Sections 2 through 13 of this act shall be known and may be cited as the “Vehicle Protection Product Act”.
Added by Laws 2008, c. 353, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2009.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
§36-105. "Transacting" insurance.
§36-106. "Insurance Commissioner" defined.
§36-107.3. Pharmacy Choice Commission defined.
§36-108. "Insurance Department" defined.
§36-110. Application as to particular types of insurers.
§36-114. Existing actions, violations.
§36-115. Particular provisions prevail.
§36-121. Computation of time periods.
§36-122. Electronic filing of documents.
§36-123. Delivery and storage of electronic documents.
§36-124. Incorporation of new measures into benefit plans.
§36-301. Insurance Department.
§36-302. Insurance Commissioner.
§36-302.1. Insurance Department Oklahoma City office location.
§36-303. Official seal of Insurance Commissioner.
§36-304. Funds to be deposited weekly - Collection by nongovernmental entities.
§36-305. Commissioner may appoint assistants; legal counsel.
§36-305.1. Delinquency proceedings; appointment of personnel; exemptions.
§36-306. Records - Disclosure.
§36-307. Duties of Insurance Commissioner.
§36-307.1. Rules and regulations.
§36-307.2. Nonpublic personal information.
§36-307.3. State Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund.
§36-307.4. Use of grant - Audited annually.
§36-307.5. Insurance Department Anti-Fraud Revolving Fund.
§36-307.6. Insurance Department Pharmacy Benefits Manager Revolving Fund.
§36-309.1. Examinations - Definitions.
§36-309.2. Nature and frequency of examinations - Reports in lieu of examinations.
§36-309.3. Appointment of examiner - Compliance with examiner's requests - Powers of Commissioner.
§36-309.4. Report of examination - Review by Commissioner - Investigatory hearing - Disclosure.
§36-309.5. Examiner's conflict of interest.
§36-309.6. Payment of charges.
§36-310A.2. Material acquisitions or dispositions defined - Information to be disclosed in report.
§36-311.1. Fraudulent or false statement - Failure to timely file statement - Penalty.
§36-311.2. Reports on financial condition.
§36-311.3. Financial reports regarding real property.
§36-311A.1. Short title - Oklahoma Annual Financial Report Act.
§36-311A.4. Annual audit - Extensions.
§36-311A.5. Contents of annual audited financial report.
§36-311A.7. Qualified independent certified public accountants.
§36-311A.8. Audited consolidated or combined financial statements.
§36-311A.9. Conduct of audit of financial statements.
§36-311A.12. Accountant letter to insurer - Contents.
§36-311A.13. Work papers - Availability for examiner review - Copies.
§36-311A.14. Audit committee - Membership - Duties.
§36-311A.14.1. Internal audit function requirements - Exemptions.
§36-311A.15. Unlawful misleading statements - Manipulating accountant.
§36-311A.16. Report of the insurer's internal control over financial reporting.
§36-311A.17. Exemptions from compliance - Effective dates.
§36-311A.18. Canadian and British insurers - Letter of conformity.
§36-312A. Enforcement and recording of penalties and fees.
§36-317. Witnesses or evidence.
§36-321. Fees and licenses - Deposits.
§36-321.1. Report fees - Information requests - Costs.
§36-332. General duties - Powers.
§36-334.1. Training of rate analysts and assistant rate analysts - Tuition and fees.
§36-335. Conflicts of interest - Exceptions.
§36-350. Electronic format filing requirement.
§36-352. Commissioner authorized to refund certain fees.
§36-361. Anti-Fraud Unit - Investigations - Confidentiality of records
§36-362. Fees – Transfer to Attorney General’s Insurance Fraud Unit Revolving Fund.
§36-363. Notification of suspected fraud - Immunity.
§36-364. Seizure of property used in insurance-related crimes.
§36-365. Insurance-related crime property - Forfeiture - Replevin.
§36-402. Persons prohibited from engaging in business of insurance - Exception - Penalty.
§36-403. Powers of Insurance Commissioner - Injunctive relief.
§36-404. Business of insurance.
§36-405. Emergency cease and desist order - Hearing - Judicial review - Attorneys fees.
§36-601. "Domestic" insurer defined.
§36-602. "Foreign" insurer defined.
§36-603. "Alien" insurer defined.
§36-604. "State," "United States" defined.
§36-606. Authority to transact insurance required.
§36-607. General qualifications to transact insurance.
§36-607.1. Certain entities considered insurers - Audited financial reports - Actuarial opinions.
§36-608. Workers' compensation insurance.
§36-608.2. Assigned risk plan for employers unable to procure coverage in the voluntary market.
§36-609. Kinds of insurance an insurer may transact.
§36-610. Capital funds or minimum surplus required.
§36-612. Additional kinds of insurance - Requirments.
§36-612.1. Kinds of insurance; requirements.
§36-612.2. Workers' compensation insurance - Required capital and surplus.
§36-613. Deposit requirements.
§36-613.1. Surety bond or other security arrangement required.
§36-615.1. Application to transact insurance - Application review.
§36-615.2. Biographical affidavit.
§36-616. Issuance or refusal of certificate.
§36-617. Renewal and amendment of certificate.
§36-618. Mandatory revocation or suspension.
§36-619. Discretionary revocation or suspension; civil fines.
§36-619.1. Availability of coverage without regard to geographic location.
§36-619.3. Motor vehicle liability insurer compliance.
§36-621. Service of legal process on foreign or alien insurers.
§36-622. Manner of service of process.
§36-624. Report of premiums, fees and taxes - Payment - Penalties.
§36-624.1. Tax credit for taxes paid by domestic insurer in foreign state.
§36-624.2. Refund of erroneously paid premium tax – Filing – Demand for hearing.
§36-624.3. Refund of adverse economically targeted and home office credit deductions.
§36-625. Credit against tax by investment in Oklahoma securities.
§36-625.1. Premium tax credit.
§36-625.2. Premium tax credit - Applicable insurers.
§36-625.3. Insurance companies - Home office - Tax credit.
§36-625.4. Credit against premium tax.
§36-626. Collection proceedings.
§36-629. Estimate and prepayment of premium tax - Crediting.
§36-630. Failure to make payments timely - Penalties.
§36-632.1. Home service contracts and home warranties not insurance.
§36-633. MEWA defined - Information relating to administrative services contracts.
§36-634. Valid license required - Exempt entities.
§36-635. License eligibility requirements - Filing of contracts.
§36-636. Use of words or descriptions causing beneficiaries to believe MEWA is insurance company.
§36-637. Application for license.
§36-641. Promulgation of rules relating to multiple employer welfare arrangements.
§36-650. Competition with Nine-One-One system prohibited.
§36-701. Definitions not mutually exclusive.
§36-702. "Life insurance" defined.
§36-703. "Accident and health insurance" defined.
§36-704. "Property insurance" defined.
§36-705. "Marine insurance" defined.
§36-706. "Vehicle insurance" defined.
§36-707. "Casualty insurance" defined.
§36-708. "Surety insurance" defined.
§36-709. "Title insurance" defined.
§36-711. Allowance for credit or increase in amount at risk – Contract requirements.
§36-712. Posting of standard policies and endorsements.
§36-901.3. Filing - Contents and procedure.
§36-902. Excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory rates.
§36-902.2. Factors for review of filing - Weight - Prohibited expenses.
§36-903.2. Workplace safety plans - Expenses of implementation.
§36-907. General powers of the Insurance Commissioner.
§36-907.1. Monitoring and examination of rates.
§36-908. Administrative penalties.
§36-924.3. Appeals of rating classifications.
§36-932. Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance.
§36-940. Inquiry regarding making claim – Prohibited acts.
§36-944. Motor vehicle policies - Restriction on cancellation or increasing rates.
§36-953. Use of credit information - Prohibited acts.
§36-954. Reunderwriting and rerating of insured - Refund of overpayment.
§36-955. Disclosure statement.
