Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 571 - Weapons Offenses
Section 571.117 - Revocation procedure for ineligible permit holders — sheriff's immunity from liability, when.

Effective - 10 Oct 2014, 4 histories
*571.117. Revocation procedure for ineligible permit holders — sheriff's immunity from liability, when. — 1. Any person who has knowledge that another person, who was issued a concealed carry permit pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121, or concealed carry endorsement prior to August 28, 2013, never was or no longer is eligible for such permit or endorsement under the criteria established in sections 571.101 to 571.121 may file a petition with the clerk of the small claims court to revoke that person's concealed carry permit or endorsement. The petition shall be in a form substantially similar to the petition for revocation of concealed carry permit or endorsement provided in this section. Appeal forms shall be provided by the clerk of the small claims court free of charge to any person:
2. If at the hearing the plaintiff shows that the defendant was not eligible for the concealed carry permit issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121, or a concealed carry endorsement issued prior to August 28, 2013, at the time of issuance or renewal or is no longer eligible for a concealed carry permit or the concealed carry endorsement, the court shall issue an appropriate order to cause the revocation of the concealed carry permit and, if applicable, the concealed carry endorsement. Costs shall not be assessed against the sheriff.
3. The finder of fact, in any action brought against a permit or endorsement holder pursuant to subsection 1 of this section, shall make findings of fact and the court shall make conclusions of law addressing the issues at dispute. If it is determined that the plaintiff in such an action acted without justification or with malice or primarily with an intent to harass the permit or endorsement holder or that there was no reasonable basis to bring the action, the court shall order the plaintiff to pay the defendant/respondent all reasonable costs incurred in defending the action including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, deposition costs, and lost wages. Once the court determines that the plaintiff is liable to the defendant/respondent for costs and fees, the extent and type of fees and costs to be awarded should be liberally calculated in defendant/respondent's favor. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, reasonable attorney's fees shall be presumed to be at least one hundred fifty dollars per hour.
4. Any person aggrieved by any final judgment rendered by a small claims court in a petition for revocation of a concealed carry permit or concealed carry endorsement may have a right to trial de novo as provided in sections 512.180 to 512.320.
5. The office of the county sheriff or any employee or agent of the county sheriff shall not be liable for damages in any civil action arising from alleged wrongful or improper granting, renewing, or failure to revoke a concealed carry permit issued pursuant to sections 571.101 to 571.121, or a certificate of qualification for a concealed carry endorsement issued prior to August 28, 2013, so long as the sheriff acted in good faith.
(L. 2003 H.B. 349, et al., § 571.094, subsecs. 33 to 37, A.L. 2011 H.B. 294, et al., A.L. 2012 H.B. 1647, A.L. 2013 S.B. 75, A.L. 2014 S.B. 656)
*Effective 10-10-14, see § 21.250. S.B. 656 was vetoed July 14, 2014. The veto was overridden on September 10, 2014.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders

Chapter 571 - Weapons Offenses

Section 571.010 - Definitions.

Section 571.012 - Health care professionals not required to disclose patient firearm information, when.

Section 571.013 - Ownership of firearms records, closed records — violation, penalty.

Section 571.014 - Unlawful refusal to transfer by denying sale of a firearm to a nonlicensee, crime of — violation, penalty — inapplicability, when.

Section 571.015 - Armed criminal action, offense of — penalty.

Section 571.017 - Imposition of sentences for both armed criminal action and crime committed with deadly weapon authorized, exception.

Section 571.020 - Possession--manufacture--transport--repair--sale of certain weapons a crime--exceptions--penalties.

Section 571.030 - Unlawful use of weapons, offense of — exceptions — violation, penalties.

Section 571.037 - Open display of firearm permitted, when.

Section 571.045 - Defacing firearm, penalty.

Section 571.050 - Possession of defaced firearm, penalty.

Section 571.060 - Unlawful transfer of weapons, penalty.

Section 571.063 - Fraudulent purchase of a firearm, crime of — definitions — penalty — exceptions.

Section 571.067 - Surrendering a firearm to a political subdivision, valuable consideration prohibited, exceptions.

Section 571.070 - Possession of firearm unlawful for certain persons — penalty — exception.

Section 571.072 - Unlawful possession of an explosive weapon, offense of — penalty.

Section 571.080 - Transfer of concealable firearms.

Section 571.085 - Purchase in another state by Missouri residents, permitted when.

Section 571.087 - Purchase in Missouri by nonresident, permitted when.

Section 571.092 - Restriction on transfer and possession of firearms, petition for removal of, when, requirements.

Section 571.093 - Certain records closed to the public.

Section 571.095 - Confiscation of firearms and ammunition, when — exceptions.

Section 571.101 - Concealed carry permits, application requirements — approval procedures — issuance, when — information on permit — fees.

Section 571.104 - Suspension or revocation of endorsements and permits, when — renewal procedures — change of name or residence notification requirements — active military members, two-month renewal period.

Section 571.107 - Permit does not authorize concealed firearms, where — penalty for violation.

Section 571.111 - Firearms training requirements — safety instructor requirements — penalty for violations.

Section 571.114 - Denial of application, appeal procedures.

Section 571.117 - Revocation procedure for ineligible permit holders — sheriff's immunity from liability, when.

Section 571.121 - Duty to carry and display permit, penalty for violation — director of revenue immunity from liability, when.

Section 571.126 - List of persons who have obtained a concealed carry endorsement or permit, no disclosure to federal government.

Section 571.150 - Use or possession of a metal-penetrating bullet during the commission of a crime — definition — penalty.

Section 571.155 - Regulation by municipalities permitted — no prohibition at shooting ranges.

Section 571.205 - Issuance of lifetime or extended permit, requirements — application contents — sheriff's duties — recordkeeping — confidentiality of information — fees.

Section 571.210 - Suspension or revocation, when — procedures — reactivation — notice to sheriff required, when — renewal — background check.

Section 571.215 - Permit authorizes carrying on person or in vehicle — prohibited areas — penalty for violation.

Section 571.220 - Denial of application, right of appeal — appeal forms — right to trial de novo, when.

Section 571.225 - Revocation, petition to revoke, when — revocation form — hearing — appeal — sheriff immune from liability, when.

Section 571.230 - Duty to carry permit — display of permit, when — citation for violation.

Section 571.500 - Database and certain records, enabling or cooperating with state or federal government in developing prohibited, when.

Section 571.510 - Housing authorities not permitted to prohibit lessees from possessing firearms — definitions — immunity from liability, when.