New York Laws
Part 1 - General Organization
210 - Registrations.

§ 210. Registrations. The regents may register domestic and foreign
institutions in terms of New York standards, and fix the value of
degrees, diplomas and certificates issued by institutions of other
states or countries and presented for entrance to schools, colleges and
the professions in this state.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 1 - General Provisions

Article 5 - University of the State of New York

Part 1 - General Organization

201 - Corporate Name and Objects.

202 - Regents.

203 - Officers.

204 - Meetings and Absences.

205 - Quorum.

206 - Authority to Take Testimony and Conduct Hearings.

207 - Legislative Power.

207-A - Disclosure of Gifts Made to Institutions of Higher Education by Foreign Governments, Persons and Entities.

208 - General Examinations, Credentials and Degrees.

208-A - Scheduling of Examinations.

209 - Academic Examinations; Admission and Fees.

209-A - Applications for Admission to College.

210 - Registrations.

210-A - Admission Requirements for Graduate-Level Teacher and Educational Leader Programs.

210-B - Graduate-Level Teacher and Educational Leadership Program Deregistration and Suspension.

210-C - Interstate Reciprocity Agreement for Post-Secondary Distance Education Programs.

211 - Review of Regents Learning Standards.

211-A - Enhanced State Accountability System.

211-B - Consequences for Consistent Lack of Improvement in Academic Performance.

211-C - Distinguished Educators.

211-D - Contract for Excellence.

211-E - Educational Partnership Organizations.

211-F - Takeover and Restructuring Failing Schools.

212 - Fees.

212-A - Return of Deposits for Professional and Graduate Schools.

212-B - Return of Tuition for Colleges, Universities, Professional, Proprietary and Graduate Schools.

212-C - Teacher Accreditation Review Fees.

213 - Extension of Educational Facilities.

213-B - Unlawful Sale of Dissertations, Theses and Term Papers.

214 - Institutions in the University.

215 - Visitation and Reports.

215-A - Annual Report by Regents to Governor and Legislature.

215-B - Annual Report by Commissioner to Governor and Legislature.

215-C - Promoting Cost-Effectiveness in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.

215-D - State University of New York Report on Economic Development Activities.

216 - Charters.

216-A - Applicability of Not-for-Profit Corporation Law.

216-B - Private Foundations, as Defined in the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1954: Provisions Included in the Charter.

216-C - Special Provisions for Cutlery and Knife Museums That Exhibit Automatic Knifes.

217 - Provisional Charters.

218 - Conditions of Incorporation.

219 - Change of Name or Charter.

220 - Distribution of Assets.

221 - Dissolution of Educational Institution by Stockholders.

222 - Suspension of Operations.

223 - Consolidation or Merger of Corporations.

224 - Prohibitions.

224-A - Students Unable Because of Religious Beliefs to Register or Attend Classes on Certain Days.

225 - Unlawful Acts in Respect to Examinations and Records.

226 - Powers of Trustees of Institutions.

227 - Colleges May Construct Water-Works and Sewer Systems.

228 - The Hamilton College Sewer District.

229 - County Educational Institutions.

230 - Municipal Training Institute.

231 - Town and County Officers Training School.

232 - Departments and Their Government.

233 - State Museum; Collections Made by the Staff.

233-A - Property of the State Museum.

233-AA - Property of Other Museums.

233-B - New York State Freedom Trail Commission.

233-C - Study.

234 - Indian Collection.

235 - State Science Service.

235-A - New York State Biodiversity Research Institute.

235-B - New York State Biological Survey.

236 - Public Television and Radio.

237 - Regents Plan for Higher Education Including Approved Plans of State University and City University of New York and Plans of Independent Institutions of Higher Education.

238 - Chair on Geriatrics in the State University.

238-A - Statewide Resource Centers for Geriatric Education.

239 - Albert Einstein Chairs in Science and Albert Schweitzer Chairs in the Humanities.

239-A - Collection and Distribution of Student's Residual Consumer Goods.

239-B - Research Dogs and Cats.