§36-956. Adverse action based upon credit information - Notification to consumer.
§36-957. Filing of scoring models or other scoring processes.
§36-958. Indemnification of agents.
§36-959. Sale of data or lists by consumer reporting agencies.
§36-961. Premium discount or rate reduction for resistance to tornado or other wind events.
§36-963. Insurable property defined.
§36-965. Promulgation of rules to implement and administer the act.
§36-981. Short title and purposes of act.
§36-985. Ratemaking standards.
§36-985.1. Regulation of rates in market without competition.
§36-989. Improper rates – Disapproval - Hearing.
§36-990. Challenge and review of application of rating system.
§36-992. Insurers - Prohibited activity.
§36-994. Advisory organizations - Filing requirements.
§36-995. Joint underwriting, joint reinsurance pool and residual market activities.
§36-996.1. Assigned risk plans.
§36-997. Commercial special risks.
§36-998. Appeals from Commissioner.
§36-999.4. Subsidence coverage for residences, living units and commercial buildings - Exemption.
§36-999.5. Coverage for additional living expenses.
§36-999.6. Refusal to cover unrepaired damage.
§36-999.7. Right of subrogation.
§36-1100. Short title - Purpose and effect.
§36-1100.2. Authority to enter multistate agreements.
§36-1101. Representation of unauthorized insurers prohibited.
§36-1101.1. Domestic surplus line insurers.
§36-1102. Validity of contracts effectuated by a surplus lines insurer.
§36-1103. Service of process on a surplus lines insurer.
§36-1104. Exemptions from service of process provisions.
§36-1106. Surplus lines - Brokers.
§36-1106.1. Due diligence search.
§36-1106.2. Due diligence - Flood insurance with a nonadmitted insurer.
§36-1107. Multistate risk - Required application and informational filings - Fee payments.
§36-1108. Recognized surplus lines.
§36-1109. Validity of surplus line insurance - Notice of limitations of coverage.
§36-1111. Acceptance of surplus line business by brokers.
§36-1112. Solvent insurer required - License revocation - Penalties.
§36-1113. Records of surplus lines licensees or brokers.
§36-1114. Broker's annual statement.
§36-1115. Tax on surplus lines - Surplus lines insurer.
§36-1116. Penalty for failure to remit tax.
§36-1118. Legal process against surplus line insurer.
§36-1119. Exemptions from surplus lines provisions.
§36-1120. Records of insureds.
§36-1125. Filing requirements.
§36-1126. Public access to documents and reports - Confidentiality.
§36-1140. Definitions - Licensing - Application - Duration of license.
§36-1142. Permitted activities and services.
§36-1143. Review of advisory organization actions.
§36-1144. Examination by Insurance Commissioner - Scope - Report by official of another state.
§36-1145. Rules and statistical plans - Commissioner authority to promulgate - Scope.
§36-1146. Withholding or providing false or fraudulent information - Prohibition - Punishment.
§36-1147. Suspension or revocation of license - Commissioner authority - Procedure.
§36-1148. Adherence to loss cost filings - Application to workers' compensation insurance.
§36-1163. Exclusion from application for certain policies or coverage certificates.
§36-1164. Exclusion from application for certain unmet terms, conditions and limitations.
§36-1165. Participation in employer sponsored health plan - Retired military employees.
§36-1201. Declaration of purpose.
§36-1203. Unfair methods of competition or unfair and deceptive acts or practices prohibited.
§36-1204. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
§36-1204.1. Availability of loss runs and claims histories.
§36-1205. Power of commissioner.
§36-1206. Statement of charges and notice of hearing - Opportunity to be heard.
§36-1207. Cease and desist orders and modifications thereof.
§36-1208. Judicial review of cease and desist orders.
§36-1210. Judicial review by intervenor.
§36-1212. Provisions of act additional.
§36-1213. Immunity from prosecution.
§36-1214. Fair disclosure - Protection against misleading sales methods.
§36-1219.3. Discounted reimbursement and disclosure of reimbursement terms prohibited.
§36-1219.4. Definitions - Requirements for discount medical plan organizations - Penalties.
§36-1219.5. Modification of existing or issuance of new coverage - Consent.
§36-1219.6. Methods of payments to providers – Prohibition on restricting methods – Notice of fees.
§36-1220. Exclusive agents - Restrictions.
§36-1241. Property and casualty insurer - Acceptance or denial of application.
§36-1250.4. Claim files - Examination - Response to inquiries.
§36-1250.5. Acts by an insurer constituting an unfair claim settlement practice.
§36-1250.7. Property and casualty insurer - Denial or acceptance of claim.
§36-1250.8. Motor vehicle total loss or damage claim.
§36-1250.10. Enforcement - Standards of performance - Complaints - Investigations.
§36-1250.11. Statement of charges - Notice of hearing.
§36-1250.13. Cease and desist order – Enforcement.
§36-1250.14. Violation of act - Penalty.
§36-1250.16. Rules and regulations.
§36-1250.17. Nonemergency patient form - Perjury.
§36-1415.3. Navigator registration – Application – Requirements - Violations.
§36-1415.4. Navigator limitations and prohibited actions.
§36-1415.5. Implementation of rules and regulations.
§36-1416. State Innovation Waiver
§36-1435.1. Short title - Application of act.
§36-1435.3. Agency of insurance producer - Authority - Commissions.
§36-1435.4. License required for selling, soliciting, or negotiating - Waiver of penalty.
§36-1435.5. When license not required.
§36-1435.9. Nonresident producer license.
§36-1435.10. Exemptions from examination requirement.
§36-1435.11. Use of assumed name.
§36-1435.12. Temporary license without examination – Protection of insureds and public.
§36-1435.13a. Property and casualty insurance producers - Fiduciary duties - Violation - Punishment.
§36-1435.20a. Sale of storage insurance by self-storage facility.
§36-1435.21. Licensure for purposes of writing controlled business prohibited.
§36-1435.22. Applicant to file bond prior to issuance of license.
§36-1435.23. License fees – Collection by Commissioner.
§36-1435.26. Unlawful acts and penalties.
§36-1435.27. Facsimile signature stamp as proof.
§36-1435.28. Ownership interest by producer in policy – Insurable interest.
§36-1435.29. Prelicensing and continuing education.
§36-1435.33. Maximum agent’s fees on renewals.
§36-1435.36. Certain information to be included on license - Term of license.
§36-1435.39. Refusal of license - Fees not refundable.
§36-1435.41. Providing insurance policy information - Exception.
§36-1441.1. Administrator of certain group self-insurance associations exempted from act.
§36-1443. Written agreement required - Examination, audit and inspection of records.
§36-1444. Payments to administrator - Rights against administrator.
§36-1445. Fiduciary capacity and duties of administrator.
§36-1449. Notice and information to be provided to insured individuals.
§36-1450. Licensing procedure - Violations.
§36-1452. Annual report - Penalties for failure to file - Waiver.
§36-1473. Agent license - Bond - Errors and omissions policy.
§36-1474. Written contract with insurer required - Minimum provisions.
§36-1476. Acts of managing general agent - Imputation to insurer.
§36-1477. Violations - Penalties - Judicial review - Rights affected.
§36-1478. Rules and regulations.
§36-1502. Assets as deductions from liabilities.
§36-1503. Assets not allowed as deductions from liabilities.
§36-1504. Reporting assets not allowed.
§36-1505. Liabilities - Mandatory securities valuation reserves.
§36-1506. Unearned premium reserve.
§36-1507. Unearned premium reserve for marine insurance.
§36-1508. Reserves for accident and health insurance.
§36-1509.1. Confidentiality of information.
§36-1510. Definitions - Valuation law - Life - Exemption - Conflict.
§36-1512. Valuation of other securities.
§36-1513. Valuation of real property - Improvements.
§36-1514. Valuation of purchase money mortgages.
§36-1515. Information for valuation of securities.
§36-1523. Annual risk-based capital report - Factors - Adjustment of inaccurate reports.
