Effective - 28 Aug 2013
*260.390. Duties of hazardous waste facility owners and operators — tax to be collected, disposition — duties upon termination of use of facility — inspection fees, commercial facilities, requirements. — 1. After six months from the effective date of the standards, rules and regulations adopted by the commission pursuant to section 260.370, hazardous waste facility owners or operators shall:
(1) Not construct, substantially alter or operate a hazardous waste facility without first obtaining a hazardous waste facility permit from the department as specified in section 260.395;
(2) Operate the facility according to the standards, rules and regulations adopted under sections 260.350 to 260.430 and all terms and conditions of the permit;
(3) Unless otherwise provided in sections 260.350 to 260.430 or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder, accept delivery of hazardous waste only if delivery is by a hazardous waste transporter holding a license under sections 260.350 to 260.430, the shipment is accompanied by a manifest properly completed by both the generator and transporter and their facility is the destination indicated by the generator on the manifest. Exempted from the requirements of this subsection are deliveries, when directed by the department, from householders, farmers and other persons exempted from generator responsibilities under provisions of section 260.380 and deliveries made in emergency situations as specified in sections 260.350 to 260.550 or the rules and regulations adopted hereunder. For such exempted deliveries they shall make a record of any waste accepted, its type, quantity, origin and the identity of the person making the delivery and promptly report this information to the department;
(4) Complete, sign and file the facility operator portion of the manifest as specified in rules and regulations adopted under sections 260.350 to 260.430;
(5) Whenever final disposition is to be achieved at another hazardous waste or exempted facility, initiate a new manifest and comply with the other responsibilities of generators specified in sections 260.350 to 260.430 and in rules and regulations and terms and conditions of their permit adopted or issued hereunder;
(6) Collect and maintain such records, submit such reports and perform such monitoring as specified in sections 260.350 to 260.430 and in rules and regulations and terms and conditions of their permit adopted or issued hereunder;
(7) Make available to the department, upon request, samples of wastes received and all records, for inspection and copying, relating to hazardous waste management and allow the department to make unhampered inspections at any reasonable time of all facilities and equipment.
2. All hazardous waste landfills shall collect, on behalf of the state from each hazardous waste generator or transporter, a tax equal to two percent of the gross charges and fees charged such generator for disposal at the landfill site to be placed in the hazardous waste fund to be used solely for the administration of sections 260.350 to 260.430. The tax shall be accounted for separately on the statement of charges and fees made to the hazardous waste generator and shall be collected at the time of the collection of such charges and fees. All moneys payable under the provisions of this subsection shall be promptly transmitted to the department of revenue, which shall daily deposit the same in the state treasury to the credit of the hazardous waste fund. The hazardous waste management commission shall establish and submit to the department of revenue procedures relating to the collection of the taxes authorized by this subsection. Such procedures shall include, but not be limited to, necessary records identifying the quantities of hazardous waste received, the form and submission of reports to accompany the payment of taxes, the time and manner of payment of taxes, which shall not be more often than quarterly.
3. The owner or operator of a hazardous waste disposal facility must close that facility upon termination of its operation, and shall after closure of the facility provide for protection during a postclosure care period, in accordance with the requirements of the commission, including the funds necessary for same. Protection shall include, but not be limited to, monitoring and maintenance subject to the rules and regulations of the hazardous waste management commission. The owner or operator shall maintain a hazardous waste facility permit for the postclosure care period. The operator and the state may enter into an agreement consistent with the rules and regulations of the hazardous waste management commission where the state may accept deed to, and monitor and maintain the site.
4. All owners or operators of hazardous waste facilities who have obtained, or are required to obtain, a hazardous waste facility permit from the department and who accept, on a commercial basis for remuneration, hazardous waste from off-site sources, but not including wastes generated by the same person at other sites located in Missouri or within a metropolitan statistical area located partially in Missouri and owned or operated by the same person and transferred to the hazardous waste facility, for treatment, storage or disposal, shall pay fees for inspections conducted by the department to determine compliance with sections 260.350 to 260.430 and the rules promulgated thereunder. Hazardous waste facility inspection fees shall be specified by the hazardous waste management commission by rule. The inspection fees shall be used by the department as specified in subsection 3 of section 260.391.
(L. 1977 H.B. 318 § 9, A.L. 1980 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 5, et al., A.L. 1983 H.B. 528, A.L. 1985 S.B. 110, A.L. 1993 S.B. 80, et al., A.L. 2013 H.B. 28 merged with H.B. 650)
Effective 8-28-13 (H.B. 28); 10-11-13 (H.B. 650)
*H.B. 650 effective 10-11-13, see § 21.250. H.B. 650 was vetoed July 12, 2013. The veto was overridden on September 11, 2013.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development
Chapter 260 - Environmental Control
Section 260.005 - Definitions.
Section 260.010 - Authority created.
Section 260.015 - Purpose of authority.
Section 260.020 - Membership of authority, appointed how, terms, quorum.
Section 260.025 - Officers, how selected.
Section 260.030 - Compensation and expenses.
Section 260.040 - Revenue bonds, issued when — sale, limitations — procedure — rate.
Section 260.045 - Notes issued when, how sold.
Section 260.050 - Renewal notes or refunding bonds issued when.
Section 260.055 - Resolution authorizing notes or bonds, contents of.
Section 260.060 - Resolution may provide for trust agreements.
Section 260.065 - Notes and bonds not an indebtedness of the state.
Section 260.070 - Notes and bonds approved as investments — who may invest.
Section 260.075 - Projects subject to taxation — notes, bonds and their income tax free, exceptions.
Section 260.085 - Termination or dissolution, property to pass to state.
