Ohio constitution
Article III: executive
Section 11

The governor shall have power, after conviction,
to grant reprieves, commutations, and pardons, for all
crimes and offences, except treason and cases of impeachment,
upon such conditions as the governor may
think proper; subject, however, to such regulations, as
to the manner of applying for commutations and pardons,
as may be prescribed by law. Upon conviction
for treason, the governor may suspend the execution
of the sentence, and report the case to the General Assembly,
at its next meeting, when the General Assembly
shall either pardon, commute the sentence, direct
its execution, or grant a further reprieve. The governor
shall communicate to the General Assembly, at every
regular session, each case of reprieve, commutation,
or pardon granted, stating the name and crime of the
convict, the sentence, its date, and the date of the commutation,
pardon, or reprieve, with the governor’s reasons