Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.
90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

RCW 90.71.380
Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

By December 1, 2010, and subject to available funding, the Washington academy of sciences shall conduct an assessment of basin-wide restoration progress. The assessment shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the extent to which implementation of the action agenda is making progress toward the action agenda goals, and a determination of whether the environmental indicators and benchmarks included in the action agenda accurately measure and reflect progress toward the action agenda goals.

[ 2007 c 341 § 20.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.

90.71.010 - Definitions.

90.71.060 - Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program.

90.71.110 - Puget Sound scientific research account.

90.71.200 - Findings—Intent.

90.71.210 - Puget Sound partnership—Created.

90.71.220 - Leadership council—Membership.

90.71.230 - Leadership council—Powers and duties.

90.71.240 - Executive director—Appointment—Authority.

90.71.250 - Ecosystem coordination board—Membership—Duties.

90.71.260 - Development of the action agenda—Integration of watershed programs and ecosystem-level plans.

90.71.270 - Science panel—Creation—Membership.

90.71.280 - Science panel—Duties.

90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

90.71.310 - Action agenda—Development—Elements revision and updates.

90.71.320 - Action agenda—Biennial budget requests.

90.71.330 - Funding from partnership—Accountability.

90.71.340 - Fiscal accountability—Fiscal incentives and disincentives for implementation of the action agenda.

90.71.350 - Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.

90.71.360 - Limitations on authority.

90.71.370 - Report to the governor and legislature—State of the Sound report—Review of programs.

90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

90.71.400 - Puget Sound recovery account.

90.71.410 - Lake Whatcom phosphorus loading demonstration program.

90.71.420 - Report to the legislature.

90.71.430 - Environmental justice obligations of the Puget Sound partnership.

90.71.904 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions—References to chair of the Puget Sound action team.

90.71.907 - Effective date—2007 c 341.