§36-1524. Company Action Level Event.
§36-1525. Regulatory Action Level Event.
§36-1526. Authorized Control Level Event.
§36-1527. Mandatory Control Level Event.
§36-1528. Confidential departmental hearing.
§36-1529. Confidentiality of RBC Reports and Plans.
§36-1530. Provisions of act supplemental – Promulgation of rules - Exemptions from act.
§36-1532. Immunity for Commissioner and employees.
§36-1533. Notices to insurers - When effective.
§36-1536. Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure (CGAD).
§36-1537. Discretion of insurer or insurance group over responses.
§36-1538. Confidentiality and privilege.
§36-1539. Third-party consultants to assist the Commissioner in reviewing documents.
§36-1540. Failure to timely file.
§36-1541. Promulgation of rules.
§36-1602. Eligible investments.
§36-1603. Qualification of securities or property as eligible investments.
§36-1604. Approval of investment.
§36-1605. Investments in any one person.
§36-1606. Required capital investments.
§36-1607. United States government obligations.
§36-1608. State, district or Canadian obligations.
§36-1609. County, district, city, school district or Canadian obligations.
§36-1610. Public structure or improvement obligations.
§36-1611. Obligations payable from public utility revenues.
§36-1613. Acceptances and bill of exchange.
§36-1614. Corporate obligations.
§36-1615. Preferred or guaranteed stock.
§36-1616. Limitations on investments in corporate securities.
§36-1617. Equipment trust certificates.
§36-1618. Obligations of receivers or trustees; investments not otherwise authorized; limitations.
§36-1620. Investment or deposit of funds.
§36-1622. Mortgages on real estate.
§36-1623. Purchase money mortgages.
§36-1624. Acquiring or holding real property.
§36-1625. Time limits for disposal of other ineligible property and securities; penalty.
§36-1626. Investments of foreign, alien insurers.
§36-1627. Investments in loans secured by certain securities.
§36-1628. Definitions - Deposit of securities - Custodial responsibilities.
§36-1629. Guaranteed or reinsured student loans.
§36-1632. Subsidiaries of domestic insurers - Permissible investments.
§36-1633. Acquisition of control of or merger with domestic insurer.
§36-1635. Registration of insurers.
§36-1636. Transactions within an insurance holding company - Standards.
§36-1637. Examination of registered insurers.
§36-1638. Commissioner power to participate in supervisory colleges.
§36-1639. Group-wide supervisor for any internationally active insurance group.
§36-1640. Confidentiality of documents and other information.
§36-1641. Authority to issue rules, regulations and orders.
§36-1642. Injunctions - Voting of securities prohibited - Sequestration of voting securities.
§36-1644. Violations threatening insolvency - Possession taken by Commissioner.
§36-1645. Recovery of distributions by receiver - Liability.
§36-1646. Authority to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew license or authority to do business.
§36-1647. Appeal to district court by aggrieved persons.
§36-1648. Powers, remedies, procedures and penalties as additional.
§36-1673. Applicability of Act.
§36-1676. Powers of Commissioner or receiver - Civil actions.
§36-1681. Short title - Insurance Business Transfer Act.
§36-1684. Jurisdiction - Venue.
§36-1686. Application for Approval of Insurance Business Transfer Plan.
§36-1687. Consent to jurisdiction of Commissioner.
§36-1688. Fees – Reimbursement - Costs.
§36-1691. Short title - Protected Cell Companies Act.
§36-1694. Establishment of protected cells – Plan of operation.
§36-1696. Creditors of protected cells – Obligation of protected cell company.
§36-1697. Receivership – Amounts recoverable.
§36-1698. Insurance securitization – Not deemed an insurance or reinsurance contract.
§36-1699. Promulgation of rules.
§36-1701. Deposits of insurers.
§36-1702. Purpose of deposits.
§36-1703. Assets eligible for deposit.
§36-1704. Trust companies as depositaries.
§36-1705. Rights of insurer during solvency.
§36-1707. Release of deposits.
§36-1708. Release only on order.
§36-1709. Deposit not subject to levy.
§36-1801. Legislative findings and purposes.
§36-1803. Duties of Commissioner.
§36-1804. Appointment of supervisor - Acts prohibited - Additional requirements.
§36-1805. Appointment of conservator; duties.
§36-1806. Limitation on appointments.
§36-1807. Foreign or alien insurers.
§36-1902. Delinquency proceedings – Jurisdiction – Arbitration – Venue - Appeal.
§36-1903. Commencement of delinquency proceedings.
§36-1905. Grounds for rehabilitation of domestic insurers.
§36-1906. Grounds for liquidation.
§36-1907. Grounds for conservation of foreign insurers.
§36-1908. Grounds for conservation of alien insurers.
§36-1909. Grounds for ancillary liquidation of foreign insurers.
§36-1910. Order of rehabilitation; termination.
§36-1911. Order of liquidation of domestic insurers.
§36-1912. Order of liquidation of alien insurers.
§36-1913. Order of conservation or ancillary liquidation of foreign or alien insurers.
§36-1915. Conduct of delinquency proceedings against foreign insurers.
§36-1916. Claims of nonresidents against domestic insurers.
§36-1917. Claims against foreign insurers.
§36-1918. Proof of claims; notice; hearing.
§36-1919. Priority of certain claims.
§36-1920. Attachment and garnishment of assets.
§36-1921. Uniform insurers liquidation act.
§36-1922. Power and authority of the receiver.
§36-1923. Exemption of Commissioner from fees.
§36-1924.1. Limitation on actions.
§36-1925. Rights and liabilities fixed as of date liquidation order filed.
§36-1926. Fraudulent transfers or transactions - Avoidance.
§36-1927.1. Priority of distribution of claims from insurer's estate.
§36-1929. Allowance of certain claims.
§36-1930. Time to file claims.
§36-1931. Report for assessment.
§36-1933. Order to pay assessment.
§36-1934. Publication and service of assessment order.
§36-1935. Judgment upon the assessment.
§36-1936. Restrictions on insurers subject to delinquency proceedings.
§36-1937. Immunity or indemnity of receivers and employees.
§36-1938. Delinquency proceedings – Procedures - Compensation of personnel.
§36-2005. Creation - Administration - Accounts - Membership - Plan of operation.
§36-2006. Board of directors – Membership – Term – Approval – Vacancies – Compensation.
§36-2007. Powers and duties of Association.
§36-2008. Plan of operation and amendments.
§36-2009. Powers and duties of Commissioner.
§36-2010. Payment of covered claims - Recovery from certain persons - Priority of claims.
§36-2011. Proposal to distribute assets of insolvent company - Notice.
§36-2012. Exhaustion of rights under other policies, governmental program or associations.
§36-2014. Scope of covered claims.
§36-2016. Examination of Association - Report.
§36-2017. Exemption from taxes and fees.
§36-2018. Payment of assessment - Effect on rate increase or decrease.
§36-2019. Liability of certain persons.
§36-2020. Stay of proceedings - Access to records.
§36-2020.1. Efficient coordination and cooperation with receivers - Uniform Data Standards.
§36-2020.2. High net worth insured claims - Obligation to pay - Procedures.
§36-2023. Creation - Membership - Administration - Supervision.
§36-2025. Oklahoma Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act - Coverage - Liability.
§36-2026. Board of directors - Membership - Term - Vacancies - Approval - Compensation.
§36-2027. Procedural rules and amendments.
§36-2028. Impaired or insolvent insurers.
§36-2031. Commissioner - Powers and duties.
§36-2032. Detection and prevention of insurer insolvencies.
§36-2034. Unpaid assessments of impaired or insolvent insurer.
§36-2035. Records of negotiations and meetings.
§36-2037. Distribution of ownership rights of impaired or insolvent insurer.
§36-2038. Recovery of distribution of insurer - Limitations.
§36-2039. Examination and regulation of Association - Reports.
§36-2040. Exemption from taxes and fees.
