Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.
90.71.010 - Definitions.

RCW 90.71.010

Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Action agenda" means the comprehensive schedule of projects, programs, and other activities designed to achieve a healthy Puget Sound ecosystem that is authorized and further described in RCW 90.71.300 and 90.71.310.
(2) "Action area" means the geographic areas delineated as provided in RCW 90.71.260.
(3) "Benchmarks" means measurable interim milestones or achievements established to demonstrate progress towards a goal, objective, or outcome.
(4) "Board" means the ecosystem coordination board.
(5) "Council" means the leadership council.
(6) "Environmental indicator" means a physical, biological, or chemical measurement, statistic, or value that provides a proximate gauge, or evidence of, the state or condition of Puget Sound.
(7) "Implementation strategies" means the strategies incorporated on a quadrennial basis in the action agenda developed under RCW 90.71.310.
(8) "Nearshore" means the area beginning at the crest of coastal bluffs and extending seaward through the marine photics zone, and to the head of tide in coastal rivers and streams. "Nearshore" also means both shoreline and estuaries.
(9) "Panel" means the Puget Sound science panel.
(10) "Partnership" means the Puget Sound partnership.
(11) "Puget Sound" means Puget Sound and related inland marine waters, including all salt waters of the state of Washington inside the international boundary line between Washington and British Columbia, and lying east of the junction of the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the rivers and streams draining to Puget Sound as mapped by water resource inventory areas 1 through 19 in WAC 173-500-040 as it exists on July 1, 2007.
(12) "Puget Sound partner" means an entity that has been recognized by the partnership, as provided in RCW 90.71.340, as having consistently achieved outstanding progress in implementing the 2020 action agenda.
(13) "Watershed groups" means all groups sponsoring or administering watershed programs, including but not limited to local governments, private sector entities, watershed planning units, watershed councils, shellfish protection areas, regional fishery enhancement groups, marine resources committees including those working with the Northwest straits commission, nearshore groups, and watershed lead entities.
(14) "Watershed programs" means and includes all watershed-level plans, programs, projects, and activities that relate to or may contribute to the protection or restoration of Puget Sound waters. Such programs include jurisdiction-wide programs regardless of whether more than one watershed is addressed.

[ 2017 c 54 § 1; 2007 c 341 § 2; 1996 c 138 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.

90.71.010 - Definitions.

90.71.060 - Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program.

90.71.110 - Puget Sound scientific research account.

90.71.200 - Findings—Intent.

90.71.210 - Puget Sound partnership—Created.

90.71.220 - Leadership council—Membership.

90.71.230 - Leadership council—Powers and duties.

90.71.240 - Executive director—Appointment—Authority.

90.71.250 - Ecosystem coordination board—Membership—Duties.

90.71.260 - Development of the action agenda—Integration of watershed programs and ecosystem-level plans.

90.71.270 - Science panel—Creation—Membership.

90.71.280 - Science panel—Duties.

90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

90.71.310 - Action agenda—Development—Elements revision and updates.

90.71.320 - Action agenda—Biennial budget requests.

90.71.330 - Funding from partnership—Accountability.

90.71.340 - Fiscal accountability—Fiscal incentives and disincentives for implementation of the action agenda.

90.71.350 - Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.

90.71.360 - Limitations on authority.

90.71.370 - Report to the governor and legislature—State of the Sound report—Review of programs.

90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

90.71.400 - Puget Sound recovery account.

90.71.410 - Lake Whatcom phosphorus loading demonstration program.

90.71.420 - Report to the legislature.

90.71.430 - Environmental justice obligations of the Puget Sound partnership.

90.71.904 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions—References to chair of the Puget Sound action team.

90.71.907 - Effective date—2007 c 341.