Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1311 | Liens
Section 1311.05 | Subcontractor or Materialman to Serve Notice of Furnishing.

Effective: March 30, 2007
Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in section 1311.04 of the Revised Code and this section, a subcontractor or material supplier who performs labor or work upon or furnishes material in furtherance of an improvement to real property and who wishes to preserve the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights shall serve a notice of furnishing, if any person has recorded a notice of commencement in accordance with section 1311.04 of the Revised Code, upon the owner's, part owner's, or lessee's designee named in the notice of commencement or amended notice and the original contractor under the original contract pursuant to which the subcontractor or material supplier is performing labor or work or furnishing materials, as named in the notice of commencement or amended notice and at the address listed in the notice or amended notice at any time after the recording of the notice of commencement or amended notice but within twenty-one days after performing the first labor or work or furnishing the first materials or within the extended time period provided for in division (I) or (J) of section 1311.04 of the Revised Code. If an owner, part owner, or lessee has not named a designee in the notice of commencement or amended notice or if the designee has died or otherwise has ceased to exist, the subcontractor or material supplier shall serve the notice of furnishing upon the owner, part owner, or lessee named in the notice of commencement. If no designee is named or if the designee has died or otherwise has ceased to exist, and if more than one owner is named in the notice of commencement, service of the notice of furnishing to the first owner, part owner, or lessee named in the notice of commencement is sufficient. No original contractor has to serve a notice of furnishing to preserve lien rights arising from a contract with an owner, part owner, or lessee. No material supplier who is in direct privity of contract with an owner, part owner, or lessee has to serve a notice of furnishing upon the owner, part owner, or lessee or designee in order to preserve the material supplier's lien rights. No subcontractor or material supplier who is in direct privity of contract with the original contractor has to serve a notice of furnishing upon the original contractor in order to preserve the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights.
If any person has recorded a notice of commencement in accordance with section 1311.04 of the Revised Code for an improvement involving a single- or double-family dwelling and if that notice states that multiple original contractors are involved in the improvement, a subcontractor or material supplier does not have to serve a notice of furnishing upon any original contractor in order to preserve the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights.
A subcontractor or material supplier who serves a notice of furnishing in conformity with this section does not have to serve an amended notice of furnishing on any party if the subcontractor or material supplier receives an amended notice of commencement subsequent to service of the subcontractor's or material supplier's notice of furnishing. If a subcontractor or material supplier serves a notice of furnishing based upon information contained in any notice of commencement or amended notice of commencement relative to the improvement for which the subcontractor or material supplier performs labor or work or furnishes material, the notice of furnishing is deemed effective even if the notice of commencement already has been amended or is amended in the future.
If a lender is named in the notice of commencement or amended notice, a subcontractor or material supplier may serve a copy of the notice of furnishing upon the lender at the address listed in the notice or amended notice, provided that no subcontractor or material supplier is required to serve a copy of the notice of furnishing upon the lender to preserve the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights. The receipt of a notice of furnishing by a lender imposes no duty upon the lender by implication or otherwise with respect to the disbursement of any loan proceeds or the payment to any subcontractor, material supplier, or any other person.
(B) The notice of furnishing shall be in substantially the following form:
"Notice of Furnishing
(For use in connection with improvements
to property other than public improvements)
To: ______________________________________________________
(Name of owner, part owner, or lessee or designee
from the notice of commencement)
(Address from the notice of commencement)
To: _______________________________________________________
(Name of original contractor from notice of commencement)
(Address of original contractor from notice of commencement)
Please take notice that the undersigned is performing certain labor or work or furnishing certain materials to ________________________________________________________________(name and address of other contracting party) _______________________ in connection with the improvement to the real property located at ________________________ The labor, work, or materials were performed or furnished first or will be performed or furnished first on ____________ (date).
(Name and address of lien claimant)
By ________________________________
(Name and capacity of party signing
for lien claimant)
(Address of party signing)
(C) The description of the location of the property required in the notice of furnishing is sufficient if it reasonably identifies the real property upon which the labor or work is performed or for which the material is furnished.
(D)(1) Except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, a notice of furnishing served more than twenty-one days after a subcontractor or material supplier who is required by this section to serve a notice of furnishing, first performed labor or work or furnished material at the site of the improvement preserves the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights for amounts owing for labor and work performed and materials furnished within the twenty-one-day period immediately preceding service of the notice of furnishing and thereafter, but does not revive any prior lien rights for labor or work performed or materials furnished prior to the twenty-one days immediately preceding service of the notice of furnishing.
(2) A notice of furnishing served within the applicable period provided for in section 1311.04 of the Revised Code preserves the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights for amounts owing for labor and work performed and materials furnished from the date the labor or work was first performed or materials were first furnished through the date of service of the notice of furnishing and thereafter. A notice of furnishing served after the applicable period provided for in section 1311.04 of the Revised Code does not revive any prior lien rights for labor or work performed or materials furnished prior to the twenty-one days immediately preceding service of the notice of furnishing.
(E) This section does not apply to any improvement made pursuant to a home construction contract as defined in section 1311.011 of the Revised Code.
(F) A notice of furnishing, even if served upon a mortgagee of real property to be improved, does not constitute a written notice of a lien or encumbrance under section 5301.232 or a written notice of a claim of a right to a mechanics' lien under division (B)(5) of section 1311.011 of the Revised Code.
(G) No laborer must serve a notice of furnishing in accordance with this section to preserve lien rights.
(H) No subcontractor or material supplier who performs labor or work upon or furnishes material in furtherance of an improvement has to serve a notice of furnishing in accordance with this section in order to preserve the subcontractor's or material supplier's lien rights if the owner, part owner, or lessee who contracted for the labor, work, or materials fails to record a notice of commencement in accordance with section 1311.04 of the Revised Code.
(I) If a notice of commencement is filed as provided in division (O) of section 1311.04 of the Revised Code, the subcontractors and material suppliers working on or providing materials to the improvement shall not be required to serve notices of furnishing as provided in division (A) of section 1311.05 of the Revised Code hereinabove in order to preserve lien rights.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 13 | Commercial Transactions

Chapter 1311 | Liens

Section 1311.01 | Lien Definitions.

