Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2151 | Juvenile Court
Section 2151.414 | Hearing on Motion Requesting Permanent Custody.

Effective: October 12, 2016
Latest Legislation: House Bill 158 - 131st General Assembly
(A)(1) Upon the filing of a motion pursuant to section 2151.413 of the Revised Code for permanent custody of a child, the court shall schedule a hearing and give notice of the filing of the motion and of the hearing, in accordance with section 2151.29 of the Revised Code, to all parties to the action and to the child's guardian ad litem. The notice also shall contain a full explanation that the granting of permanent custody permanently divests the parents of their parental rights, a full explanation of their right to be represented by counsel and to have counsel appointed pursuant to Chapter 120. of the Revised Code if they are indigent, and the name and telephone number of the court employee designated by the court pursuant to section 2151.314 of the Revised Code to arrange for the prompt appointment of counsel for indigent persons.
The court shall conduct a hearing in accordance with section 2151.35 of the Revised Code to determine if it is in the best interest of the child to permanently terminate parental rights and grant permanent custody to the agency that filed the motion. The adjudication that the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child and any dispositional order that has been issued in the case under section 2151.353 of the Revised Code pursuant to the adjudication shall not be readjudicated at the hearing and shall not be affected by a denial of the motion for permanent custody.
(2) The court shall hold the hearing scheduled pursuant to division (A)(1) of this section not later than one hundred twenty days after the agency files the motion for permanent custody, except that, for good cause shown, the court may continue the hearing for a reasonable period of time beyond the one-hundred-twenty-day deadline. The court shall issue an order that grants, denies, or otherwise disposes of the motion for permanent custody, and journalize the order, not later than two hundred days after the agency files the motion.
If a motion is made under division (D)(2) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code and no dispositional hearing has been held in the case, the court may hear the motion in the dispositional hearing required by division (B) of section 2151.35 of the Revised Code. If the court issues an order pursuant to section 2151.353 of the Revised Code granting permanent custody of the child to the agency, the court shall immediately dismiss the motion made under division (D)(2) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code.
The failure of the court to comply with the time periods set forth in division (A)(2) of this section does not affect the authority of the court to issue any order under this chapter and does not provide any basis for attacking the jurisdiction of the court or the validity of any order of the court.
(B)(1) Except as provided in division (B)(2) of this section, the court may grant permanent custody of a child to a movant if the court determines at the hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section, by clear and convincing evidence, that it is in the best interest of the child to grant permanent custody of the child to the agency that filed the motion for permanent custody and that any of the following apply:
(a) The child is not abandoned or orphaned, has not been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period, or has not been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period if, as described in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the child was previously in the temporary custody of an equivalent agency in another state, and the child cannot be placed with either of the child's parents within a reasonable time or should not be placed with the child's parents.
(b) The child is abandoned.
(c) The child is orphaned, and there are no relatives of the child who are able to take permanent custody.
(d) The child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period, or the child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period and, as described in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the child was previously in the temporary custody of an equivalent agency in another state.
(e) The child or another child in the custody of the parent or parents from whose custody the child has been removed has been adjudicated an abused, neglected, or dependent child on three separate occasions by any court in this state or another state.
For the purposes of division (B)(1) of this section, a child shall be considered to have entered the temporary custody of an agency on the earlier of the date the child is adjudicated pursuant to section 2151.28 of the Revised Code or the date that is sixty days after the removal of the child from home.
(2) With respect to a motion made pursuant to division (D)(2) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the court shall grant permanent custody of the child to the movant if the court determines in accordance with division (E) of this section that the child cannot be placed with one of the child's parents within a reasonable time or should not be placed with either parent and determines in accordance with division (D) of this section that permanent custody is in the child's best interest.
(C) In making the determinations required by this section or division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code, a court shall not consider the effect the granting of permanent custody to the agency would have upon any parent of the child. A written report of the guardian ad litem of the child shall be submitted to the court prior to or at the time of the hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section or section 2151.35 of the Revised Code but shall not be submitted under oath.
