Effective: March 19, 2015
Latest Legislation: House Bill 394 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section:
(1) "Child" includes both of the following:
(a) An infant, toddler, or preschool age child;
(b) A school-age child who is not enrolled in a public or nonpublic school but is enrolled in a child day-care center, type A family day-care home, or licensed type B family day-care home or receives child care from a certified in-home aide.
(2) "In the process of being immunized" means having received at least the first dose of an immunization sequence and complying with the immunization intervals or catch-up schedule prescribed by the director of health.
(B) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, not later than thirty days after enrollment in a child day-care center, type A family day-care home, or licensed type B family day-care home and every thirteen months thereafter while enrolled in the center or home and not later than thirty days after beginning to receive child care from a certified in-home aide and every thirteen months thereafter while continuing to receive child care from the aide, each child's caretaker parent shall provide to the center, home, or in-home aide a medical statement, as described in division (D) of this section, indicating that the child has been immunized against or is in the process of being immunized against all of the following diseases:
(1) Chicken pox;
(2) Diphtheria;
(3) Haemophilus influenzae type b;
(4) Hepatitis A;
(5) Hepatitis B;
(6) Influenza;
(7) Measles;
(8) Mumps;
(9) Pertussis;
(10) Pneumococcal disease;
(11) Poliomyelitis;
(12) Rotavirus;
(13) Rubella;
(14) Tetanus.
(C)(1) A child is not required to be immunized against a disease specified in division (B) of this section if any of the following is the case:
(a) Immunization against the disease is medically contraindicated for the child;
(b) The child's parent or guardian has declined to have the child immunized against the disease for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions;
(c) Immunization against the disease is not medically appropriate for the child's age.
(2) In the case of influenza, a child is not required to be immunized against the disease if the seasonal vaccine is not available.
(D)(1) The medical statement shall include all of the following information:
(a) The dates that a child received immunizations against each of the diseases specified in division (B) of this section;
(b) Whether a child is subject to any of the exceptions specified in division (C) of this section.
(2) The medical statement shall include a component where a parent or guardian may indicate that the parent or guardian has declined to have the child immunized.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Section 5104.01 | Child Care Definitions.
Section 5104.013 | Criminal Records Checks.
Section 5104.014 | Medical Statement of Immunization.
Section 5104.015 | Adoption of Rules.
Section 5104.016 | Rules Establishing Minimum Requirements for Child Day-Care Centers.
Section 5104.017 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Operation of Type a Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.018 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Licensure of Type B Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.019 | Adoption of Rules Governing the Certification of In-Home Aides.
Section 5104.0110 | Rules Requiring a Physical Examination.
Section 5104.0111 | Director of Job and Family Services; Duties.
Section 5104.02 | License Required.
Section 5104.021 | Exemption of Youth Development Programs.
Section 5104.022 | Licensing of Foster Homes as Family Day Care Homes.
Section 5104.03 | Application for and Renewal of License.
Section 5104.032 | Physical Space Requirements for Child Day-Care Centers.
Section 5104.033 | Staff to Child Ratios.
Section 5104.034 | Trained Staff Required on Premises.
Section 5104.037 | Tuberculosis Screening, Testing of Prospective Employees.
Section 5104.038 | Enrollment, Health, and Attendance Records.
Section 5104.039 | Access to Centers for Parents or Guardians.
Section 5104.04 | Investigating, Inspecting, and Licensing Procedures Established.
Section 5104.041 | Type a and B Family Day-Care Home Requirements.
Section 5104.042 | Suspension of Day-Care Center and Home Licenses Without Hearing.
Section 5104.043 | Determination of Serious Risk of Noncompliance; Notice.
Section 5104.05 | Requirements for Building, Fire Prevention, and Food Service.
Section 5104.051 | Responsibility for Inspections.
Section 5104.052 | Fire Prevention and Fire Safety in Licensed Type B Family Day-Care Homes.
Section 5104.053 | Inspecting Unlicensed Type B Homes.
Section 5104.054 | Zoning for Type B Family Day-Care Home.
Section 5104.06 | Providing Consultation and Technical Assistance.
Section 5104.08 | Day-Care Advisory Council.
Section 5104.081 | Management of Day-Care Functions.
Section 5104.09 | Discrimination Prohibited.
Section 5104.10 | Whistleblower Protection.
Section 5104.12 | Certification of In-Home Aides to Provide Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.14 | Readability of Materials.
Section 5104.21 | Child Day Camp Registration.
Section 5104.22 | Enabling Approved Child Day Camp to Receive Public Moneys.
Section 5104.25 | Prohibiting Smoking.
Section 5104.29 | Step Up to Quality Program.
Section 5104.31 | Eligible Providers of Services for Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.32 | Provider Contracts.
Section 5104.33 | Forms for Eligibility Determinations for Publicly Funded Child Day-Care.
Section 5104.34 | Determination of Eligibility.
Section 5104.341 | Validity of Determination of Eligibility.
Section 5104.35 | County Department of Job and Family Services - Powers and Duties.
Section 5104.36 | Record for Each Eligible Child.
Section 5104.382 | No Contracts to Person Against Whom Finding for Recovery Has Been Issued.
Section 5104.40 | Implementation of Rules.
Section 5104.41 | Homeless Child Care.
Section 5104.42 | Payment Procedure for Publicly Funded Child Care.
Section 5104.43 | Deposits Into Public Assistance Fund.
Section 5104.44 | Effect of Child Support Default on License or Certificate.