Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1311 | Liens
Section 1311.93 | Liability of Broker.

Effective: September 11, 1997
Latest Legislation: House Bill 158 - 122nd General Assembly
Any broker that asserts or records a spurious or materially inaccurate broker's lien under this section or fails to release or acknowledge release or satisfaction of a broker's lien in compliance with this section, is liable for damages incurred by any person who has a legal or equitable interest in the lien property.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1311 | Liens

Section 1311.01 | Lien Definitions.

Section 1311.011 | Liens for Home Construction Work.

Section 1311.02 | Lien of Subcontractor, Laborer or Materialman.

Section 1311.021 | Lien for Labor or Work or Materials Upon Oil or Gas Well or Facilities.

Section 1311.03 | Lien Upon Street, Turnpike, Road, Sidewalk, Way, Drain, Ditch or Sewer.

Section 1311.04 | Recording Notice of Commencement.

Section 1311.05 | Subcontractor or Materialman to Serve Notice of Furnishing.

Section 1311.06 | Affidavit - Time Period for Filing - Contents.

Section 1311.07 | Copy of Affidavit to Be Served on Owner or Lessee.

Section 1311.08 | Lien When Improvement Situated on Same or Contiguous or Adjacent Lots.

Section 1311.09 | Lien When Contracting Person Has No Title to Land Improved.

Section 1311.10 | Presumptions.

Section 1311.11 | Notifying Lienholder to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.12 | When Lien for Furnishing Materials Arises.

Section 1311.13 | Attaching of Liens - Continuance and Priority.

Section 1311.14 | Priority of Mortgage Lien.

Section 1311.15 | Superiority of Liens - Assignment - Direct Payment of Claim of Subcontractor, Materialman or Laborer.

Section 1311.16 | Proceeding by Person Holding Mechanic's Lien.

Section 1311.17 | Adjustment of Claim When Owner Fails to Perform.

Section 1311.18 | Sale of Part of Premises.

Section 1311.19 | Service.

Section 1311.20 | Damages for Neglect or Refusal to Release Lien.

Section 1311.21 | Liens Are Assignable - Lien Not Defeated by Taking Note or Security - Notice of Claim Not Yet Due - Lis Pendens.

Section 1311.22 | Liberal Construction.

Section 1311.23 | Lien Upon Mines for Labor.

Section 1311.25 | Public Improvement Definitions.

Section 1311.251 | Claim for Furnishing Materials.

Section 1311.252 | Notice of Commencement - Affidavit.

Section 1311.26 | Subcontractor, Materialman or Laborer May Serve Affidavit on Public Authority.

Section 1311.261 | Notice of Furnishing.

Section 1311.28 | Public Authority to Detain Funds Upon Receipt of Affidavit - Escrow Account.

Section 1311.29 | Copy of Affidavit to Be Filed With County Recorder to Notify Other Subcontractors, Materialmen, and Laborers - Priority of Claims.

Section 1311.31 | Action by Claimant to Enforce Payment.

Section 1311.311 | Notice to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.32 | Enforcement by Civil Action.

Section 1311.34 | Laborers Shall Have Lien Upon Real Property of Employer.

Section 1311.35 | Waiver of Lien.

Section 1311.36 | Enforcement and Priority of Liens.

Section 1311.37 | When General Employer Assumes Payment.

Section 1311.38 | Definition of Owner.

Section 1311.39 | Liens Against a Railroad Company.

Section 1311.40 | Priority of Payment in Contracts for Railroad Work.

Section 1311.41 | Precedence.

Section 1311.42 | Perfecting a Lien.

Section 1311.43 | Proceeding After Filing Affidavit.

Section 1311.44 | Proceeding by Petition.

Section 1311.45 | Contractor to Be Notified of Time of Payment.

Section 1311.46 | Adjusting Disputed Claims.

Section 1311.47 | Others Who May Claim Liens.

Section 1311.48 | Lien for Care of Animals.

Section 1311.49 | Sale of Animal to Satisfy Claim.

Section 1311.50 | Lien Upon Get for Service.

Section 1311.51 | Enforcement of Lien.

Section 1311.55 | Agricultural Product Lien.

Section 1311.56 | Perfection of Producer's or Handler's Lien - Affidavit.

Section 1311.57 | Priority and Duration of Lien.

Section 1311.59 | Rights of Executors, Administrators, Part Owners, and Lessees.

Section 1311.71 | Aircraft Definitions.

Section 1311.72 | Lien for Labor or Materials for Aircraft.

Section 1311.73 | Lien Perfected by Filing Affidavit With Faa - Form of Affidavit - Time Period for Filing.

Section 1311.74 | Service of Copy of Affidavit on Owner.

Section 1311.75 | Priority of Liens.

Section 1311.76 | Enforcement and Priority of Liens - Claimant to Give Notice of Release.

Section 1311.77 | Owner May Obtain Release of Aircraft by Filing Surety Bond.

Section 1311.78 | Notifying Lien Claimant to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.79 | Maintaining Lien After Notice to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.80 | Award of Attorney's Fees.

Section 1311.85 | Broker's Lien on Commercial Realty Definitions.

Section 1311.86 | Broker's Lien on Commercial Real Estate.

Section 1311.87 | Perfection of Lien.

Section 1311.88 | Proceedings to Enforce Lien.

Section 1311.89 | Sale of Foreclosed Property - Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Section 1311.90 | Broker to Record Release or Satisfaction.

Section 1311.91 | Priority of Mechanic's Liens.

Section 1311.92 | Transfer of Lien Property - Escrow Account.

Section 1311.93 | Liability of Broker.