Effective - 28 Aug 2004
494.450. Juror nonattendance, criminal contempt, fine. — A person who is summoned for jury service and who willfully fails to appear and who has failed to obtain a postponement in compliance with section 494.432 or as an excuse pursuant to section 494.430, or to respond to the juror qualification form shall be in civil contempt of court, enforceable by an order directing him or her to show cause for his or her failure to comply with the summons and the juror qualification form. Following an order to show cause hearing, the court may impose a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars. The prospective juror may be excused from paying sanctions for good cause shown or in the interests of justice. In addition to, or in lieu of, the fine, the court may order that the prospective juror complete a period of community service for a period of no less than if the prospective juror would have completed jury service, and require that he or she provide proof of completion of such community service to the court.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al., A.L. 2004 S.B. 1211)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 494 - General Provisions as to Juries
Section 494.400 - Qualifications of jurors, selection, exclusions prohibited.
Section 494.410 - Master jury list.
Section 494.420 - Selection of jurors from qualified jury list.
Section 494.425 - Persons ineligible for jury service.
Section 494.432 - Postponement of jury duty, when.
Section 494.435 - Panel exhausted, other jurors summoned.
Section 494.440 - Data processing devices may be used in compiling lists.
Section 494.445 - Petit jurors, maximum number of days required to serve, exception.
Section 494.450 - Juror nonattendance, criminal contempt, fine.
Section 494.455 - Compensation of jurors, mileage — additional compensation may be authorized, when.
Section 494.475 - Inhabitants of city or county not disqualified when city or county is a party.
Section 494.485 - Alternate jurors.
Section 494.495 - Jury may separate, when — duty of court.