Section 260.095 - Contracts between authority and political subdivisions, purpose.
Section 260.100 - Authority member not personally liable on notes or bonds issued.
Section 260.110 - Statutory conflicts, which prevails.
Section 260.120 - Interest rate on loans.
Section 260.125 - Severability.
Section 260.200 - Definitions.
Section 260.204 - Permit for treatment of infectious waste, not to be issued, when.
Section 260.211 - Demolition waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy.
Section 260.212 - Solid waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy.
Section 260.213 - Disclosure of landfill, sale of property, required.
Section 260.216 - Solid waste disposal in receptacle of another, prohibited — penalty.
Section 260.220 - Plans to be submitted, contents of — disapproval, effect of.
Section 260.221 - Processed recycled asphalt shingles — definitions — use without permit, when.
Section 260.236 - Severability of provisions.
Section 260.241 - Permit not to be issued, when.
Section 260.243 - Buffer zone required, commercial processing facility, how determined.
Section 260.245 - Tax, how levied — limitation — form of ballot.
Section 260.260 - Batteries, lead-acid, disposal of restricted — penalty.
Section 260.262 - Retailers of lead-acid batteries, duties — notice to purchaser, contents.
Section 260.264 - Notices to public, batteries, duties of department.
Section 260.266 - Wholesalers of lead-acid batteries, duties — storage of batteries, requirements.
Section 260.269 - In-state private entity disposal permitted, when.
Section 260.273 - Fee, sale of new tires, amount — collection, use of moneys — termination.
Section 260.300 - Regions, division of state into — procedures, purpose.
Section 260.302 - County may apply for change in region, when, procedures.
Section 260.310 - Contractual authority, powers.
Section 260.324 - Grants, familial relationships not a disqualifier — voting restrictions.
Section 260.350 - Short title.
Section 260.355 - Exempted wastes.
Section 260.360 - Definitions.
Section 260.371 - Severability clause, exceptions.
Section 260.372 - Powers and duties of commission.
Section 260.375 - Duties of department — licenses required — permits required.
Section 260.377 - Inspection by department.
Section 260.385 - Activities not allowed and requirements to be met by hazardous waste transporters.
Section 260.400 - Procedure for conducting public hearings.
Section 260.405 - Variances granted, when.
Section 260.410 - Department to enforce standards, rules and regulations — appeal authorized.
Section 260.415 - Appeals — other remedies available, costs.
Section 260.420 - Imminent hazard, action to be taken.
Section 260.423 - Facility ordered to accept waste, reimbursement rate disagreement, procedure.
Section 260.424 - Underground injection prohibited.
Section 260.425 - Violations, how punished.
Section 260.429 - No permit in non-karst area of state over groundwater divide.
Section 260.430 - Confidential information — illegal disclosure, penalty.
Section 260.437 - Rules and regulations, authority.
Section 260.445 - Abandoned and uncontrolled sites, annual report, content — sent to whom.
Section 260.455 - Registry, proposed site addition, procedure, notice.
Section 260.460 - Listing or proposed listing of site in registry, procedure to remove.
Section 260.470 - Recording of sites, placed on or removed from registry — removal procedure.
Section 260.480 - Transfer of moneys in the hazardous waste remedial fund to hazardous waste fund.
Section 260.482 - Incineration of certain material by Department of Defense, limitation.
Section 260.500 - Definitions.
Section 260.510 - Hazardous substances, director's powers and duties.
Section 260.515 - Actions to abate, control or clean up not construed as admission of liability.
Section 260.520 - Rules and regulations, limitation — procedure.
Section 260.525 - Investigation, no person to refuse entry — search warrant to be issued.
Section 260.535 - Hazardous waste fund, deposits to — purpose for use.
Section 260.540 - State employees acting in official capacity, liability.
Section 260.550 - Information to be available to public, exceptions.
Section 260.565 - Definitions.
Section 260.571 - Hazardous waste management commission may promulgate rules, scope.
Section 260.573 - Completion of plan, department to issue letter, contents — effect.
Section 260.575 - False information, submission of — penalty.
Section 260.602 - Authorities' articles of incorporation, content.
Section 260.603 - Articles filed where — secretary of state, duties.
Section 260.605 - Board of directors, number, qualifications, election, term.
Section 260.607 - Powers and duties of board.
Section 260.609 - Authority, state and state employees no liability, when.
Section 260.700 - Membership authorized — compact — purposes.
Section 260.705 - Definitions.
Section 260.730 - Tax levy authorized for counties containing regional disposal facilities.
Section 260.750 - Environmental radiation monitoring program and fund established — purposes.
Section 260.800 - Definitions.
Section 260.805 - Electric suppliers to purchase electricity generated, rate allowable.
Section 260.810 - Extraordinary costs and interconnection charges paid by governing body.
Section 260.815 - Loss of revenue, rate case before public service commission allowable.
Section 260.818 - Definitions.
Section 260.819 - Removal costs and damages, liability, limitations.
Section 260.820 - Definitions.
Section 260.822 - Content concentration of certain elements, restrictions.
Section 260.900 - Definitions.
Section 260.910 - Violations of dry-cleaning remediation laws — civil damages.
Section 260.915 - Registration of dry-cleaning facilities with department.
Section 260.945 - Surcharges not collected, when.
Section 260.950 - Judicial review.
Section 260.955 - Department to report on fund, corrective action from fund.
Section 260.965 - Expiration date.
Section 260.1000 - Citation of law.
Section 260.1003 - Definitions.
Section 260.1009 - Contents of a covenant.
Section 260.1012 - Enforceability of covenants, criteria.
Section 260.1015 - