Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2151 | Juvenile Court
Section 2151.4116 | Intensive Efforts Required for Locating and Engaging Kinship Caregiver.

Effective: September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
A public children services agency or private child placing agency shall make intensive efforts to identify and engage an appropriate and willing kinship caregiver for the care of a child who is in one of following:
(A) Temporary custody of the agency;
(B) A planned permanent living arrangement with the agency.
Last updated September 15, 2021 at 6:12 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 21 | Courts-Probate-Juvenile

Chapter 2151 | Juvenile Court

Section 2151.01 | Liberal Interpretation and Construction.

Section 2151.011 | Juvenile Court Definitions.

Section 2151.022 | Unruly Child Defined.

Section 2151.03 | Neglected Child Defined - Failure to Provide Medical or Surgical Care for Religious Reasons.

Section 2151.031 | Abused Child Defined.

Section 2151.04 | Dependent Child Defined.

Section 2151.05 | Child Without Proper Parental Care.

Section 2151.06 | Residence or Legal Settlement.

Section 2151.07 | Powers and Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.08 | Juvenile Court in Hamilton County.

Section 2151.09 | Separate Building and Site May Be Purchased or Leased.

Section 2151.10 | County Appropriations for Expenses of Court.

Section 2151.12 | Clerk - Bond - Judge as Clerk.

Section 2151.13 | Employees - Compensation - Bond.

Section 2151.14 | Duties and Powers of Probation Department - Records - Command Assistance.

Section 2151.141 | Written Request for Records Relating to Alleged Abused, Neglected or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.142 | Residential Addresses of Personnel of Public Children Services Agency or a Private Child Placing Agency to Be Confidential Information.

Section 2151.15 | Powers and Duties Vested in County Department of Probation.

Section 2151.151 | Contract for Supervisory and Other Services for Children on Probation.

Section 2151.152 | Reimbursement of Court From Department of Job and Family Services for Costs of Children in Custody of Court.

Section 2151.16 | Referees - Powers and Duties.

Section 2151.17 | Rules of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.18 | Court Records - Annual Report - Copies for Distribution.

Section 2151.19 | Summons - Expense.

Section 2151.20 | Seal of Court - Dimensions.

Section 2151.21 | Jurisdiction in Contempt.

Section 2151.211 | Employer May Not Penalize Employee for Being Subpoenaed Before Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.22 | Terms of Court - Sessions.

Section 2151.23 | Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.231 | Order Requiring Support of Child Without Regard to Marital Status of Child's Parents.

Section 2151.232 | Order Requiring Support of Child Where Acknowledgment of Parentage Is Not Yet Final.

Section 2151.233 | Jurisdiction of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.234 | Construction of r.c. 2151.233.

Section 2151.235 | Transfer of Jurisdiction.

Section 2151.236 | Orders Affecting Child Subject to Support Order by Common Pleas Court.

Section 2151.24 | Separate Room for Hearings.

Section 2151.25 | Court Order to Interview and Examine a Child.

Section 2151.26 | Complaint Regarding Drug Use by Expectant Mother.

Section 2151.27 | Complaint Involving Child.

Section 2151.271 | Transfer to Juvenile Court of Child's Residence.

Section 2151.272 | Release or Transfer of Records for Child Who Is Alleged or Adjudicated an Abused, Neglected, or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.28 | Adjudicatory Hearing - Determining Shelter Care Placement.

Section 2151.281 | Guardian Ad Litem.

Section 2151.29 | Service of Summons, Notices, and Subpoenas - Publication of Summons.

Section 2151.30 | Issuance of Warrant.

Section 2151.31 | Taking Child Into Custody.

Section 2151.311 | Procedure Upon Taking Child Into Custody.

Section 2151.312 | Facilities for Holding Unruly, Neglected, Abused or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.313 | Fingerprints, Photographs Require Consent of Juvenile Judge.

Section 2151.314 | Hearing on Detention or Shelter Care.

Section 2151.315 | Participation in Extracurricular, Enrichment, and Social Activities.

Section 2151.316 | Foster Youth Bill of Rights.

Section 2151.32 | Selection of Custodian.

Section 2151.33 | Temporary Care - Emergency Medical Treatment - Reimbursement.

Section 2151.331 | Options for Placement of Alleged or Adjudicated Abused, Neglected, Dependent or Unruly Child.

Section 2151.34 | Protection Order Against a Minor.

Section 2151.35 | Procedure for Hearings in Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.352 | Right to Counsel.

Section 2151.353 | Orders of Disposition of Abused, Neglected or Dependent Child.

Section 2151.354 | Orders of Disposition of Unruly Child.

Section 2151.355 | Sealing of Juvenile Court Records - Definitions.

Section 2151.356 | Sealing of Juvenile Court Records.

Section 2151.357 | Response Respecting Sealed Records - Index - Limited Inspection.