If the court grants permanent custody of a child to a movant under this division, the court, upon the request of any party, shall file a written opinion setting forth its findings of fact and conclusions of law in relation to the proceeding. The court shall not deny an agency's motion for permanent custody solely because the agency failed to implement any particular aspect of the child's case plan.
(D)(1) In determining the best interest of a child at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) or (5) of section 2151.353 or division (C) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code, the court shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) The interaction and interrelationship of the child with the child's parents, siblings, relatives, foster caregivers and out-of-home providers, and any other person who may significantly affect the child;
(b) The wishes of the child, as expressed directly by the child or through the child's guardian ad litem, with due regard for the maturity of the child;
(c) The custodial history of the child, including whether the child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period, or the child has been in the temporary custody of one or more public children services agencies or private child placing agencies for twelve or more months of a consecutive twenty-two-month period and, as described in division (D)(1) of section 2151.413 of the Revised Code, the child was previously in the temporary custody of an equivalent agency in another state;
(d) The child's need for a legally secure permanent placement and whether that type of placement can be achieved without a grant of permanent custody to the agency;
(e) Whether any of the factors in divisions (E)(7) to (11) of this section apply in relation to the parents and child.
For the purposes of division (D)(1) of this section, a child shall be considered to have entered the temporary custody of an agency on the earlier of the date the child is adjudicated pursuant to section 2151.28 of the Revised Code or the date that is sixty days after the removal of the child from home.
(2) If all of the following apply, permanent custody is in the best interest of the child, and the court shall commit the child to the permanent custody of a public children services agency or private child placing agency:
(a) The court determines by clear and convincing evidence that one or more of the factors in division (E) of this section exist and the child cannot be placed with one of the child's parents within a reasonable time or should not be placed with either parent.
(b) The child has been in an agency's custody for two years or longer, and no longer qualifies for temporary custody pursuant to division (D) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code.
(c) The child does not meet the requirements for a planned permanent living arrangement pursuant to division (A)(5) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code.
(d) Prior to the dispositional hearing, no relative or other interested person has filed, or has been identified in, a motion for legal custody of the child.
(E) In determining at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code whether a child cannot be placed with either parent within a reasonable period of time or should not be placed with the parents, the court shall consider all relevant evidence. If the court determines, by clear and convincing evidence, at a hearing held pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code that one or more of the following exist as to each of the child's parents, the court shall enter a finding that the child cannot be placed with either parent within a reasonable time or should not be placed with either parent:
(1) Following the placement of the child outside the child's home and notwithstanding reasonable case planning and diligent efforts by the agency to assist the parents to remedy the problems that initially caused the child to be placed outside the home, the parent has failed continuously and repeatedly to substantially remedy the conditions causing the child to be placed outside the child's home. In determining whether the parents have substantially remedied those conditions, the court shall consider parental utilization of medical, psychiatric, psychological, and other social and rehabilitative services and material resources that were made available to the parents for the purpose of changing parental conduct to allow them to resume and maintain parental duties.
(2) Chronic mental illness, chronic emotional illness, intellectual disability, physical disability, or chemical dependency of the parent that is so severe that it makes the parent unable to provide an adequate permanent home for the child at the present time and, as anticipated, within one year after the court holds the hearing pursuant to division (A) of this section or for the purposes of division (A)(4) of section 2151.353 of the Revised Code;
(3) The parent committed any abuse as described in section 2151.031 of the Revised Code against the child, caused the child to suffer any neglect as described in section 2151.03 of the Revised Code, or allowed the child to suffer any neglect as described in section 2151.03 of the Revised Code between the date that the original complaint alleging abuse or neglect was filed and the date of the filing of the motion for permanent custody;
(4) The parent has demonstrated a lack of commitment toward the child by failing to regularly support, visit, or communicate with the child when able to do so, or by other actions showing an unwillingness to provide an adequate permanent home for the child;