§36-2041. Certain persons exempted from liability.
§36-2042. Stay of other proceedings - Judgments may be set aside.
§36-2102. "Stock" insurer defined.
§36-2103. "Mutual" insurer defined.
§36-2105. Articles of incorporation; contents.
§36-2106. Corporate powers granted; general powers and duties.
§36-2107. Filing of articles; issuance of certificate.
§36-2108. Amendment of articles.
§36-2109. Applications for insurance in formation of mutual insurers.
§36-2110. Formation of mutuals; trust deposit of premiums; issuance of policies.
§36-2111. Initial qualification, domestic mutuals.
§36-2112. Additional kinds of insurance, mutual.
§36-2114. Quorum, members of mutual.
§36-2115. Membership in mutuals.
§36-2116. Corporate rights of mutual members.
§36-2119. Nonassessable policies, mutual insurers.
§36-2120. Nonassessable policies - revocation of authority.
§36-2121. Participating policies.
§36-2122. Dividend to stockholders.
§36-2123. Dividends to mutual policyholders.
§36-2124. Illegal dividends - penalty.
§36-2126. Prohibited interests of officers, directors in certain transactions.
§36-2126.1. Purchase and sale of equity interests in domestic stock insurers by officers.
§36-2126.4. Proxies, consents and authorizations of domestic stock insurers.
§36-2127. Management and exclusive agency contracts.
§36-2128. Impairment of capital or assets.
§36-2129. Mutualization of stock insurer.
§36-2130. Converting mutual insurer.
§36-2132. Reinsurance, stock insurers.
§36-2133. Mergers and consolidations, mutual insurers.
§36-2134. Reinsurance, mutual insurers.
§36-2135. Mutual member's share of assets on liquidation.
§36-2204. Statements and reports – Taxes, fees and penalties.
§36-2205. Trust instrument – Mandatory provisions.
§36-2206. Minimum reserves and surplus.
§36-2207. Guaranty funds – Membership or financial contribution to or benefit from.
§36-2401. Mutual benefit associations legalized.
§36-2402. Formation - Prerequisites to transaction of business - Articles of association.
§36-2404. Provisions applicable to mutual benefit associations.
§36-2409. Agents - Notice of appointment.
§36-2410. Benefits not liable to attachments.
§36-2411. Dues - Emergency fund - Additional assessments.
§36-2413. Reports; examination of records.
§36-2414. Funds; investments of.
§36-2415. Annual meetings; quorum; vacancies; special meetings.
§36-2416. Appeals from orders, rulings, or acts of insurance commissioner.
§36-2417. Misdemeanor; violation of article.
§36-2418. Legal reserve life insurance company, conversion into; adoption of plan.
§36-2419. Amended articles of incorporation; filing.
§36-2420. Policyholders; rights to purchase stock; sale of stock not purchased.
§36-2421. Reorganization and conversion complete when; rights of reorganized corporations.
§36-2422. Creditors' rights; liens; contracts; pending suits.
§36-2501. Organization authorized; purpose.
§36-2503. Certificate of authority to do business - Deposit of securities with State Treasurer.
§36-2505. Valuation of outstanding policies; computation.
§36-2506. Inapplicability to burial associations or assessment companies.
§36-2507. Requisites of policy; liability on policy.
§36-2509. Consolidation of companies; transfer or reinsurance of risks.
§36-2510. Attachment or other process; benefits not subject to.
§36-2511. Existing corporations; amendments of articles of incorporation; effect of reincorporation.
§36-2512. Amendment of articles of incorporation to conform to general insurance law.
§36-2513. Statement filed annually with Insurance Commissioner.
§36-2514. Relinquishment of business.
§36-2515. Representations; deemed material when.
§36-2516. Foreign and alien companies.
§36-2601. Corporations authorized - Powers.
§36-2602. Application for certificate - Contents - Fee.
§36-2603. Certificate of authority; requirements.
§36-2604. Deposit for protection of members.
§36-2606. Filing of forms and rates; disapproval.
§36-2608.3. Indemnification and advancement of expenses of certain persons.
§36-2609. Membership; voting; membership fees.
§36-2611. Annual statement; filing; examination; summons.
§36-2612. Nonliability of corporation.
§36-2613. Relationship of physician and patient.
§36-2618. Limited application.
§36-2623. Conversion to domestic mutual insurer.
§36-2651. Corporations authorized.
§36-2652. Application for certificate - Contents - Fee.
§36-2653. Certificate of authority; requirements.
§36-2654. Deposit for protection of members.
§36-2656. Filing of forms and rates; disapproval.
§36-2657. Discrimination; rebates.
§36-2658. Membership; voting rights.
§36-2660. Annual statement; filing; examinations; expenses.
§36-2661. Nonliability of corporation.
§36-2662. Relationship of optometrist and patient.
§36-2671. Corporations authorized.
§36-2672. Application for certificate - Contents - Fee.
§36-2673. Certificate of authority - Requirements.
§36-2674. Deposit for protection of subscribers.
§36-2675. Contracts; investments; law applicable.
§36-2676. Filing of forms and rates; disapproval.
§36-2677. Inducements prohibited.
§36-2679. Participating dentists as members; meetings; officers.
§36-2680. Annual statement - Examinations - Expenses.
§36-2682. Relationship of dentist and patient.
§36-2691.1. Corporations authorized.
§36-2691.2. Application for certificate; contents; fee.
§36-2691.3. Certificate of authority; requirement.
§36-2691.4. Deposit for protection of subscribers.
§36-2691.5. Contracts; investments.
§36-2691.6. Filing of forms and rates; disapproval.
§36-2691.7. Inducements prohibited.
§36-2691.9. Practicing chiropractors as members, meetings; voting; officers.
§36-2691.10. Annual statement; examinations; expenses.
§36-2691.12. Relationship of chiropractor and patient.
§36-2691.16. Limited liability.
§36-2691.17. Conflicting laws.
§36-2701.1. Fraternal benefit society defined.
§36-2702.1. Lodge system defined.
§36-2703.1. Representative form of government defined.
§36-2705.1. Purposes - powers.
§36-2706.1. Laws or rules required.
§36-2707.1. Principal office - Annual statement - Grievance and complaint procedures.
§36-2708.1. No personal liability - Indemnification and reimbursement - Insurance.
§36-2710.1. Organization - Corporate powers retained.
§36-2711.1. Articles of incorporation, constitution and laws - Amendments.
§36-2714.1. Consolidations and mergers.
§36-2718.1. Benefits not attachable.
§36-2719.1. Benefit contract - Standard provision requirements.
§36-2720.1. Nonforfeiture benefits - Cash surrender values - Certificate loans or other options.
§36-2725.1. Standard of valuation.
§36-2728.1. Examination of domestic, foreign or alien societies.
§36-2729.1. Foreign or alien society - Admission.
§36-2730.1. Injunction, liquidation or receivership of domestic society.
§36-2731.1. Suspension, revocation or refusal of license of foreign or alien society.
§36-2732.1. Injunction - Authority to petition for.
§36-2733.1. Licensing of agents.
§36-2734.1. Societies subject to Article 12, Unfair Practices and Frauds.
§36-2735.1. Service of process.
§36-2738.1. Exemption of certain societies.
§36-2801. Organization authorized – Purposes – Power to make assessments.
§36-2802. Certificate by incorporators - Contents.
§36-2803. Filing certificate with Insurance Commissioner; officers; terms.
§36-2804. Made a body corporate.
§36-2805. Restrictions as to corporate acts.
§36-2806. Bylaws; permit to do business.
§36-2807. Membership - Forfeiture.
§36-2808. Rejection and termination of risks.
§36-2809. Incidental expenses.
§36-2810. Compensation of officers.
§36-2811. Annual reports to Commissioner; reissuance of certificate; fees.
§36-2812. Extension of membership.
§36-2814. Formation of additional companies prohibited.
