Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.
90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

RCW 90.71.290
Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

(1) The strategic science program shall be developed by the panel with assistance and staff support provided by the executive director. The science program may include:
(a) Continuation of the Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program, as provided in RCW 90.71.060, as well as other monitoring or modeling programs deemed appropriate by the executive director;
(b) Development of a monitoring program, in addition to the provisions of RCW 90.71.060, including baselines, protocols, guidelines, and quantifiable performance measures, to be recommended as an element of the action agenda;
(c) Recommendations regarding data collection and management to facilitate easy access and use of data by all participating agencies and the public; and
(d) A list of critical research needs.
(2) The strategic science program may not become an official document until a majority of the members of the council votes for its adoption.
(3) A Puget Sound science update shall be developed by the panel with assistance and staff support provided by the executive director. The panel shall submit the initial update to the executive director by April 2010, and subsequent updates as necessary to reflect new scientific understandings. The update shall:
(a) Describe the current scientific understanding of various physical attributes of Puget Sound;
(b) Serve as the scientific basis for the selection of environmental indicators measuring the health of Puget Sound; and
(c) Serve as the scientific basis for the status and trends of those environmental indicators.
(4) The executive director shall provide the Puget Sound science update to the Washington academy of sciences, the governor, and appropriate legislative committees, and include:
(a) A summary of information in existing updates; and
(b) Changes adopted in subsequent updates and in the state of the Sound reports produced pursuant to RCW 90.71.370.
(5) A quadrennial science work plan shall be developed by the panel, with assistance and staff support provided by the executive director, and approved by the council. The quadrennial science work plan shall include, at a minimum:
(a) Identification of recommendations from scientific and technical reports relating to Puget Sound;
(b) A description of the Puget Sound science-related activities being conducted by various entities in the region, including studies, models, monitoring, research, and other appropriate activities;
(c) A description of whether the ongoing work addresses the recommendations and, if not, identification of necessary actions to fill gaps;
(d) Identification of specific quadrennial science work actions to be done over the course of the work plan, and how these actions address science needs in Puget Sound; and
(e) Recommendations for improvements to the ongoing science work in Puget Sound.

[ 2017 c 54 § 3; 2007 c 341 § 11.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.

90.71.010 - Definitions.

90.71.060 - Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program.

90.71.110 - Puget Sound scientific research account.

90.71.200 - Findings—Intent.

90.71.210 - Puget Sound partnership—Created.

90.71.220 - Leadership council—Membership.

90.71.230 - Leadership council—Powers and duties.

90.71.240 - Executive director—Appointment—Authority.

90.71.250 - Ecosystem coordination board—Membership—Duties.

90.71.260 - Development of the action agenda—Integration of watershed programs and ecosystem-level plans.

90.71.270 - Science panel—Creation—Membership.

90.71.280 - Science panel—Duties.

90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

90.71.310 - Action agenda—Development—Elements revision and updates.

90.71.320 - Action agenda—Biennial budget requests.

90.71.330 - Funding from partnership—Accountability.

90.71.340 - Fiscal accountability—Fiscal incentives and disincentives for implementation of the action agenda.

90.71.350 - Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.

90.71.360 - Limitations on authority.

90.71.370 - Report to the governor and legislature—State of the Sound report—Review of programs.

90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

90.71.400 - Puget Sound recovery account.

90.71.410 - Lake Whatcom phosphorus loading demonstration program.

90.71.420 - Report to the legislature.

90.71.430 - Environmental justice obligations of the Puget Sound partnership.

90.71.904 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions—References to chair of the Puget Sound action team.

90.71.907 - Effective date—2007 c 341.