(5) The parent is incarcerated for an offense committed against the child or a sibling of the child;
(6) The parent has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense under division (A) or (C) of section 2919.22 or under section 2903.16, 2903.21, 2903.34, 2905.01, 2905.02, 2905.03, 2905.04, 2905.05, 2907.07, 2907.08, 2907.09, 2907.12, 2907.23, 2907.25, 2907.31, 2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, 2907.323, 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, 2911.12, 2919.12, 2919.24, 2919.25, 2923.12, 2923.13, 2923.161, 2925.02, or 3716.11 of the Revised Code, and the child or a sibling of the child was a victim of the offense, or the parent has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to an offense under section 2903.04 of the Revised Code, a sibling of the child was the victim of the offense, and the parent who committed the offense poses an ongoing danger to the child or a sibling of the child.
(7) The parent has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to one of the following:
(a) An offense under section 2903.01, 2903.02, or 2903.03 of the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to an offense described in those sections and the victim of the offense was a sibling of the child or the victim was another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of the offense;
(b) An offense under section 2903.11, 2903.12, or 2903.13 of the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to an offense described in those sections and the victim of the offense is the child, a sibling of the child, or another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of the offense;
(c) An offense under division (B)(2) of section 2919.22 of the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to the offense described in that section and the child, a sibling of the child, or another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of the offense is the victim of the offense;
(d) An offense under section 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.04, 2907.05, or 2907.06 of the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to an offense described in those sections and the victim of the offense is the child, a sibling of the child, or another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of the offense;
(e) An offense under section 2905.32, 2907.21, or 2907.22 of the Revised Code or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to the offense described in that section and the victim of the offense is the child, a sibling of the child, or another child who lived in the parent's household at the time of the offense;
(f) A conspiracy or attempt to commit, or complicity in committing, an offense described in division (E)(7)(a), (d), or (e) of this section.
(8) The parent has repeatedly withheld medical treatment or food from the child when the parent has the means to provide the treatment or food, and, in the case of withheld medical treatment, the parent withheld it for a purpose other than to treat the physical or mental illness or defect of the child by spiritual means through prayer alone in accordance with the tenets of a recognized religious body.
(9) The parent has placed the child at substantial risk of harm two or more times due to alcohol or drug abuse and has rejected treatment two or more times or refused to participate in further treatment two or more times after a case plan issued pursuant to section 2151.412 of the Revised Code requiring treatment of the parent was journalized as part of a dispositional order issued with respect to the child or an order was issued by any other court requiring treatment of the parent.
(10) The parent has abandoned the child.
(11) The parent has had parental rights involuntarily terminated with respect to a sibling of the child pursuant to this section or section 2151.353 or 2151.415 of the Revised Code, or under an existing or former law of this state, any other state, or the United States that is substantially equivalent to those sections, and the parent has failed to provide clear and convincing evidence to prove that, notwithstanding the prior termination, the parent can provide a legally secure permanent placement and adequate care for the health, welfare, and safety of the child.
(12) The parent is incarcerated at the time of the filing of the motion for permanent custody or the dispositional hearing of the child and will not be available to care for the child for at least eighteen months after the filing of the motion for permanent custody or the dispositional hearing.
(13) The parent is repeatedly incarcerated, and the repeated incarceration prevents the parent from providing care for the child.
(14) The parent for any reason is unwilling to provide food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities for the child or to prevent the child from suffering physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or physical, emotional, or mental neglect.
(15) The parent has committed abuse as described in section 2151.031 of the Revised Code against the child or caused or allowed the child to suffer neglect as described in section 2151.03 of the Revised Code, and the court determines that the seriousness, nature, or likelihood of recurrence of the abuse or neglect makes the child's placement with the child's parent a threat to the child's safety.
(16) Any other factor the court considers relevant.
(F) The parents of a child for whom the court has issued an order granting permanent custody pursuant to this section, upon the issuance of the order, cease to be parties to the action. This division is not intended to eliminate or restrict any right of the parents to appeal the granting of permanent custody of their child to a movant pursuant to this section.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 21 | Courts-Probate-Juvenile

