North Carolina General Statutes
Article 5 - Administration.
§ 153A-97 - Defense of officers, employees and others.

153A-97. Defense of officers, employees and others.
A county may, pursuant to G.S. 160A-167, provide for the defense of:
(1) Any county officer or employee, including the county board of elections or any county election official.
(2) Any member of a volunteer fire department or rescue squad which receives public funds.
(2a) Any soil and water conservation supervisor, and any local soil and water conservation employee, whether the employee is a county employee or an employee of a soil and water conservation district.
(3) Any person or professional association who at the request of the board of county commissioners provides medical or dental services to inmates in the custody of the sheriff and is sued pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 with respect to the services. (1957, c. 436; 1973, c. 822, s. 1; 1977, c. 307, s. 1; 1989, c. 733, s. 2; 2001-300, s. 1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 153A - Counties

Article 5 - Administration.

§ 153A-76 - Board of commissioners to organize county government.

§ 153A-77 - Authority of boards of commissioners over commissions, boards, agencies, etc.

§ 153A-77.1 - Single portal of entry.

§ 153A-81 - Adoption of county-manager plan; appointment or designation of manager.

§ 153A-82 - Powers and duties of manager.

§ 153A-83 - Acting county manager.

§ 153A-84 - Interim county manager.

§ 153A-87 - Administration in counties not having managers.

§ 153A-88 - Acting department heads.

§ 153A-89 - Interim department heads.

§ 153A-92 - Compensation.

§ 153A-93 - Retirement benefits.

§ 153A-94 - Personnel rules; office hours, workdays, and holidays.

§ 153A-94.1 - (See note on condition precedent) Smallpox vaccination policy.

§ 153A-94.2 - Criminal history record checks of employees permitted.

§ 153A-95 - Personnel board.

§ 153A-96 - Participation in the Social Security Act.

§ 153A-97 - Defense of officers, employees and others.

§ 153A-98 - Privacy of employee personnel records.

§ 153A-99 - County employee political activity.

§ 153A-99.1 - County verification of employee work authorization.

§ 153A-101 - Board of commissioners to direct fiscal policy of the county.

§ 153A-102 - Commissioners to fix fees.

§ 153A-103 - Number of employees in offices of sheriff and register of deeds.

§ 153A-104 - Reports from officers, employees, and agents of the county.

§ 153A-111 - Appointment; powers and duties.

§ 153A-114 - Appointment; duties.