Effective - 28 Aug 2013
571.114. Denial of application, appeal procedures. — 1. In any case when the sheriff refuses to issue a concealed carry permit or to act on an application for such permit, the denied applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial within thirty days of receiving written notice of the denial. Such appeals shall be heard in small claims court as defined in section 482.300, and the provisions of sections 482.300, 482.310 and 482.335 shall apply to such appeals.
2. A denial of or refusal to act on an application for a concealed carry permit may be appealed by filing with the clerk of the small claims court a copy of the sheriff's written refusal and a form substantially similar to the appeal form provided in this section. Appeal forms shall be provided by the clerk of the small claims court free of charge to any person:
3. The notice of appeal in a denial of a concealed carry permit appeal shall be made to the sheriff in a manner and form determined by the small claims court judge.
4. If at the hearing the person shows he or she is entitled to the requested concealed carry permit, the court shall issue an appropriate order to cause the issuance of the concealed carry permit. Costs shall not be assessed against the sheriff unless the action of the sheriff is determined by the judge to be arbitrary and capricious.
5. Any person aggrieved by any final judgment rendered by a small claims court in a denial of a concealed carry permit appeal may have a right to trial de novo as provided in sections 512.180 to 512.320.
(L. 2003 H.B. 349, et al., § 571.094, subsecs. 28 to 32, A.L. 2013 S.B. 75)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXXVIII - Crimes and Punishment; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
Chapter 571 - Weapons Offenses
Section 571.010 - Definitions.
Section 571.013 - Ownership of firearms records, closed records — violation, penalty.
Section 571.015 - Armed criminal action, offense of — penalty.
Section 571.030 - Unlawful use of weapons, offense of — exceptions — violation, penalties.
Section 571.037 - Open display of firearm permitted, when.
Section 571.045 - Defacing firearm, penalty.
Section 571.050 - Possession of defaced firearm, penalty.
Section 571.060 - Unlawful transfer of weapons, penalty.
Section 571.063 - Fraudulent purchase of a firearm, crime of — definitions — penalty — exceptions.
Section 571.070 - Possession of firearm unlawful for certain persons — penalty — exception.
Section 571.072 - Unlawful possession of an explosive weapon, offense of — penalty.
Section 571.080 - Transfer of concealable firearms.
Section 571.085 - Purchase in another state by Missouri residents, permitted when.
Section 571.087 - Purchase in Missouri by nonresident, permitted when.
Section 571.093 - Certain records closed to the public.
Section 571.095 - Confiscation of firearms and ammunition, when — exceptions.
Section 571.107 - Permit does not authorize concealed firearms, where — penalty for violation.
Section 571.114 - Denial of application, appeal procedures.
Section 571.155 - Regulation by municipalities permitted — no prohibition at shooting ranges.
Section 571.230 - Duty to carry permit — display of permit, when — citation for violation.