Ohio constitution
Article III: executive
Section 17

When a vacancy occurs in both the office of governor
and lieutenant governor because of the death,
conviction on impeachment, resignation, or removal
of the persons elected to those offices prior to the expiration
of the first twenty months of a term, a governor
and lieutenant governor shall be elected at the next
general election occurring in an even-numbered year
after the vacancy occurs, for the unexpired portion of
the term. The officer next in line of succession to the
office of governor shall serve as governor from the occurrence
the vacancy until the newly elected governor
has qualified.
If by reason of death, resignation, or disqualification,
the governor-elect shall assume the office of governor
at the commencement of the gubernatorial term,
the lieutenant governor-elect shall assume the office
of governor for the full term. If at the commencement
of such term, the governor-elect fails to assume the
office by reason of disability, the lieutenant governorelect
shall serve as governor until the disability of the
governor elect terminates.