-back tax for open space.
Section 12-43-224. Assessment of undeveloped acreage subdivided into lots.
Section 12-43-225. Multiple lot discounts; eligibility.
Section 12-43-227. Valuation of homeowners' association property.
Section 12-43-232. Requirements for agricultural use.
Section 12-43-233. Agritourism uses.
Section 12-43-240. Counties shall require building permits; copies shall be furnished to assessor.
Section 12-43-250. Sales ratio studies; reassessment or remapping.
Section 12-43-285. Certification of millage rates; excessive rates.
Section 12-43-296. Preparation of budgets and carry forward of positive general fund balances.
Section 12-43-310. Article shall not affect certain contracts.
Section 12-43-320. Legislative repeal of certain rules and regulations.
Section 12-43-330. Property exempt from taxation is also exempt from assessment.
Section 12-43-340. Agricultural use application; false statement.
Section 12-43-350. Standardized tax bill.
Section 12-43-360. Assessed value of aircraft.
Section 12-43-365. Golf course valuation.
Section 12-43-370. Electronic property tax bill and receipt.