Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.
90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

RCW 90.71.390
Performance audits of the partnership.

(1) The joint legislative audit and review committee shall conduct two performance audits of the partnership, with the first audit to be completed by December 1, 2011, and the second to be completed by December 1, 2016.
(2) The audit shall include but not be limited to:
(a) A determination of the extent to which funds expended by the partnership or provided in biennial budget acts expressly for implementing the action agenda have contributed toward meeting the scientific benchmarks and the recovery goals of the action agenda;
(b) A determination of the efficiency and effectiveness of the partnership's oversight of action agenda implementation, based upon the achievement of the objectives as measured by the established environmental indicators and benchmarks; and
(c) Any recommendations for improvements in the partnership's performance and structure, and to provide accountability for action agenda results by action entities.
(3) The partnership may use the audits as the basis for developing changes to the action agenda, and may submit any recommendations requiring legislative policy or budgetary action to the governor and to the appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives.

[ 2007 c 341 § 21.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.

90.71.010 - Definitions.

90.71.060 - Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program.

90.71.110 - Puget Sound scientific research account.

90.71.200 - Findings—Intent.

90.71.210 - Puget Sound partnership—Created.

90.71.220 - Leadership council—Membership.

90.71.230 - Leadership council—Powers and duties.

90.71.240 - Executive director—Appointment—Authority.

90.71.250 - Ecosystem coordination board—Membership—Duties.

90.71.260 - Development of the action agenda—Integration of watershed programs and ecosystem-level plans.

90.71.270 - Science panel—Creation—Membership.

90.71.280 - Science panel—Duties.

90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

90.71.310 - Action agenda—Development—Elements revision and updates.

90.71.320 - Action agenda—Biennial budget requests.

90.71.330 - Funding from partnership—Accountability.

90.71.340 - Fiscal accountability—Fiscal incentives and disincentives for implementation of the action agenda.

90.71.350 - Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.

90.71.360 - Limitations on authority.

90.71.370 - Report to the governor and legislature—State of the Sound report—Review of programs.

90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

90.71.400 - Puget Sound recovery account.

90.71.410 - Lake Whatcom phosphorus loading demonstration program.

90.71.420 - Report to the legislature.

90.71.430 - Environmental justice obligations of the Puget Sound partnership.

90.71.904 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions—References to chair of the Puget Sound action team.

90.71.907 - Effective date—2007 c 341.