Chapter 2151 | Juvenile Court

Section 2151.01 | Liberal Interpretation and Construction.

Section 2151.011 | Juvenile Court Definitions.

Section 2151.022 | Unruly Child Defined.

Section 2151.03 | Neglected Child Defined - Failure to Provide Medical or Surgical Care for Religious Reasons.

Section 2151.031 | Abused Child Defined.

Section 2151.04 | Dependent Child Defined.

Section 2151.05 | Child Without Proper Parental Care.

Section 2151.06 | Residence or Legal Settlement.

Section 2151.07 | Powers and Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.08 | Juvenile Court in Hamilton County.

Section 2151.09 | Separate Building and Site May Be Purchased or Leased.

Section 2151.10 | County Appropriations for Expenses of Court.

Section 2151.12 | Clerk - Bond - Judge as Clerk.

Section 2151.13 | Employees - Compensation - Bond.

Section 2151.14 | Duties and Powers of Probation Department - Records - Command Assistance.

Section 2151.141 | Written Request for Records Relating to Alleged Abused, Neglected or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.142 | Residential Addresses of Personnel of Public Children Services Agency or a Private Child Placing Agency to Be Confidential Information.

Section 2151.15 | Powers and Duties Vested in County Department of Probation.

Section 2151.151 | Contract for Supervisory and Other Services for Children on Probation.

Section 2151.152 | Reimbursement of Court From Department of Job and Family Services for Costs of Children in Custody of Court.

Section 2151.16 | Referees - Powers and Duties.

Section 2151.17 | Rules of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.18 | Court Records - Annual Report - Copies for Distribution.

Section 2151.19 | Summons - Expense.

Section 2151.20 | Seal of Court - Dimensions.

Section 2151.21 | Jurisdiction in Contempt.

Section 2151.211 | Employer May Not Penalize Employee for Being Subpoenaed Before Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.22 | Terms of Court - Sessions.

Section 2151.23 | Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.231 | Order Requiring Support of Child Without Regard to Marital Status of Child's Parents.

Section 2151.232 | Order Requiring Support of Child Where Acknowledgment of Parentage Is Not Yet Final.

Section 2151.233 | Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.234 | Construction of r.c. 2151.233.

Section 2151.235 | Transfer of Jurisdiction.

Section 2151.236 | Orders Affecting Child Subject to Support Order by Common Pleas Court.

Section 2151.24 | Separate Room for Hearings.

Section 2151.25 | Court Order to Interview and Examine a Child.

Section 2151.26 | Complaint Regarding Drug Use by Expectant Mother.

Section 2151.27 | Complaint Involving Child.

Section 2151.271 | Transfer to Juvenile Court of Child's Residence.

Section 2151.272 | Release or Transfer of Records for Child Who Is Alleged or Adjudicated an Abused, Neglected, or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.28 | Adjudicatory Hearing - Determining Shelter Care Placement.

Section 2151.281 | Guardian Ad Litem.

Section 2151.29 | Service of Summons, Notices, and Subpoenas - Publication of Summons.

Section 2151.30 | Issuance of Warrant.

Section 2151.31 | Taking Child Into Custody.

Section 2151.311 | Procedure Upon Taking Child Into Custody.

Section 2151.312 | Facilities for Holding Unruly, Neglected, Abused or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.313 | Fingerprints, Photographs Require Consent of Juvenile Judge.

Section 2151.314 | Hearing on Detention or Shelter Care.

Section 2151.315 | Participation in Extracurricular, Enrichment, and Social Activities.

Section 2151.316 | Foster Youth Bill of Rights.

Section 2151.32 | Selection of Custodian.

Section 2151.33 | Temporary Care - Emergency Medical Treatment - Reimbursement.

Section 2151.331 | Options for Placement of Alleged or Adjudicated Abused, Neglected, Dependent or Unruly Child.

Section 2151.34 | Protection Order Against a Minor.

Section 2151.35 | Procedure for Hearings in Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.352 | Right to Counsel.

Section 2151.353 | Orders of Disposition of Abused, Neglected or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.354 | Orders of Disposition of Unruly Child.

Section 2151.355 | Sealing of Juvenile Court Records - Definitions.

Section 2151.356 | Sealing of Juvenile Court Records.

Section 2151.357 | Response Respecting Sealed Records - Index - Limited Inspection.

Section 2151.358 | Expungement of Sealed Records.

Section 2151.359 | Order Restraining or Controlling Conduct of Parent, Guardian, or Custodian.

Section 2151.3510 | Notice to Public Children Services Agency of Intended Commitment Order.

Section 2151.3514 | Order Requiring Parent or Other Caregiver to Submit to Assessment and Treatment From Alcohol and Drug Addiction Program.

Section 2151.3515 | Desertion of Child Definitions.

Section 2151.3516 | Delivery of Child by Parent to Persons Authorized to Take Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3517 | Persons Authorized to Take Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3518 | Duties Upon Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3519 | Duties of Public Children Services Agency Upon Receiving Notice of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3521 | Emergency Hearing to Determine Whether Child Is Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3522 | Adjudication That Child Is Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3523 | Court to Treat Deserted Child as Neglected Child.

