Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations
Section 1332.03 | No Determination as to Public Utility Status of Cable Service Operation.

Effective: October 5, 2000
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 67 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Nothing in sections 1332.01 to 1332.10 of the Revised Code is a determination by the general assembly that the provision of cable service over a cable system by a municipal corporation does or does not constitute a public utility pursuant to Section 4 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution.
(B) Nothing in sections 1332.01 to 1332.10 of the Revised Code confers authority on a political subdivision of this state to own, lease, or operate a cable system or to provide cable service over a cable system; rather, that authority, if any, is as otherwise may be conferred by law.
(C) Except as expressly provided in sections 1332.01 to 1332.10 of the Revised Code, nothing in those sections restricts the authority of a political subdivision of this state, otherwise conferred by law, to grant a franchise to provide cable service.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations

Section 1332.01 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations Definitions.

Section 1332.02 | Fair Competition in Cable Service Operations.

Section 1332.03 | No Determination as to Public Utility Status of Cable Service Operation.

Section 1332.04 | Prohibitions.

Section 1332.05 | Legislation Expending Public Moneys for Cable Service.

Section 1332.06 | Special Fund for Cable System - Annual Report.

Section 1332.07 | Effect of Violation by Political Subdivision.

Section 1332.08 | Arbitration of Disputes - Procedure.

Section 1332.09 | Actions for Declaratory or Injunctive Relief - Findings of Arbitration Opinion.

Section 1332.10 | Right of Action, Remedy or Penalty Is in Addition to Others.

Section 1332.21 | Video Service Definitions.

Section 1332.22 | Legislative Findings Regarding Video Service.

Section 1332.23 | Video Service Authorization - Video Service as Cable Service.

Section 1332.24 | Issuance of Video Service Authorization - Violations - Civil Penalties.

Section 1332.25 | Application for Video Service Authorization.

Section 1332.26 | Political Subdivision Authority - Complaints - Standards.

Section 1332.27 | Advance Notice of Service - Transfer - Termination.

Section 1332.28 | Racial or Income Discrimination Prohibited.

Section 1332.29 | Household Service Percentage Requirements - Waiver.

Section 1332.30 | Public, Educational, or Governmental Programming Channels.

Section 1332.31 | Emergency Interrupt Service Announcements.

Section 1332.32 | Payment of Video Service Provider Fees.

Section 1332.33 | Video Service Provider Fee Audit.

Section 1332.34 | Harmony With Federal Law.