§36-2815. Prohibition on transfer or sale of certificates, authority, or articles.
§36-2901. "Reciprocal" insurance defined.
§36-2902. "Reciprocal insurer" defined.
§36-2903. Scope of article; existing insurers.
§36-2904. Insuring powers of reciprocals.
§36-2907. Surplus funds required.
§36-2908. Organization of reciprocal insurer.
§36-2909. Certificate of authority.
§36-2913. Deposit in lieu of bond.
§36-2915. Legal process service - Judgment.
§36-2917. Contributions to insurer.
§36-2918. Financial conditions; method of determining.
§36-2919. Who may be subscribers.
§36-2920. Subscribers' advisory committee.
§36-2921. Subscriber's liability.
§36-2922. Subscriber's liability on judgments.
§36-2926. Nonassessable policies.
§36-2927. Distribution of savings.
§36-2928. Subscriber's share in assets.
§36-2929. Merger or conversion.
§36-2930. Impaired reciprocals.
§36-2931. Real estate transactions - Restrictions.
§36-3001. Underwriters; forms of insurance authorized, articles of agreements.
§36-3002. Attorneys; office. - "Attorneys" defined.
§36-3004. Accounts for each kind of insurance.
§36-3005. Assets required as condition precedent.
§36-3006. Reserves for liabilities and losses.
§36-3007. Liability of underwriters; limitation.
§36-3009. Division of profits.
§36-3010. Actions on policies or insurance contracts – Process – Judgment - Costs.
§36-3011. Deposit required of foreign Lloyd's in home state as condition to permit.
§36-3012. Revocation of license.
§36-3013. Laws applicable to Lloyd's.
§36-3103. Revocation or suspension of Certificate of Authority.
§36-3104. Approval of form of service contract.
§36-3105. Appointment of agent – License - Fees.
§36-3106. Examination of financial condition.
§36-3107. Solicitation for unlicensed companies prohibited.
§36-3109. Contracts issued contrary to act as valid and binding on company.
§36-3110. Inapplicability to attorneys and insurance, bonding or surety companies.
§36-3111. Disposition of fees - Personnel.
§36-3203. Coverage for child health supervision services.
§36-3301. Short title - Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) Act.
§36-3303. Risk management framework.
§36-3304. ORSA - When required.
§36-3305. ORSA Summary Report.
§36-3307. ORSA Summary Report--Preparation--Supporting information--Review.
§36-3604. Insurable interest with respect to personal insurance.
§36-3605. Insurable interest with respect to property insurance.
§36-3606. Capacity to contract for insurance; Minors.
§36-3607. Application required.
§36-3608. Application as evidence.
§36-3609. Representations in applications - Recovery under policy - Mortgage guaranty policies.
§36-3612. Standard provisions.
§36-3613. Contents of policies in general.
§36-3613.1. Policies and claims - Fraud warning.
§36-3613.2. Restrictions on recording of birth or ultrasound prohibited.
§36-3614. Contents of policies; additional contents.
§36-3614.1. Genetic nondiscrimination in insurance.
§36-3614.2. Genetic nondiscrimination in employment.
§36-3614.3. Disclosure of genetic information.
§36-3614.4. Disclosure of genetic research studies.
§36-3615. Charter or bylaw provisions; incorporation into policy.
§36-3616. Labeling particular policies.
§36-3616.1. Coverage of trustor under property or motor vehicle liability policy.
§36-3617. Policy restrictions voided.
§36-3618. Execution of policies.
§36-3619. Underwriters' and combination policies.
§36-3620. Validity of noncomplying forms.
§36-3621. Construction of policies.
§36-3623.1. Fees - Definitions.
§36-3623.2. Death of insured – Refund of premiums.
§36-3623.3. Charging insurance producer for documentation costs.
§36-3624. Assignment of policies.
§36-3624.1. Group life insurance policies - Right to assign incidents of ownership.
§36-3624.4. Notice to insurer of assistance received - Violations.
§36-3624.5. Limiting payments by insurer based upon eligibility for medical assistance prohibited.
§36-3624.6. Conflicting provisions.
§36-3625. Annulment of liability policies.
§36-3626. Payment discharges insurer.
§36-3627. Minor may give acquittance.
§36-3628. Simultaneous deaths.
§36-3629. Forms of proof of loss – Offer of settlement or rejection of claim.
§36-3630. Claims administration not waiver.
§36-3631.1. Certain money and benefits exempt from legal process or seizure - Exceptions.
§36-3632. Exemption of proceeds, group life.
§36-3633. Policies issued in violation of Code; penalty.
§36-3634. Chiropody, podiatry, psychology and clinical social work - Accident and health benefits.
§36-3634.1. Prescription drug coverage - Enforcement.
§36-3634.2. Prescription drug coverage - Definitions.
§36-3634.3. Prescription drug coverage - Pharmacy contracts - Open pharmacy networks.
§36-3634.5. Synchronization of prescription drug refills.
§36-3634.6. Direct payment or reimbursement to pharmacist.
§36-3635. "Motor vehicle" defined.
§36-3635.1. Time of expiration of certain policies.
§36-3636. Uninsured motorist coverage.
§36-3639.2. Policies issued under Market Assistance program - Exemption from §3639.1.
§36-3640. Definitions - Denial of form - Certificate of insurance.
§36-3642. Purpose of act - Intent.
§36-3644. Application of act - Exemptions.
§36-3645. Requirement to be included in life, accident and health insurance policies.
§36-3646. Effect on existing laws.
§36-3647. Authorizing lower score than Flesch reading ease score - Conditions.
§36-3648. Date for compliance with act.
§36-3649. Violations - Penalties.
§36-3651. “Actual charge” and “actual fee” defined - Application.
§36-4002. Standard provisions required in life insurance policies.
§36-4003.1. Cancellation of policy - Time period.
§36-4005. Application and policy as entire contract; statements in application as representations.
§36-4006. Misstatement of age.
§36-4009. Nonforfeiture benefits.
§36-4010. Table of installments.
§36-4012. Payment of premiums.
§36-4015. Excluded or restricted coverage.
§36-4016. Standard provisions required in annuity and pure endowment contracts.
§36-4017. Grace period; annuities.
§36-4018. Incontestability; annuities.
§36-4019. Application and contract as entire contract in annuities.
§36-4020. Misstatement of age; annuities.
§36-4021. Dividends on annuities.
§36-4022. Reinstatement of annuities.
§36-4023. Standard provisions required in reversionary annuities.
§36-4024. Limit of liability - Life insurance policy application denial.
§36-4025. Incontestability after reinstatement.
§36-4027. Authorized deductions from insurance proceeds.
§36-4028. Dual or multiple pay policies prohibited.
§36-4029. Operative date of valuation manual - Nonforfeiture provisions - Life insurance.
§36-4030. Manner of paying premiums for single premium life policies and annuity contracts.
§36-4030.3. Applicability of act.
§36-4030.5. Minimum nonforfeiture amounts.
§36-4030.6. Minimum present value at commencement of benefits.
§36-4030.7. Cash surrender benefits prior to maturity.
§36-4030.8. Present value of paid-up annuity benefit available as nonforfeiture option.
§36-4030.10. Statement required when certain benefits not provided.
§36-4030.11. Calculation of certain benefits under contracts with fixed scheduled considerations.
§36-4030.13. Operative date of act.
§36-4034. Application for insurance - Statement required - Replacement policy.
§36-4035. Notice to applicants regarding replacement of life insurance or annuity.
§36-4036. Statement by applicant regarding notification of replacement to replaced insurer.
§36-4037. Definitions to be delivered to applicant for replacement life insurance policy or annuity.
§36-4038. Violations - Penalties.
§36-4055.4. Denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of license - Hearing.
§36-4055.5. Filing of forms - Disapproval by Commissioner.
§36-4055.6. Annual statement - Disclosure of insured's identity or information.
§36-4055.8. Disclosures to viator.
§36-4055.12. Advertisement of contracts, products or services - Guidelines and standards.