Section 2151.3524 | Agency Granted Temporary Custody to Treat Deserted Child as Neglected Child.

Section 2151.3525 | Immunity of Parent and of Person or Entity Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3526 | Parent's Absolute Right to Anonymity.

Section 2151.3528 | Parent Completion of Medical Information Forms.

Section 2151.3529 | Declining Forms.

Section 2151.3530 | Activities Prohibited to Person Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3531 | DNA Testing of Person Seeking Reunification With Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3532 | Rules Governing Newborn Safety Incubators.

Section 2151.3534 | Medical Information Forms.

Section 2151.3535 | Distributing Medical Information Forms and Written Materials.

Section 2151.36 | Support of Child.

Section 2151.361 | Order Requiring Parents to Pay Support Where Adopted Child Is Placed Into Temporary Custody or Committed.

Section 2151.362 | Determining School District to Bear Cost of Educating Child - Change of Residence.

Section 2151.37 | Institution Receiving Children Required to Make Report.

Section 2151.38 | Duration of Dispositional Order.

Section 2151.39 | Placement of Children From Other States.

Section 2151.40 | Cooperation With Court.

Section 2151.411 | Placing Siblings Together.

Section 2151.412 | Case Plans.

Section 2151.413 | Motion Requesting Permanent Custody.

Section 2151.414 | Hearing on Motion Requesting Permanent Custody.

Section 2151.415 | Motion for Order of Disposition Upon Termination of Temporary Custody Order.

Section 2151.416 | Semiannual Administrative Review of Case Plans.

Section 2151.417 | Review of Child's Placement, Custody Arrangement or Case Plan.

Section 2151.419 | Court's Determination as to Whether Agency Made Reasonable Efforts to Prevent Removal or to Return Child Safely Home.

Section 2151.4115 | Definitions Regarding Locating and Engaging Kinship Caregiver.

Section 2151.4116 | Intensive Efforts Required for Locating and Engaging Kinship Caregiver.

Section 2151.4117 | Court Review of Intensive Efforts.

Section 2151.4118 | Court Determination Intensive Efforts Not Required.

Section 2151.4119 | Findings Supporting Court Determination.

Section 2151.4120 | Current Caregiver Equal to Kin Regarding Permanency.

Section 2151.4121 | Disqualifying Kin Unwilling or Not Interested in Providing Permanency.

Section 2151.4122 | Continued Search to Locate and Engage Kinship Caregiver Permitted.

Section 2151.42 | Best Interests of Child - Order Granting Legal Custody.

Section 2151.421 | Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect.

Section 2151.422 | Child Living in Domestic Violence or Homeless Shelter.

Section 2151.423 | Disclosure of Confidential Information to Protect Children.

Section 2151.424 | Notice and Opportunity to Present Evidence to Foster Caregiver, Relative, or Prospective Adoptive Parent.

Section 2151.425 | Children's Advocacy Center - Definitions.

Section 2151.426 | Children's Advocacy Center - Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.427 | Children's Advocacy Center - Multidisciplinary Team.

Section 2151.428 | Children's Advocacy Center - Interagency Agreement.

Section 2151.429 | Traditional and Alternative Response Pathways.

Section 2151.4210 | Child Abuse or Neglect Investigation Relating to Armed Forces.

Section 2151.4220 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4210] Memorandum of Understanding Required; Signatories.

Section 2151.4221 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4211] Memorandum of Understanding Purpose, Content.

Section 2151.4222 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4212] Memorandum of Understanding Biennial Review and Update.

Section 2151.4223 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4213] Consequences Limited for Failure to Follow Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.4225 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4215] Memorandum of Understanding Biennial Review, Approval by County Commissioners.

Section 2151.4226 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4216] Deadline for Biennial Review and Resolution.

Section 2151.4228 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4218] Model Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.4229 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4219] Memorandum of Understanding Audit.

Section 2151.4230 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4220] Compliance Determination.

Section 2151.4231 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4221] Compliance Assurance Plan.

Section 2151.4232 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4222] Memorandum of Understanding Effective When Determined Compliant.

Section 2151.4233 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4223] Compliant, Noncompliant Counties on Department of Job and Family Services Website.