Section 2151.358 | Expungement of Sealed Records.

Section 2151.359 | Order Restraining or Controlling Conduct of Parent, Guardian, or Custodian.

Section 2151.3510 | Notice to Public Children Services Agency of Intended Commitment Order.

Section 2151.3514 | Order Requiring Parent or Other Caregiver to Submit to Assessment and Treatment From Alcohol and Drug Addiction Program.

Section 2151.3515 | Desertion of Child Definitions.

Section 2151.3516 | Delivery of Child by Parent to Persons Authorized to Take Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3517 | Persons Authorized to Take Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3518 | Duties Upon Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3519 | Duties of Public Children Services Agency Upon Receiving Notice of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3521 | Emergency Hearing to Determine Whether Child Is Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3522 | Adjudication That Child Is Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3523 | Court to Treat Deserted Child as Neglected Child.

Section 2151.3524 | Agency Granted Temporary Custody to Treat Deserted Child as Neglected Child.

Section 2151.3525 | Immunity of Parent and of Person or Entity Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3526 | Parent's Absolute Right to Anonymity.

Section 2151.3528 | Parent Completion of Medical Information Forms.

Section 2151.3529 | Declining Forms.

Section 2151.3530 | Activities Prohibited to Person Taking Possession of Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3531 | DNA Testing of Person Seeking Reunification With Deserted Child.

Section 2151.3532 | Rules Governing Newborn Safety Incubators.

Section 2151.3534 | Medical Information Forms.

Section 2151.3535 | Distributing Medical Information Forms and Written Materials.

Section 2151.36 | Support of Child.

Section 2151.361 | Order Requiring Parents to Pay Support Where Adopted Child Is Placed Into Temporary Custody or Committed.

Section 2151.362 | Determining School District to Bear Cost of Educating Child - Change of Residence.

Section 2151.37 | Institution Receiving Children Required to Make Report.

Section 2151.38 | Duration of Dispositional Order.

Section 2151.39 | Placement of Children From Other States.

Section 2151.40 | Cooperation With Court.

Section 2151.411 | Placing Siblings Together.

Section 2151.412 | Case Plans.

Section 2151.413 | Motion Requesting Permanent Custody.

Section 2151.414 | Hearing on Motion Requesting Permanent Custody.

Section 2151.415 | Motion for Order of Disposition Upon Termination of Temporary Custody Order.

Section 2151.416 | Semiannual Administrative Review of Case Plans.

Section 2151.417 | Review of Child's Placement, Custody Arrangement or Case Plan.

Section 2151.419 | Court's Determination as to Whether Agency Made Reasonable Efforts to Prevent Removal or to Return Child Safely Home.

Section 2151.4115 | Definitions Regarding Locating and Engaging Kinship Caregiver.

Section 2151.4116 | Intensive Efforts Required for Locating and Engaging Kinship Caregiver.

Section 2151.4117 | Court Review of Intensive Efforts.

Section 2151.4118 | Court Determination Intensive Efforts Not Required.

Section 2151.4119 | Findings Supporting Court Determination.

Section 2151.4120 | Current Caregiver Equal to Kin Regarding Permanency.

Section 2151.4121 | Disqualifying Kin Unwilling or Not Interested in Providing Permanency.

Section 2151.4122 | Continued Search to Locate and Engage Kinship Caregiver Permitted.

Section 2151.42 | Best Interests of Child - Order Granting Legal Custody.

Section 2151.421 | Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect.

Section 2151.422 | Child Living in Domestic Violence or Homeless Shelter.

Section 2151.423 | Disclosure of Confidential Information to Protect Children.

Section 2151.424 | Notice and Opportunity to Present Evidence to Foster Caregiver, Relative, or Prospective Adoptive Parent.

Section 2151.425 | Children's Advocacy Center - Definitions.

Section 2151.426 | Children's Advocacy Center - Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.427 | Children's Advocacy Center - Multidisciplinary Team.

Section 2151.428 | Children's Advocacy Center - Interagency Agreement.

Section 2151.429 | Traditional and Alternative Response Pathways.

Section 2151.4210 | Child Abuse or Neglect Investigation Relating to Armed Forces.

Section 2151.4220 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4210] Memorandum of Understanding Required; Signatories.

Section 2151.4221 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4211] Memorandum of Understanding Purpose, Content.

Section 2151.4222 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4212] Memorandum of Understanding Biennial Review and Update.

Section 2151.4223 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4213] Consequences Limited for Failure to Follow Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.4225 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4215] Memorandum of Understanding Biennial Review, Approval by County Commissioners.

Section 2151.4226 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4216] Deadline for Biennial Review and Resolution.

Section 2151.4228 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4218] Model Memorandum of Understanding.

Section 2151.4229 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4219] Memorandum of Understanding Audit.

