Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 494 - General Provisions as to Juries
Section 494.425 - Persons ineligible for jury service.

Effective - 28 Aug 2004
494.425. Persons ineligible for jury service. — The following persons shall be disqualified from serving as a petit or grand juror:
(1) Any person who is less than twenty-one years of age;
(2) Any person not a citizen of the United States;
(3) Any person not a resident of the county or city not within a county served by the court issuing the summons;
(4) Any person who has been convicted of a felony, unless such person has been restored to his civil rights;
(5) Any person unable to read, speak and understand the English language, unless such person's inability is due to a vision or hearing impairment which can be adequately compensated for through the use of auxiliary aids or services;
(6) Any person on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States or any member of the organized militia on active duty under order of the governor;
(7) Any judge of a court of record;
(8) Any person who, in the judgment of the court, is incapable of performing the duties of a juror because of mental or physical illness or infirmity. The juror or the juror's personal representative, may provide the court with documentation from a physician licensed to practice medicine verifying that a mental or physical condition renders the person unfit for jury service for a period of up to twenty-four months.
(L. 1989 S.B. 127, et al., A.L. 2004 S.B. 1211)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXIV - Juries

Chapter 494 - General Provisions as to Juries

Section 494.400 - Qualifications of jurors, selection, exclusions prohibited.

Section 494.405 - Board of jury commissioners, duties, quorum, meetings, members — circuit clerks, duties — supervisors, appointment, certain counties — jury supervisors, deputies, salaries, duties, oath.

Section 494.410 - Master jury list.

Section 494.415 - Qualified jury list — juror qualification form, contents — postponement of service.

Section 494.420 - Selection of jurors from qualified jury list.

Section 494.425 - Persons ineligible for jury service.

Section 494.430 - Persons entitled to be excused from jury service — determinations made by judge — undue or extreme physical or financial hardship defined — documentation required, when.

Section 494.432 - Postponement of jury duty, when.

Section 494.435 - Panel exhausted, other jurors summoned.

Section 494.440 - Data processing devices may be used in compiling lists.

Section 494.442 - List of licensed drivers to contain Social Security numbers — numbers to be provided to board of jury commissioners — election authority to provide numbers — effective date.

Section 494.445 - Petit jurors, maximum number of days required to serve, exception.

Section 494.450 - Juror nonattendance, criminal contempt, fine.

Section 494.455 - Compensation of jurors, mileage — additional compensation may be authorized, when.

Section 494.460 - Employers prohibited from disciplining employees because of jury duty, action for damages, attorney fees — employees not required to use leave for jury duty — automatic postponement of jury duty, when.

Section 494.465 - Challenge of jury on grounds that it was not selected in conformity with sections 494.400 to 494.505.

Section 494.470 - Challenges for cause, grounds for — juror on panel not summoned off as a witness, exception.

Section 494.475 - Inhabitants of city or county not disqualified when city or county is a party.

Section 494.480 - Peremptory challenges — civil cases, multiple parties, allocation — criminal cases — qualification of juror as basis for new trial — costs for impaneling jury to be paid, when.

Section 494.485 - Alternate jurors.

Section 494.490 - Number of jurors — three-fourths or more jurors to return verdict in civil cases — how verdict is signed.

Section 494.495 - Jury may separate, when — duty of court.

Section 494.500 - Aliens, jury in the trial of.

Section 494.505 - Jurors may be summoned from another county, when — procedure — transportation furnished jury instead of mileage, when.