§36-4055.14. Injunction - Civil action - Cease and desist orders - Civil and criminal penalties.
§36-4055.15. Violation of act - Deceptive trade practice.
§36-4055.16. Authority of Commissioner.
§36-4055.17. Compliance with act.
§36-4073. Transaction of insurance business.
§36-4074. Notification to Insurance Commissioner.
§36-4075. Statement of nonregulation.
§36-4076. Financial statement.
§36-4077. Information required to be submitted to Insurance Commissioner.
§36-4078. Applicability of Oklahoma Open Records Act and Oklahoma Open Meeting Act.
§36-4079. Purchase of annuities authorized.
§36-4080. Enforcement of compliance.
§36-4081. Annuities issued before effective date of act.
§36-4082. Issuance of annuities not to constitute certain agreements, contracts or combinations.
§36-4101.1. Extension of policies to insure dependents - Payment of premiums - Conversion rights.
§36-4103. Schedule of premium rates - Required provisions.
§36-4104. Right to individual policy; notice of right; time for exercising right.
§36-4105. Group annuity contracts; standard provisions.
§36-4106. Group annuity; grace period.
§36-4107. Group annuity; entire contract.
§36-4108. Group annuity; misstatements.
§36-4109. Group annuity; nonforfeiture benefits.
§36-4110. Group annuity; certificates.
§36-4111. "Employee life insurance" defined.
§36-4112. Payment of proceeds - Time.
§36-4202. Industrial life insurance defined.
§36-4203. Required provisions.
§36-4205. Application and policy as entire contract; statements in application as representations.
§36-4207. Misstatement of age.
§36-4209. Nonforfeiture benefits.
§36-4212. Authority to alter contract.
§36-4213. Beneficiary; change of beneficiary; payment of proceeds.
§36-4214. Direct payment of premiums.
§36-4217. Provisions inapplicable to single premium or term policies.
§36-4218. Prohibited provisions.
§36-4250. Rate filing – Definitions.
§36-4400. Criteria for inflation protection coverage.
§36-4402. Accident and health policies; filing.
§36-4403. Definition of accident and health insurance policy.
§36-4403.1. Definition of limited benefit insurance policy.
§36-4405. Accident and health policy provisions.
§36-4406. Conforming to statute.
§36-4410. Franchise accident and health insurance law.
§36-4411. Nonapplication to certain policies.
§36-4413. Short title - Health Care Choice Act.
§36-4419. Short-term, limited-duration insurance policies – Limitations on benefits provided.
§36-4426. Requirements of policies.
§36-4426.1. Rescission or denial of claim upon grounds of misrepresentation.
§36-4426.2. Nonforfeiture benefits.
§36-4427. Rulemaking authority - Civil penalty.
§36-4428. Investment of life care community policy funds.
§36-4429. Suitability standards.
§36-4430. Renewal premium rates.
§36-4502. Provisions of group accident and health policies.
§36-4502.1. Conversion privilege.
§36-4503. Direct payment of hospital, medical services.
§36-4504. Blanket accident and health insurance.
§36-4505. Group and blanket accident and health policy provisions.
§36-4506. Misrepresentation prohibited.
§36-4507. Rules and regulations.
§36-4511. Employer health care programs - Pharmacy services - Violation.
§36-4512. Insured employer health benefit plans - 20 or more employees.
§36-4525. Filing of forms and plan – Notice required on face page of policy and certificate.
§36-4527. Members of boards of directors – Conflict of interest – Definition of “affiliated”.
§36-4604. Direct primary care membership agreement.
§36-4605. Direct primary care membership agreement.
§36-4802. "Fire insurance" defined.
§36-4803. Standard policy provisions - Permissible variations.
§36-4803.1. Fire insurance policies - Time of expiration.
§36-4804. Policy limited – Liability - Excess premiums reimbursed.
§36-4805. Proofs of loss - Conditions of enforcement of limitation of time.
§36-4808. Homeowner's policies - Automatic increase in coverage.
§36-4809. Reduced rates to persons failing or refusing to pay assessments - Violation – Penalties.
§36-4901. Sole surety on official bonds.
§36-4902. Venue of actions against surety insurers.
§36-4903. Bail bond surety companies - Reserve funds.
§36-4904. Bail bond insurers - Financial statement - Reports.
§36-5001. Certificates of authority — Persons not deemed title insurers — Issuance of policies.
§36-5002. Investments of title insurers.
§36-5003. Additional powers of title insurers.
§36-5004. "Title insurance policy" and "aircraft title insurance policy" - Definitions.
§36-5005. Exemptions and application of other laws.
§36-5006. Examination of title insurance company.
§36-5007. Statutory premium reserve.
§36-5008. Release of mortgage affidavit.
§36-5103. License required - Refusal to issue - Exemption.
§36-5104. Transactions to be authorized in writing - Required provisions.
§36-5105. Records of transactions.
§36-5107. Contract - Minimum provisions.
§36-5109. Duties of reinsurer.
§36-5111. Penalties; restitution; review.
§36-5112. Rules and regulations.
§36-5113. Date for compliance with act.
§36-5121. Short title – Purpose – Legislative intent.
§36-5122. Requirements for allowance of credit.
§36-5123. Asset or reduction from liability for ceded reinsurance - Security
§36-5123.1. Qualified United States financial institution defined
§36-5124. Rules and regulations.
§36-6001. Discrimination through fictitious grouping prohibited.
§36-6001.1. Conditions under which groups not considered fictitious.
§36-6002. Approval by Insurance Commissioner.
§36-6011. Application to Oklahoma Employees Health Insurance Plan.
§36-6012. Participation in premium assistance program – Health care plan recognition.
§36-6032. Limitation on sales of equity securities of certain domestic life insurance companies.
§36-6033. Limitation on compensation, fees or commissions.
§36-6034. Sale or transfer of securities issued under incentive, bonus or stock option plans.
§36-6035. Enforcement of act - Definitions.
§36-6041. Payments - How made.
§36-6045. Reimbursement for mental or behavioral health or alcohol or drug treatment services.
§36-6050. Prepaid or discounted ambulance service membership subscriptions.
§36-6051. Free choice of practitioner and profession - Equal reimbursement.
§36-6052. Copayment requirements - Disclosure of calculations - Penalty - Rules.
§36-6053. Short title and application.
§36-6056. Place where services may be performed.
§36-6057. Denial under policy coverage as void – Compliance with act.
§36-6057.1. Examination and enforcement by Commissioner – Attorneys’ fees.
§36-6058. Newly-born children - Health insurance benefits.
§36-6058A. Enrollment of child under parent's health plan - Noncustodial parents.
§36-6059. Adopted children - Coverage.
§36-6060. Mammography screening and diagnostic examination.
§36-6060.1. Bone density testing.
§36-6060.2. Treatment of diabetes - Equipment, supplies and services.
§36-6060.3. Maternity benefits - Postpartum care.
§36-6060.3a. Annual obstetrical/gynecological examinations.
§36-6060.4. Child immunization coverage.
§36-6060.4a. Claims in conjunction with arrest or pretrial detention.
§36-6060.5. Oklahoma Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act.
§36-6060.6. Dental procedures for certain minor and severely disabled persons.
§36-6060.7. Audiological services and hearing aids for children.
§36-6060.8. Prostate cancer screening coverage.
§36-6060.8a. Colorectal cancer coverage.
§36-6060.9. Coverage for wigs or other scalp prostheses.
§36-6060.9a. Anti-cancer medication coverage.
§36-6060.9b. Cancer therapy coverage – Standard for proton radiation therapy.
§36-6060.9c. Anti-abuse-formulated opioids - Study of effectiveness
§36-6060.9d. Prescription eyedrop refills.
§36-6060.10A. Health benefit plan.
§36-6060.11. Benefits required.
§36-6060.12. Exempted plans - Calculation of increase in premium cost.
