Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations
Section 1332.04 | Prohibitions.

Effective: September 23, 2008
Latest Legislation: House Bill 562 - 127th General Assembly
(A) No political subdivision of this state shall provide cable service over a cable system, whether bundled with other services or unbundled, except in accordance with sections 1332.01 to 1332.10 of the Revised Code.
(B)(1) No political subdivision of this state that is a public cable service provider or contracts with a public cable service provider for cable service over a cable system shall, by any means, do any of the following:
(a) Prefer or advantage any public cable service provider or discriminate against any private cable service provider in any material matter affecting the provision, within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision, of cable service over a cable system;
(b) Fail to apply any private cable service regulation without discrimination to a public cable service provider within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision;
(c) Fail to pay all applicable fees, including, but not limited to, franchise fees, permit fees, pole attachment fees, or the equivalent of any such fees;
(d) Require from a person providing video service within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision any direct or in-kind charge or a payment of any kind in exchange for PEG channel programming or other content produced by the political subdivision or by an entity created by or partially supported by the political subdivision. As used in division (B)(1)(d) of this section, "PEG channel" and "video service" have the same meanings as in section 1332.21 of the Revised Code.
(2) Nothing in division (B)(1) of this section requires the application of a private cable service regulation to a public cable service provider if that application would be without legal or practical consequence, such as the application of a private cable service regulation requiring provision of an insurance bond, which application to a public cable service provider would require it to insure its performance to itself.
(C) No political subdivision of this state that is a public cable service provider shall have extraterritorial public cable service recipients in excess of fifty per cent of the number of public cable service recipients that reside within the geographical limits of the political subdivision. Nothing in this division prohibits public cable service providers from jointly owning and operating head-end equipment. Each such public cable service provider shall pay that proportion of the full costs of owning and operating such head-end equipment, including, but not limited to, the costs of construction, acquisition, installation, improvement, enhancement, modification, financing, maintenance, repair, and operation, equal to the total population of the political subdivision that is such public cable service provider divided by the total population of all political subdivisions that are public cable service providers jointly owning and operating such head-end equipment, determined annually or with such frequency as such public cable service providers otherwise agree.
(D) No political subdivision of this state that is a franchising authority shall unreasonably withhold a request by a cable service provider to transfer, modify, or renew, in accordance with the terms of the franchise and in accordance with the provisions of the "Telecommunications Act of 1996," Pub. L. No. 104-104, Title III, Section 301(i), 110 Stat. 117, 47 U.S.C.A. 537, the "Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984," Pub. L. No. 98-549, Section 2, 98 Stat. 2790, 47 U.S.C.A. 545, or the "Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992," Pub. L. No. 102-385, Section 18, 106 Stat. 1493, 47 U.S.C.A. 546, its existing franchise to provide cable service over a cable system.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations

Section 1332.01 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations Definitions.

Section 1332.02 | Fair Competition in Cable Service Operations.

Section 1332.03 | No Determination as to Public Utility Status of Cable Service Operation.

Section 1332.04 | Prohibitions.

Section 1332.05 | Legislation Expending Public Moneys for Cable Service.

Section 1332.06 | Special Fund for Cable System - Annual Report.

Section 1332.07 | Effect of Violation by Political Subdivision.

Section 1332.08 | Arbitration of Disputes - Procedure.

Section 1332.09 | Actions for Declaratory or Injunctive Relief - Findings of Arbitration Opinion.

Section 1332.10 | Right of Action, Remedy or Penalty Is in Addition to Others.

Section 1332.21 | Video Service Definitions.

Section 1332.22 | Legislative Findings Regarding Video Service.

Section 1332.23 | Video Service Authorization - Video Service as Cable Service.

Section 1332.24 | Issuance of Video Service Authorization - Violations - Civil Penalties.

Section 1332.25 | Application for Video Service Authorization.

Section 1332.26 | Political Subdivision Authority - Complaints - Standards.

Section 1332.27 | Advance Notice of Service - Transfer - Termination.

Section 1332.28 | Racial or Income Discrimination Prohibited.

Section 1332.29 | Household Service Percentage Requirements - Waiver.

Section 1332.30 | Public, Educational, or Governmental Programming Channels.

Section 1332.31 | Emergency Interrupt Service Announcements.

Section 1332.32 | Payment of Video Service Provider Fees.

Section 1332.33 | Video Service Provider Fee Audit.

Section 1332.34 | Harmony With Federal Law.