Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 28A.405 - Certificated Employees.
28A.405.110 - Evaluations—Legislative findings.

RCW 28A.405.110
Evaluations—Legislative findings.

The legislature recognizes the importance of teachers in the educational system. Teachers are the fundamental element in assuring a quality education for the state's and the nation's children. Teachers, through their direct contact with children, have a great impact on the development of the child. The legislature finds that this important role of the teacher requires an assurance that teachers are as successful as possible in attaining the goal of a well-educated society. The legislature finds, therefore, that the evaluation of those persons seeking to enter the teaching profession is no less important than the evaluation of those persons currently teaching. The evaluation of persons seeking teaching credentials should be strenuous while making accommodations uniquely appropriate to the applicants. Strenuous teacher training and preparation should be complemented by examinations of prospective teachers prior to candidates being granted official certification by the professional educator standards board. Teacher preparation program entrance evaluations, teacher training, teacher preparation program exit examinations, official certification, in-service training, and ongoing evaluations of individual progress and professional growth are all part of developing and maintaining a strong precertification and postcertification professional education system.
The legislature further finds that an evaluation system for teachers has the following elements, goals, and objectives: (1) An evaluation system must be meaningful, helpful, and objective; (2) an evaluation system must encourage improvements in teaching skills, techniques, and abilities by identifying areas needing improvement; (3) an evaluation system must provide a mechanism to make meaningful distinctions among teachers and to acknowledge, recognize, and encourage superior teaching performance; and (4) an evaluation system must encourage respect in the evaluation process by the persons conducting the evaluations and the persons subject to the evaluations through recognizing the importance of objective standards and minimizing subjectivity.

[ 2006 c 263 § 806; 1985 c 420 § 1. Formerly RCW 28A.67.205.]

Findings—Purpose—Part headings not law—2006 c 263: See notes following RCW 28A.150.230.

Contingency—Effective date—1985 c 420: "If specific funding for the purposes of this act, referencing this act by bill number, is not provided by the legislature by July 1, 1987, sections 1 through 5 and 7 through 10 of this act shall be null and void. This act shall be of no effect unless such specific funding is so provided. If such funding is so provided, this act shall take effect when the legislation providing the funding takes effect." [ 1985 c 420 § 11.]

Reviser's note: (1) 1985 ex.s. c 6 § 501 provides specific funding for the purposes of this act.
(2) 1985 ex.s. c 6 took effect June 27, 1985.

Severability—1985 c 420: "If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected." [ 1985 c 420 § 12.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 28A - Common School Provisions

Chapter 28A.405 - Certificated Employees.

28A.405.005 - Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts.

28A.405.030 - Must teach morality and patriotism.

28A.405.040 - Disqualification for failure to emphasize patriotism—Penalty.

28A.405.060 - Course of study and regulations—Enforcement—Withholding salary warrant for failure.

28A.405.070 - Job sharing.

28A.405.100 - Minimum criteria for the evaluation of certificated employees—Four-level rating evaluation system—Procedures—Steering committee—Implementation—Reports—Comprehensive performance evaluation.

28A.405.102 - Analysis of evaluation systems.

28A.405.104 - Professional development funding for new teachers—Districts participating in evaluation system in RCW 28A.405.100 (2) and (6).

28A.405.106 - Professional development program to support evaluation systems—Duties of the office of the superintendent of public instruction—Website with professional development materials.

28A.405.110 - Evaluations—Legislative findings.

28A.405.120 - Training for evaluators.

28A.405.130 - Training in evaluation procedures required.

28A.405.140 - Assistance for teacher may be required after evaluation.

28A.405.170 - Teacher's use of sexual orientation curriculum.

28A.405.200 - Annual salary schedules as basis for salaries of certificated employees.

28A.405.210 - Conditions and contracts of employment—Determination of probable cause for nonrenewal of contracts—Nonrenewal due to enrollment decline or revenue loss—Notice—Opportunity for hearing.

28A.405.220 - Conditions and contracts of employment—Nonrenewal of provisional employees—Notice—Procedure.

28A.405.230 - Conditions and contracts of employment—Transfer of administrator to subordinate certificated position—Notice—Procedure.

28A.405.240 - Conditions and contracts of employment—Supplemental contracts, when—Continuing contract provisions not applicable to.

28A.405.245 - Transfer of principal to subordinate certificated position—Notice—Procedure.

28A.405.250 - Certificated employees, applicants for certificated position, not to be discriminated against—Right to inspect personnel file.

28A.405.260 - Use of false academic credentials—Penalties.

28A.405.265 - Rights of certificated employees in school districts dissolved due to financial insolvency.

28A.405.300 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee—Determination of probable cause—Notice—Opportunity for hearing.

28A.405.310 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Hearings—Procedure.

28A.405.320 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appeal from—Notice—Service—Filing—Contents.

28A.405.330 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Notice of appeal—Filing party—Certification and filing.

28A.405.340 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appeal from—Scope.

28A.405.350 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appeal from—Costs, attorney's fee and damages.

28A.405.360 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appellate review.

28A.405.370 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appeal from—Other statutes not applicable.

28A.405.380 - Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee, including nonrenewal of contract—Appeal from—Direct judicial appeal, when.

28A.405.400 - Payroll deductions authorized for employees.

28A.405.410 - Payroll deductions authorized for certificated employees—Savings.

28A.405.415 - Bonuses—National board for professional standards certification.

28A.405.460 - Lunch period for certificated employees.

28A.405.465 - Use of classified personnel to supervise in noninstructional activities.

28A.405.466 - Presence of certificated personnel at schools before and after school—Policy.

28A.405.470 - Crimes against children—Mandatory termination of certificated employees—Appeal—Recovery of salary or compensation by district.

28A.405.475 - Termination of certificated employee based on guilty plea or conviction of certain felonies—Notice to superintendent of public instruction—Record of notices.

28A.405.900 - Certain certificated employees exempt from chapter provisions.