§36-6060.13. Incremental impact on premium costs - Analysis and report by Commissioner.
§36-6060.16. Eligibility – Contributions - Exemptions.
§36-6060.17. Allowable expenditures.
§36-6060.18. Withdrawals – Taxation – Transfer of interest.
§36-6060.20. Equal health coverage for autistic minors.
§36-6060.21. Screening, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorder.
§36-6060.22. Exemption for health benefit plans from autism spectrum disorder coverage.
§36-6060.30. Living organ donor protection.
§36-6060.40. Short title - Oklahoma Right to Shop Act.
§36-6060.42. Shared savings incentive program.
§36-6060.43. Promulgation of rules.
§36-6060.44. Cost-effectiveness analysis.
§36-6061. Separate accounts - Variable annuity and life insurance contracts - Regulations.
§36-6062. Application of insurance laws.
§36-6091. Settlement of claims as no admission of liability.
§36-6092. Limitations on subrogation and set-off under medical coverage.
§36-6101. Joinder of companies to issue supplemental coverage - Approval - Rules and regulations.
§36-6103.2. “Insurer”, “venue” and “doing insurance business in this state” defined - Exceptions.
§36-6103.5. Emergency cease and desist orders - Grounds for issuance.
§36-6103.6. Emergency cease and desist orders - Service - Hearing.
§36-6103.7. Cease and desist orders - Enforcement.
§36-6103.8. Failure to pay penalty.
§36-6103.9. Service of process.
§36-6103.11. Discretion to proceed under certain provisions.
§36-6121. Permits required – Approval and denial of permit.
§36-6123. Administration of act - Contracts.
§36-6124. Acceptance of money for prepaid funeral benefits - Permit - Application.
§36-6124.1. Transfer of prepaid funeral benefit permits - Notification - Application
§36-6124.2. Application for change of name of a prepaid funeral benefit permit holder.
§36-6125.1. Maximum amount of principal an organization may receive pursuant to insurance contract.
§36-6125.2. Funding of contract by assignment of life insurance proceeds.
§36-6126. Designation of agent.
§36-6127. Merchandise price display.
§36-6129. Records - Annual statement of financial condition.
§36-6129.1. Annual financial examination of trusts and accounts.
§36-6130. Violations and penalties.
§36-6131. Misquoting requirements of law - Penalty.
§36-6134. Certain advertising not prohibited.
§36-6135. Insurance Code not affected.
§36-6136.18. Conversion from trust-funded to insurance-funded benefits.
§36-6143. Certificate of authority required.
§36-6144. Application for certificate of authority.
§36-6145. Issuance of certificate of authority - Conditions.
§36-6148. Policy for membership coverage.
§36-6149. Annual business report.
§36-6151. Unfair trade practices and fraud.
§36-6153. Examination of business affairs of prepaid dental plan organization.
§36-6154. Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
§36-6155. Rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation of prepaid dental plan organization.
§36-6156. Advertising or sales material.
§36-6157. Rules and regulations.
§36-6203. Persons not deemed adjusters or required to obtain license.
§36-6204.1. Apprentice adjuster license - Application - Terms and conditions.
§36-6205. Application for license - Nonresidents.
§36-6207. Insurance adjuster or public adjuster.
§36-6208. Examination - Exemptions.
§36-6209. Scope of examination - Classes of insurance - Study manual.
§36-6210. Supervision of examination - Time and place - Waiting period.
§36-6211. Form of license - Contents.
§36-6212. Fees - Notification of change of name, address, or e-mail address.
§36-6214. Bond of public adjuster.
§36-6216. Powers of adjuster; Current license required for claim referral.
§36-6216.1. Payment of claim to public adjuster - Insured as joint payee.
§36-6216.2. Contract for services of public adjuster - Cancellation.
§36-6217. Term of license - Continuing education - Rules - Renewals of license - Provider fee.
§36-6219. Initial license; grounds for refusal.
§36-6220.1. Prohibition on pecuniary interest in construction businesses - Penalties - Exceptions.
§36-6222. Report of administration actions against adjusters.
§36-6223. Public adjuster responsibilities.
§36-6303. Release of relevant information - Information included.
§36-6305. Confidentiality of information - Witnesses.
§36-6306. Violations - Penalties.
§36-6401. Insurance coverage to be provided for certain persons.
§36-6403. Violations - Penalties.
§36-6412. Market Assistance Association - Creation.
§36-6416. Good faith statements - Liability.
§36-6417. Annual statement - Examination of Accounts, etc. - Report to members.
§36-6418. Use of filed rates for liability and homeowners' insurance.
§36-6419. Rules and regulations.
§36-6420. Property and casualty insurance companies - Voluntary Market Assistance Association.
§36-6421. Dissolution of Association - Reimplementation.
§36-6422. Participation in assessments and writings of Association.
§36-6454. Chartering and licensing of risk retention group.
§36-6454.1. Risk retention groups – Governance standards.
§36-6455. Conditions for doing business in state - Prohibited acts.
§36-6456.1. Countersign not required.
§36-6458. Notice to Commissioner - Designation and registration of agent.
§36-6460. Enforcement powers of Commissioner.
§36-6461. Violations - Penalties.
§36-6463. Assets to protect purchasers.
§36-6464. Enforcement of court orders.
§36-6467. Reciprocal agreements.
§36-6468. Workers' compensation group self-insurance associations exempted.
§36-6470.5. Adoption of same or confusing name.
§36-6470.10a. Establishment of series limited liability company.
§36-6470.11. Reports - Waiver.
§36-6470.12. Discounting of loss and loss adjustment expense reserves – Actuarial opinion.
§36-6470.13. Examination by Insurance Commissioner - Confidentiality - Application.
§36-6470.14. Suspension or revocation of license.
§36-6470.15. Investment requirements – Loans.
§36-6470.16. Reinsurance on risks ceded by another insurer – Credit for reserves.
§36-6470.17. Membership in rating organization.
§36-6470.19. Captive insurance tax rates – Definitions.
§36-6470.22. Exemptions for special purpose captive insurance companies.
§36-6470.24.1. Notice requirements.
§36-6470.24.2. Inspection and preservation of records.
§36-6470.25. Protected cell - Use of assets.
§36-6470.28. Acquisition of control.
§36-6470.29. Sponsored captive insurance company – Supplemental materials – Protected cells.
§36-6470.30. Sponsor of sponsored captive insurance company.
§36-6470.30.1. Requirements for writing business.
§36-6470.31. Participants in sponsored captive insurance company.
§36-6470.31.1. Combination of assets.
§36-6470.34. Entity-protected cell.
§36-6470.35. Dormant captive insurance company – Certificate of dormancy.
§36-6475.1. Uniform Health Carrier External Review Act.
§36-6475.4. Applicability of act.
§36-6475.6. Form of external review requests.
§36-6475.7. External review procedure.
§36-6475.8. Receipt of request for external review.
§36-6475.9. Circumstances when external review request can be made.
§36-6475.10. Timeframe for filing request for external review.
§36-6475.11. Binding power of external review decision.
§36-6475.12. Approval of independent review organizations.
§36-6475.13. Eligibility requirements.
§36-6475.14. Employee liability.
§36-6475.16. Cost of independent review organization.
§36-6475.17. Description of external review procedures.
§36-6513. Application of act to certain group health benefit plans.
§36-6514. Classes of business - Criteria to establish - Number - Rules - Additional classes.
§36-6516. Renewability of health benefit plans - Election not to renew - Geographic service area.
§36-6517. Disclosures required of small employer carriers.
§36-6527. Marketing of health benefit plan coverage.
§36-6528. Reissuance of certain terminated coverage.
§36-6529. Suspension of implementation if inconsistent with federal law.
§36-6530. Bona fide association health plans.
§36-6530.1. Oklahoma Individual Health Insurance Market Stabilization Act – Legislative intent.
§36-6530.4. Oklahoma Individual Health Insurance Market Stabilization Program.
