Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations
Section 1332.01 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations Definitions.

Effective: October 5, 2000
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 67 - 123rd General Assembly
As used in sections 1332.01 to 1332.10 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Applicable generally accepted accounting principles" means accounting principles and standards set forth in all applicable pronouncements of the governmental accounting standards board.
(B) "Cable service," "cable system," "franchise," and "franchising authority" have the same meanings as in the "Telecommunications Act of 1996," Pub. L. No. 104-104, Title III, Sections 301(a) and 302 (b)(2), 110 Stat. 114, 124, 47 U.S.C.A. 522.
(C) "Cable service provider" means any person or group of persons that is engaged in the provision of cable service over a cable system and directly or indirectly owns a significant interest in the cable system, or that through any arrangement otherwise controls or is responsible for the management and operation of the cable system.
(D) "Color of office," "public office," and "public official" have the same meanings as in section 117.01 of the Revised Code.
(E) "Direct costs" means all costs, whether capital costs, operating costs, or otherwise, that would be eliminated if the service or function to which they relate were discontinued.
(F) "Full cost accounting" means, in accordance with applicable generally accepted accounting principles, accounting for all direct and indirect costs, including capital costs, that are incurred in the ownership, management, or operation of a cable system or provision of cable service over a cable system.
(G) "Indirect costs" means all costs, whether capital costs, operating costs, or otherwise, that are not direct costs. Indirect costs that support multiple services or functions shall be allocated among those services and functions in proportion to the relative burden each service or function places on the cost category and by any reasonable method consistent with applicable generally accepted accounting principles.
(H) "Person" includes any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association, trust, or political subdivision.
(I) "Private cable service provider" means any cable service provider other than a public cable service provider.
(J) "Private cable service regulation" means any regulation, rule, requirement, or restriction of or by a political subdivision of this state that applies, by resolution, ordinance, rule, regulation, franchising agreement, or otherwise, to the terms and conditions of service, conditions of access to public property, permits for pole attachments, or any other matter concerning or affecting the provision of cable service over a cable system by a private cable service provider.
(K) "Public cable service provider" means any cable service provider that is a political subdivision of this state.
(L) "Public cable service recipient" means any household or business that receives cable service or benefits from video programming service, transmission service, distribution service, repair service, billing service, or customer service that is provided by, originates from, or is controlled by a public cable service provider of a political subdivision.
(M) "Public money" means any of the following:
(1) Any money received, collected by, or due a public official under color of office;
(2) Any money collected by any person on behalf of a public office or as a purported representative or agent of the public office;
(3) Any money received by any person, whether directly or indirectly, from the United States, this state, a county, municipal corporation, township, or any other public office for the purpose of performing or assisting with a governmental function or program authorized by or the responsibility of the United States, this state, a county, municipal corporation, township, or any other public office.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1332 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations

Section 1332.01 | Fair Competition in Cable Operations Definitions.

Section 1332.02 | Fair Competition in Cable Service Operations.

Section 1332.03 | No Determination as to Public Utility Status of Cable Service Operation.

Section 1332.04 | Prohibitions.

Section 1332.05 | Legislation Expending Public Moneys for Cable Service.

Section 1332.06 | Special Fund for Cable System - Annual Report.

Section 1332.07 | Effect of Violation by Political Subdivision.

Section 1332.08 | Arbitration of Disputes - Procedure.

Section 1332.09 | Actions for Declaratory or Injunctive Relief - Findings of Arbitration Opinion.

Section 1332.10 | Right of Action, Remedy or Penalty Is in Addition to Others.

Section 1332.21 | Video Service Definitions.

Section 1332.22 | Legislative Findings Regarding Video Service.

Section 1332.23 | Video Service Authorization - Video Service as Cable Service.

Section 1332.24 | Issuance of Video Service Authorization - Violations - Civil Penalties.

Section 1332.25 | Application for Video Service Authorization.

Section 1332.26 | Political Subdivision Authority - Complaints - Standards.

Section 1332.27 | Advance Notice of Service - Transfer - Termination.

Section 1332.28 | Racial or Income Discrimination Prohibited.

Section 1332.29 | Household Service Percentage Requirements - Waiver.

Section 1332.30 | Public, Educational, or Governmental Programming Channels.

Section 1332.31 | Emergency Interrupt Service Announcements.

Section 1332.32 | Payment of Video Service Provider Fees.

Section 1332.33 | Video Service Provider Fee Audit.

Section 1332.34 | Harmony With Federal Law.