Section 2151.4230 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4220] Compliance Determination.

Section 2151.4231 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4221] Compliance Assurance Plan.

Section 2151.4232 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4222] Memorandum of Understanding Effective When Determined Compliant.

Section 2151.4233 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4223] Compliant, Noncompliant Counties on Department of Job and Family Services Website.

Section 2151.4234 | [Recodified From r.c. 2151.4224] Memorandum of Understanding Publication on County Website.

Section 2151.43 | Charges Against Adults; Defendant Bound Over to Grand Jury.

Section 2151.44 | Complaint After Hearing.

Section 2151.45 | Emancipated Young Adult and Representative Defined.

Section 2151.451 | Jurisdiction Over Emancipated Young Adult.

Section 2151.452 | Duties of Juvenile Court.

Section 2151.453 | Suspension of Payments for Foster Care.

Section 2151.454 | Supporting Documents for Court Determination.

Section 2151.455 | Representation.

Section 2151.49 | Suspension of Sentence.

Section 2151.50 | Forfeiture of Bond.

Section 2151.52 | Appeals on Questions of Law.

Section 2151.53 | Physical and Mental Examinations - Records of Examination - Expenses.

Section 2151.54 | Fees and Costs.

Section 2151.541 | Computerizing Court of Paying Cost of Computerized Legal Research.

Section 2151.542 | Cancellation of Uncollectible Debts.

Section 2151.55 | Communicating Intended Placement to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.551 | Contents of Communication to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.552 | Written Information to Foster Caregiver in Another County and School District.

Section 2151.553 | School District Procedure for Receiving Information.

Section 2151.554 | Information to Juvenile Court in County Other Than County of Residence.

Section 2151.56 | Interstate Compact for Juveniles.

Section 2151.57 | Definitions for Rc Sections 2151.57 to 2151.59.

Section 2151.58 | Appointment of Compact Administrator.

Section 2151.59 | Administration by Department of Youth Services.

Section 2151.65 | Single-County and Joint-County Juvenile Facilities for Training, Treatment, and Rehabilitation.

Section 2151.651 | Application for State Assistance for Juvenile Facilities.

Section 2151.653 | Program of Education for Youths Admitted to School, Forestry Camp, or Other Facility.

Section 2151.654 | Agreement Other County.

Section 2151.655 | Issuing General Obligation Securities - Joint District Financing Agreements.

Section 2151.66 | Assessment of Taxes for Expense.

Section 2151.67 | Receipt and Use of Gifts and Bequests.

Section 2151.68 | Appointment of District Boards of Trustees by Joint Board of County Commissioners.

Section 2151.69 | Organization of District Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.70 | Superintendent and Other Personnel.

Section 2151.71 | Operation of District Facilities Same as County Facilities.

Section 2151.72 | Site Selection.

Section 2151.73 | Apportioned Representation on Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.74 | Removing a Trustee.

Section 2151.75 | Delegation of Powers and Duties to Board of Trustees.

Section 2151.76 | Joint Board of County Commissioners Has Authority for Choice, Construction and Furnishing of Facility.

Section 2151.77 | Expenses Paid by Each County.

Section 2151.78 | County Withdrawing From District.

Section 2151.79 | Fiscal Officer of District.

Section 2151.80 | Expenses of Board Members.

Section 2151.81 | Independent Living Services Definitions.

Section 2151.82 | Services to Be Based on Evaluation of Strengths and Weaknesses of Child.

Section 2151.83 | Jointly Prepared Written Agreement With Young Adult to Provide Independent Living Services.

Section 2151.84 | Department of Job and Family Services to Establish Model Agreements.

Section 2151.85 | Unmarried, Unemancipated Minor May Seek Abortion Without Notice to Parent, Guardian or Custodian.

Section 2151.86 | Criminal Records Check.

Section 2151.87 | Prohibiting Child From Possessing, Using, Purchasing or Receiving Tobacco Products.

Section 2151.88 | Immunity From Liability for Damage Resulting From Forcible Entry of a Motor Vehicle for Purpose of Removing a Minor.

Section 2151.90 | Definitions for Sections 2151.90 to 2151.9011.

Section 2151.901 | Alteration by Court of Host Family Agreement.

Section 2151.902 | Hosting May Not Be Basis of Complaint by Agency.

Section 2151.903 | Presumption; Rebuttal.

Section 2151.904 | Information Provided to Qualified Organization.

Section 2151.906 | Felony Conviction.

Section 2151.907 | Confidentiality of Records Check.

Section 2151.908 | Policies and Procedures for Employees.

Section 2151.909 | Policies and Procedures for Host Families; Training.

Section 2151.9010 | Host Family Not Subject to Certification or Supervision.

Section 2151.9011 | Duty to Report Actual or Threatened Harm.

Section 2151.99 | Penalty.