Section 2151.4234 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4224] Memorandum of Understanding Publication on County Website.

Section 2151.43 | Charges Against Adults; Defendant Bound Over to Grand Jury.

Section 2151.44 | Complaint After Hearing.

Section 2151.45 | Emancipated Young Adult and Representative Defined.

Section 2151.451 | Jurisdiction Over Emancipated Young Adult.

Section 2151.452 | Duties of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.453 | Suspension of Payments for Foster Care.

Section 2151.454 | Supporting Documents for Court Determination.

Section 2151.455 | Representation.

Section 2151.49 | Suspension of Sentence.

Section 2151.50 | Forfeiture of Bond.

Section 2151.52 | Appeals on Questions of Law.

Section 2151.53 | Physical and Mental Examinations - Records of Examination - Expenses.

Section 2151.54 | Fees and Costs.

Section 2151.541 | Computerizing Court of Paying Cost of Computerized Legal Research.

Section 2151.542 | Cancellation of Uncollectible Debts.

Section 2151.55 | Communicating Intended Placement to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.551 | Contents of Communication to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.552 | Written Information to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.553 | School District Procedure for Receiving Information.

Section 2151.554 | Information to Juvenile Court in County Other Than County of Residence.

Section 2151.56 | Interstate Compact for Juveniles.

Section 2151.57 | Definitions for Rc Sections 2151.57 to 2151.59.

Section 2151.58 | Appointment of Compact Administrator.

Section 2151.59 | Administration by Department of Youth Services.

Section 2151.65 | Single-County and Joint-County Juvenile Facilities for Training, Treatment, and Rehabilitation.

Section 2151.651 | Application for State Assistance for Juvenile Facilities.

Section 2151.653 | Program of Education for Youths Admitted to School, Forestry Camp, or Other Facility.

Section 2151.654 | Agreement Other County.

Section 2151.655 | Issuing General Obligation Securities - Joint District Financing Agreements.

Section 2151.66 | Assessment of Taxes for Expense.

Section 2151.67 | Receipt and Use of Gifts and Bequests.

Section 2151.68 | Appointment of District Boards of Trustees by Joint Board of County Commissioners.

Section 2151.69 | Organization of District Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.70 | Superintendent and Other Personnel.

Section 2151.71 | Operation of District Facilities Same as County Facilities.

Section 2151.72 | Site Selection.

Section 2151.73 | Apportioned Representation on Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.74 | Removing a Trustee.

Section 2151.75 | Delegation of Powers and Duties to Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.76 | Joint Board of County Commissioners Has Authority for Choice, Construction and Furnishing of Facility.

Section 2151.77 | Expenses Paid by Each County.

Section 2151.78 | County Withdrawing From District.

Section 2151.79 | Fiscal Officer of District.

Section 2151.80 | Expenses of Board Members.

Section 2151.81 | Independent Living Services Definitions.

Section 2151.82 | Services to Be Based on Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses of Child.

Section 2151.83 | Jointly Prepared Written Agreement With Young Adult to Provide Independent Living Services.

Section 2151.84 | Department of Job and Family Services to Establish Model Agreements.

Section 2151.85 | Unmarried, Unemancipated Minor May Seek Abortion Without Notice to Parent, Guardian or Custodian.

Section 2151.86 | Criminal Records Check.

Section 2151.87 | Prohibiting Child From Possessing, Using, Purchasing or Receiving Tobacco Products.

Section 2151.88 | Immunity From Liability for Damage Resulting From Forcible Entry of a Motor Vehicle for Purpose of Removing a Minor.

Section 2151.90 | Definitions for Sections 2151.90 to 2151.9011.

Section 2151.901 | Alteration by Court of Host Family Agreement.

Section 2151.902 | Hosting May Not Be Basis of Complaint by Agency.

Section 2151.903 | Presumption; Rebuttal.

Section 2151.904 | Information Provided to Qualified Organization.

Section 2151.906 | Felony Conviction.

Section 2151.907 | Confidentiality of Records Check.

Section 2151.908 | Policies and Procedures for Employees.

Section 2151.909 | Policies and Procedures for Host Families; Training.

Section 2151.9010 | Host Family Not Subject to Certification or Supervision.

Section 2151.9011 | Duty to Report Actual or Threatened Harm.

Section 2151.99 | Penalty.