Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 494 - General Provisions as to Juries
Section 494.410 - Master jury list.

Effective - 28 Aug 2003
494.410. Master jury list. — 1. The board of jury commissioners shall compile and maintain a list of potential jurors and their addresses, and shall update such list periodically in a manner to be determined by the board. The master jury list shall be comprised of not less than five percent of the total population of the county or city not within a county as determined from the last decennial census. In no event shall the master jury list contain less than four hundred names. In compiling the master jury list the board of jury commissioners shall take reasonable measures to avoid duplication of names.
2. Beginning July 1, 2004, the master jury list shall be the result of random selection of names from a minimum of two government records including, but not limited to, personal property tax list, voter's registration list, and driver's license records. The information furnished by the department of revenue shall not be disclosed except as allowed pursuant to federal law.
3. Whoever has custody, possession, or control of any record used in compiling the master jury list shall make the record available to the board of jury commissioners for inspection, reproduction and copying at all reasonable times.
4. The names on the master jury list shall be considered a public record. The master jury list and copies of all records used in compiling the list shall be retained by the board of jury commissioners for at least five years after compilation of the list.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al., A.L. 2003 H.B. 613)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXIV - Juries

Chapter 494 - General Provisions as to Juries

Section 494.400 - Qualifications of jurors, selection, exclusions prohibited.

Section 494.405 - Board of jury commissioners, duties, quorum, meetings, members — circuit clerks, duties — supervisors, appointment, certain counties — jury supervisors, deputies, salaries, duties, oath.

Section 494.410 - Master jury list.

Section 494.415 - Qualified jury list — juror qualification form, contents — postponement of service.

Section 494.420 - Selection of jurors from qualified jury list.

Section 494.425 - Persons ineligible for jury service.

Section 494.430 - Persons entitled to be excused from jury service — determinations made by judge — undue or extreme physical or financial hardship defined — documentation required, when.

Section 494.432 - Postponement of jury duty, when.

Section 494.435 - Panel exhausted, other jurors summoned.

Section 494.440 - Data processing devices may be used in compiling lists.

Section 494.442 - List of licensed drivers to contain Social Security numbers — numbers to be provided to board of jury commissioners — election authority to provide numbers — effective date.

Section 494.445 - Petit jurors, maximum number of days required to serve, exception.

Section 494.450 - Juror nonattendance, criminal contempt, fine.

Section 494.455 - Compensation of jurors, mileage — additional compensation may be authorized, when.

Section 494.460 - Employers prohibited from disciplining employees because of jury duty, action for damages, attorney fees — employees not required to use leave for jury duty — automatic postponement of jury duty, when.

Section 494.465 - Challenge of jury on grounds that it was not selected in conformity with sections 494.400 to 494.505.

Section 494.470 - Challenges for cause, grounds for — juror on panel not summoned off as a witness, exception.

Section 494.475 - Inhabitants of city or county not disqualified when city or county is a party.

Section 494.480 - Peremptory challenges — civil cases, multiple parties, allocation — criminal cases — qualification of juror as basis for new trial — costs for impaneling jury to be paid, when.

Section 494.485 - Alternate jurors.

Section 494.490 - Number of jurors — three-fourths or more jurors to return verdict in civil cases — how verdict is signed.

Section 494.495 - Jury may separate, when — duty of court.

Section 494.500 - Aliens, jury in the trial of.

Section 494.505 - Jurors may be summoned from another county, when — procedure — transportation furnished jury instead of mileage, when.