Section 1311.011 | Liens for Home Construction Work.

Section 1311.02 | Lien of Subcontractor, Laborer or Materialman.

Section 1311.021 | Lien for Labor or Work or Materials Upon Oil or Gas Well or Facilities.

Section 1311.03 | Lien Upon Street, Turnpike, Road, Sidewalk, Way, Drain, Ditch or Sewer.

Section 1311.04 | Recording Notice of Commencement.

Section 1311.05 | Subcontractor or Materialman to Serve Notice of Furnishing.

Section 1311.06 | Affidavit - Time Period for Filing - Contents.

Section 1311.07 | Copy of Affidavit to Be Served on Owner or Lessee.

Section 1311.08 | Lien When Improvement Situated on Same or Contiguous or Adjacent Lots.

Section 1311.09 | Lien When Contracting Person Has No Title to Land Improved.

Section 1311.10 | Presumptions.

Section 1311.11 | Notifying Lienholder to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.12 | When Lien for Furnishing Materials Arises.

Section 1311.13 | Attaching of Liens - Continuance and Priority.

Section 1311.14 | Priority of Mortgage Lien.

Section 1311.15 | Superiority of Liens - Assignment - Direct Payment of Claim of Subcontractor, Materialman or Laborer.

Section 1311.16 | Proceeding by Person Holding Mechanic's Lien.

Section 1311.17 | Adjustment of Claim When Owner Fails to Perform.

Section 1311.18 | Sale of Part of Premises.

Section 1311.19 | Service.

Section 1311.20 | Damages for Neglect or Refusal to Release Lien.

Section 1311.21 | Liens Are Assignable - Lien Not Defeated by Taking Note or Security - Notice of Claim Not Yet Due - Lis Pendens.

Section 1311.22 | Liberal Construction.

Section 1311.23 | Lien Upon Mines for Labor.

Section 1311.25 | Public Improvement Definitions.

Section 1311.251 | Claim for Furnishing Materials.

Section 1311.252 | Notice of Commencement - Affidavit.

Section 1311.26 | Subcontractor, Materialman or Laborer May Serve Affidavit on Public Authority.

Section 1311.261 | Notice of Furnishing.

Section 1311.28 | Public Authority to Detain Funds Upon Receipt of Affidavit - Escrow Account.

Section 1311.29 | Copy of Affidavit to Be Filed With County Recorder to Notify Other Subcontractors, Materialmen, and Laborers - Priority of Claims.

Section 1311.31 | Action by Claimant to Enforce Payment.

Section 1311.311 | Notice to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.32 | Enforcement by Civil Action.

Section 1311.34 | Laborers Shall Have Lien Upon Real Property of Employer.

Section 1311.35 | Waiver of Lien.

Section 1311.36 | Enforcement and Priority of Liens.

Section 1311.37 | When General Employer Assumes Payment.

Section 1311.38 | Definition of Owner.

Section 1311.39 | Liens Against a Railroad Company.

Section 1311.40 | Priority of Payment in Contracts for Railroad Work.

Section 1311.41 | Precedence.

Section 1311.42 | Perfecting a Lien.

Section 1311.43 | Proceeding After Filing Affidavit.

Section 1311.44 | Proceeding by Petition.

Section 1311.45 | Contractor to Be Notified of Time of Payment.

Section 1311.46 | Adjusting Disputed Claims.

Section 1311.47 | Others Who May Claim Liens.

Section 1311.48 | Lien for Care of Animals.

Section 1311.49 | Sale of Animal to Satisfy Claim.

Section 1311.50 | Lien Upon Get for Service.

Section 1311.51 | Enforcement of Lien.

Section 1311.55 | Agricultural Product Lien.

Section 1311.56 | Perfection of Producer's or Handler's Lien - Affidavit.

Section 1311.57 | Priority and Duration of Lien.

Section 1311.59 | Rights of Executors, Administrators, Part Owners, and Lessees.

Section 1311.71 | Aircraft Definitions.

Section 1311.72 | Lien for Labor or Materials for Aircraft.

Section 1311.73 | Lien Perfected by Filing Affidavit With Faa - Form of Affidavit - Time Period for Filing.

Section 1311.74 | Service of Copy of Affidavit on Owner.

Section 1311.75 | Priority of Liens.

Section 1311.76 | Enforcement and Priority of Liens - Claimant to Give Notice of Release.

Section 1311.77 | Owner May Obtain Release of Aircraft by Filing Surety Bond.

Section 1311.78 | Notifying Lien Claimant to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.79 | Maintaining Lien After Notice to Commence Suit.

Section 1311.80 | Award of Attorney's Fees.

Section 1311.85 | Broker's Lien on Commercial Realty Definitions.

Section 1311.86 | Broker's Lien on Commercial Real Estate.

Section 1311.87 | Perfection of Lien.

Section 1311.88 | Proceedings to Enforce Lien.

Section 1311.89 | Sale of Foreclosed Property - Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Section 1311.90 | Broker to Record Release or Satisfaction.

Section 1311.91 | Priority of Mechanic's Liens.

Section 1311.92 | Transfer of Lien Property - Escrow Account.

Section 1311.93 | Liability of Broker.