Effective: September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
The director of job and family services shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code governing the operation of type A family day-care homes, including parent cooperative type A homes, part-time type A homes, and drop-in type A homes. The rules shall reflect the various forms of child care and the needs of children receiving child care. The rules shall include the following:
(A) Submission of a site plan and descriptive plan of operation to demonstrate how the type A home proposes to meet the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter for the initial license application;
(B) Standards for ensuring that the physical surroundings of the type A home are safe and sanitary, including the physical environment, the physical plant, and the equipment of the type A home;
(C) Standards for the supervision, care, and discipline of children receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the type A home;
(D) Standards for a program of activities, and for play equipment, materials, and supplies, to enhance the development of each child; however, any educational curricula, philosophies, and methodologies that are developmentally appropriate and that enhance the social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of each child shall be permissible;
(E) Admissions policies and procedures;
(F) Health care policies and procedures, including procedures for the isolation of children with communicable diseases;
(G) First aid and emergency procedures;
(H) Procedures for discipline and supervision of children;
(I) Standards for the provision of nutritious meals and snacks;
(J) Procedures for screening children, including any necessary physical examinations and the immunizations required pursuant to section 5104.014 of the Revised Code;
(K) Procedures for screening employees, including any necessary physical examinations and immunizations;
(L) Methods for encouraging parental participation in the type A home and methods for ensuring that the rights of children, parents, and employees are protected and that the responsibilities of parents and employees are met;
(M) Procedures for ensuring the safety and adequate supervision of children traveling off the premises of the type A home while under the care of a type A home employee;
(N) Procedures for record keeping, organization, and administration;
(O) Procedures for issuing, denying, and revoking a license that are not otherwise provided for in Chapter 119. of the Revised Code;
(P) Inspection procedures;
(Q) Procedures and standards for setting initial license application fees;
(R) Procedures for receiving, recording, and responding to complaints about type A homes;
(S) Procedures for enforcing section 5104.04 of the Revised Code;
(T) A standard requiring the inclusion of a current department of job and family services toll-free telephone number on each type A home license that any person may use to report a suspected violation by the type A home of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(U) Requirements for the training of administrators and child-care staff members in first aid, in prevention, recognition, and management of communicable diseases, and in child abuse recognition and prevention;
(V) Standards providing for the special needs of children who are handicapped or who require treatment for health conditions while the child is receiving child care or publicly funded child care in the type A home;
(W) Standards for the maximum number of children per child-care staff member;
(X) Requirements for the amount of usable indoor floor space for each child;
(Y) Requirements for safe outdoor play space;
(Z) Qualifications and training requirements for administrators and for child-care staff members;
(AA) Procedures for granting a parent who is the residential parent and legal custodian, or a custodian or guardian access to the type A home during its hours of operation;
(BB) Minimum requirements for instructional time for type A homes rated through the step up to quality program established pursuant to section 5104.29 of the Revised Code;
(CC) Any other procedures and standards necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter regarding type A homes.
Last updated August 24, 2021 at 2:42 PM
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Section 5104.01 | Child Care Definitions.
Section 5104.013 | Criminal Records Checks.
Section 5104.014 | Medical Statement of Immunization.
Section 5104.015 | Adoption of Rules.
Section 5104.016 | Rules Establishing Minimum Requirements for Child Day-Care Centers.
Section 5104.017 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Operation of Type a Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.018 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Licensure of Type B Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.019 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Certification of In-Home Aides.
Section 5104.0110 | Rules Requiring a Physical Examination.
Section 5104.0111 | Director of Job and Family Services; Duties.
Section 5104.02 | License Required.
Section 5104.021 | Exemption of Youth Development Programs.
Section 5104.022 | Licensing of Foster Homes as Family Day Care Homes.
Section 5104.03 | Application for and Renewal of License.
Section 5104.032 | Physical Space Requirements for Child Day-Care Centers.
Section 5104.033 | Staff to Child Ratios.
Section 5104.034 | Trained Staff Required on Premises.
Section 5104.037 | Tuberculosis Screening, Testing of Prospective Employees.
Section 5104.038 | Enrollment, Health, and Attendance Records.
Section 5104.039 | Access to Centers for Parents or Guardians.
Section 5104.04 | Investigating, Inspecting, and Licensing Procedures Established.
Section 5104.041 | Type a and B Family Day-Care Home Requirements.
Section 5104.042 | Suspension of Day-Care Center and Home Licenses Without Hearing.
Section 5104.043 | Determination of Serious Risk of Noncompliance; Notice.
Section 5104.05 | Requirements for Building, Fire Prevention, and Food Service.
Section 5104.051 | Responsibility for Inspections.
Section 5104.052 | Fire Prevention and Fire Safety in Licensed Type B Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.053 | Inspecting Unlicensed Type B Homes.
Section 5104.054 | Zoning for Type B Family Day-Care Home.
Section 5104.06 | Providing Consultation and Technical Assistance.
Section 5104.08 | Day-Care Advisory Council.
Section 5104.081 | Management of Day-Care Functions.
Section 5104.09 | Discrimination Prohibited.
Section 5104.10 | Whistleblower Protection.
Section 5104.12 | Certification of In-Home Aides to Provide Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.14 | Readability of Materials.
Section 5104.21 | Child Day Camp Registration.
Section 5104.22 | Enabling Approved Child Day Camp to Receive Public Moneys.
Section 5104.25 | Prohibiting Smoking.
Section 5104.29 | Step Up to Quality Program.
Section 5104.31 | Eligible Providers of Services for Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.32 | Provider Contracts.
Section 5104.33 | Forms for Eligibility Determinations for Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.34 | Determination of Eligibility.
Section 5104.341 | Validity of Determination of Eligibility.
Section 5104.35 | County Department of Job and Family Services - Powers and Duties.
Section 5104.36 | Record for Each Eligible Child.
Section 5104.382 | No Contracts to Person Against Whom Finding for Recovery Has Been Issued.
Section 5104.40 | Implementation of Rules.
Section 5104.41 | Homeless Child Care.
Section 5104.42 | Payment Procedure for Publicly Funded Child Care.
Section 5104.43 | Deposits Into Public Assistance Fund.
Section 5104.44 | Effect of Child Support Default on License or Certificate.