Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.
90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

RCW 90.71.300
Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

(1) The action agenda shall consist of the goals and objectives in this section, implementation strategies to meet measurable outcomes, benchmarks, and identification of responsible entities. By 2020, the action agenda shall strive to achieve the following goals:
(a) A healthy human population supported by a healthy Puget Sound that is not threatened by changes in the ecosystem;
(b) A quality of human life that is sustained by a functioning Puget Sound ecosystem;
(c) Healthy and sustaining populations of native species in Puget Sound, including a robust food web;
(d) A healthy Puget Sound where freshwater, estuary, nearshore, marine, and upland habitats are protected, restored, and sustained;
(e) An ecosystem that is supported by groundwater levels as well as river and streamflow levels sufficient to sustain people, fish, and wildlife, and the natural functions of the environment;
(f) Fresh and marine waters and sediments of a sufficient quality so that the waters in the region are safe for drinking, swimming, shellfish harvest and consumption, and other human uses and enjoyment, and are not harmful to the native marine mammals, fish, birds, and shellfish of the region.
(2) The action agenda shall be developed and implemented to achieve the following objectives:
(a) Protect existing habitat and prevent further losses;
(b) Restore habitat functions and values;
(c) Significantly reduce toxics entering Puget Sound fresh and marine waters;
(d) Significantly reduce nutrients and pathogens entering Puget Sound fresh and marine waters;
(e) Improve water quality and habitat by managing stormwater runoff;
(f) Provide water for people, fish and wildlife, and the environment;
(g) Protect ecosystem biodiversity and recover imperiled species; and
(h) Build and sustain the capacity for action.

[ 2007 c 341 § 12.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 90 - Water Rights—Environment

Chapter 90.71 - Puget Sound Water Quality Protection.

90.71.010 - Definitions.

90.71.060 - Puget Sound assessment and monitoring program.

90.71.110 - Puget Sound scientific research account.

90.71.200 - Findings—Intent.

90.71.210 - Puget Sound partnership—Created.

90.71.220 - Leadership council—Membership.

90.71.230 - Leadership council—Powers and duties.

90.71.240 - Executive director—Appointment—Authority.

90.71.250 - Ecosystem coordination board—Membership—Duties.

90.71.260 - Development of the action agenda—Integration of watershed programs and ecosystem-level plans.

90.71.270 - Science panel—Creation—Membership.

90.71.280 - Science panel—Duties.

90.71.290 - Science panel—Strategic science program—Puget Sound science update—Quadrennial science work plan.

90.71.300 - Action agenda—Goals and objectives.

90.71.310 - Action agenda—Development—Elements revision and updates.

90.71.320 - Action agenda—Biennial budget requests.

90.71.330 - Funding from partnership—Accountability.

90.71.340 - Fiscal accountability—Fiscal incentives and disincentives for implementation of the action agenda.

90.71.350 - Accountability for achieving and implementing action agenda—Noncompliance.

90.71.360 - Limitations on authority.

90.71.370 - Report to the governor and legislature—State of the Sound report—Review of programs.

90.71.380 - Assessment of basin-wide restoration progress.

90.71.390 - Performance audits of the partnership.

90.71.400 - Puget Sound recovery account.

90.71.410 - Lake Whatcom phosphorus loading demonstration program.

90.71.420 - Report to the legislature.

90.71.430 - Environmental justice obligations of the Puget Sound partnership.

90.71.904 - Transfer of powers, duties, and functions—References to chair of the Puget Sound action team.

90.71.907 - Effective date—2007 c 341.