Ohio constitution
Article III: executive
Section 2

The governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of
state, treasurer of state, and attorney general shall hold
their offices for four years commencing on the second
Monday of January, 1959. Their terms of office shall
continue until their successors are elected and qualified.
The auditor of state shall hold his office for a term
of two years from the second Monday of January, 1961
to the second Monday of January, 1963 and thereafter
shall hold this office for a four year term. No person
shall hold the office of governor for a period longer
than two successive terms of four years.
No person shall hold any one of the offices of lieutenant
governor, secretary of state, treasurer of state,
attorney general, or auditor of state for a period longer
than two successive terms of four years. Terms shall be
considered successive unless separated by a period of
four or more years. Only terms beginning on or after
January 1, 1995 shall be considered in determining an
individual’s eligibility to hold the office of lieutenant
governor, secretary of state, treasurer of state, attorney
general, or auditor of state.
In determining the eligibility of an individual to hold
an office in accordance with this article, (A) time spent
in an office in fulfillment of a term to which another
person was first elected shall not be considered
provided that a period of at least four years passed
between the time, if any, in which the individual
previously held that office, and the time the individual
is elected or appointed to fulfill the unexpired term;
and (B) a person who is elected to an office in a
regularly scheduled general election and resigns prior
to the completion of the term for which he or she was
elected, shall be considered to have served the full
term in that office.