§36-6530.5. Board of Directors – Duties – Sunset of Program.
§36-6530.6. Board of Directors – Powers.
§36-6530.9. Unfair practice – Separating individual employees from group health insurance coverage.
§36-6530.10. Application for waiver pursuant to Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
§36-6553. Private review agents - Certification required - Exemptions.
§36-6555. Rules - Forms - Issuance of certificate - Reporting requirements - Confidentiality.
§36-6557. Application for certificate.
§36-6558. Information required to be submitted by private review agents.
§36-6559. Information required to be submitted relating to in-house review.
§36-6560. Expiration of certificate - Renewal.
§36-6561. Refusal to issue or renew or suspension or revocation of certificate - Hearing - Appeal.
§36-6562. Disclosure or publication of confidential medical information.
§36-6563. Liability - Construction of act.
§36-6564. Examination of affairs of private review agent.
§36-6581. Uniform health claim forms - Uniform billing forms - Rules.
§36-6591. Short title - Declaration of necessity.
§36-6596. Application of Section 9.1 of Title 23 to cause of action brought under act.
§36-6650. Short title.
§36-6652. Compliance with act.
§36-6653. Warrantor registration.
§36-6654. Financial security requirements for sales of products.
§36-6655. Warranty reimbursement insurance policy requirements.
§36-6656. Vehicle protection product warranty requirements - Incidental costs.
§36-6658. Transaction records - Contents - Retention period - Availability for examination.
§36-6659. Examination and enforcement by Commissioner - Notice and hearing - Civil penalty.
§36-6660. Promulgation of rules.
§36-6661. Application and construction of act.
§36-6671. Limited lines license.
§36-6672. Portable electronics insurance - Required brochure contents.
§36-6673. Sale of portable electronics insurance - Licensure exemptions.
§36-6674. Portable electronics insurance - Violations of act.
§36-6675. Portable electronics insurance - Termination of policy or change in terms.
§36-6676. License application requirements.
§36-6701. Workers' compensation providers – Notice to policyholder.
§36-6710. Short title - Travel Insurance Act.
§36-6711. Purpose and application of act.
§36-6713. Limited lines travel insurance producer license.
§36-6715. Travel protection plans.
§36-6716. Application of Unfair Trade Practices Act.
§36-6717. Qualifications for travel administrators.
§36-6718. Classification and filing terms - Individual and group policies allowed.
§36-6719. Promulgation of rules.
§36-6751. Purpose - Exemptions.
§36-6753. Home service contracts - Requirements for sale - Provider responsibilities.
§36-6754. Service contracts - Content.
§36-6755. Examination and enforcement of act.
§36-6802. See the following versions:
§36-6802v1. Telemedicine defined.
§36-6803. Coverage of services – Requirements for insurers.
§36-6811. Time for filing closed claim report.
§36-6812.1. Required information, format, and coding protocol in reports.
§36-6813. Compilation of data - Report.
§36-6814. Electronic database.
§36-6815. Submission of composite data reports Governor and Legislature.
§36-6817. Designated statistical agent - Definition.
§36-6818. Designation of or contract with organization to serve as statistical agent.
§36-6819. Qualifications for statistical agent.
§36-6820. Provision of premium and loss cost data.
§36-6830. Insurance compliance audits - Confidentiality.
§36-6831. Applicability of confidentiality privilege - Disclosure.
§36-6832. Petition for in camera hearing - Contents.
§36-6834. Non-privileged information.
§36-6836. Privilege effective date.
§36-6837. Effect upon statutory or common law privileges.
§36-6850.1. Notification of deletions in prescription coverage.
§36-6904. Certification by Insurance Commissioner - Issuance of certificate.
§36-6905. Powers of health maintenance organization - Notice of effect on financial soundness.
§36-6909. Reports and statements.
§36-6910. Information to be provided to subscribers.
§36-6911. Grievance procedures.
§36-6912. Investment of funds.
§36-6915. Insolvency - Replacement coverage - Reduction or exclusion of benefits.
§36-6916. Premium rates - Approval by Insurance Commissioner.
§36-6917. Producer license - Exempted persons.
§36-6919. Examination of affairs, programs, books, and records - Payment of expenses.
§36-6920. Examination of affairs, programs, books, and records - Payment of expenses.
§36-6926. Provisions of laws not applicable to health maintenance organizations.
§36-6927. Public records - Trade secrets - Privileged or confidential information.
§36-6928. Disclosure of diagnostic, treatment or health status information.
§36-6929. Contracts by Health Commissioner with qualified persons.
§36-6930. Acquisition of control of health maintenance organization.
§36-6931. Coordination of benefits provisions.
§36-6934. Services permitted to be provided.
§36-6935. Services provided to out-of-state enrollees.
§36-6937. Short title - Risk-based Capital (RBC) for Health Maintenance Organizations Act of 2003.
§36-6939. Report of Risk-based Capital (RBC) levels - Formula - Adjustment by Commissioner.
§36-6942. Authorized control level event - Definition - Duties of Insurance Commissioner.
§36-6943. Mandatory control level event - Definition - Duties of Insurance Commissioner.
§36-6946. Application of act - Rules for implementation of act.
§36-6947. Foreign health maintenance organizations.
§36-6950. Effective date of notices by Insurance Commissioner.
§36-6951. Requirements for RBC reports filed in 2003.
§36-6952. Nonprofit health maintenance organizations.
§36-6953. Certificate of authority to issue contracts.
§36-6954. Application for certificate of authority - Requirements.
§36-6955. Transfers for existing health maintenance organizations to nonprofit status.
§36-6958. Short title - Patient's Right to Pharmacy Choice Act.
§36-6961. Retail pharmacy network access standards.
§36-6963. Health insurer to monitor activities and ensure compliance.
§36-6964. Formulary to identify drugs that offer greatest value.
§36-6965. Power to investigate.
§36-6966. Patient's Right to Pharmacy Choice Commission – Complaints alleging violations - Hearings.
§36-6966.1. Violations – Penalties - Hearings.
§36-6967. Confidentiality and privilege of information.
§36-7001. Short title - Purpose.
§36-7003. State-mandated health benefits – Exclusion.
§36-7004. Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact.
§36-7101. Perpetual Care Fund Act.
§36-7103. Perpetual Care Fund - Deposits into fund - Investments - Distribution methods
§36-7104. Donations, deposits or bequests in trust.
§36-7105. Investment of trust funds - Income
§36-7106. Annual fee and report - Examination of books and records - Cost of examination
§36-7107. Prepayment contract finance charges - Disclosure.
§36-7108. Exceptions to application of act.
§36-7109. Administration of act - Rules and regulations.
§36-7110. Violations - Punishment.
§36-7111. Fraudulent or intentional failure to honor contract.
§36-7112. Actions to recover payments and other monies - Censure and fine.
§36-7121. Cemetery Merchandise Trust Act.
§36-7123. Permit required - Contracts in violation of act.
§36-7124. Administration of act – Appeals – Exemption for prepaid plans.
§36-7125. Application for permit - Cancellation of or refusal to issue or renew permit - Appeal.
§36-7126. Establishment and maintenance of cemetery merchandise trust funds
§36-7127. Surety bond in lieu of trust requirement.
§36-7128. Annual report - Filing fee - Failure to file.
§36-7129. Examination of wholesale costs.
§36-7130. Redeposit of improperly withdrawn monies.
§36-7131. Attorney General - Action to recover payments - Penalties.
§36-7132. Execution, seizure, appropriation or application of certain funds prohibited.
§36-7133. Failure to assist examination of records - Application for receivership.
§36-7134. Violations - Penalties.
§36-7135. State Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund.
§36-7202. Health Carrier Access Payment Revolving Fund.
§36-7203. Access payment on paid claims.
§36-7301. Dental plan fee regulation - Appeals procedures.
§36-7302. Dental insurance plans - Contracting entity requirements
§36-7303. Prohibition on denial of claim in a prior authorization – Exceptions - Requirements.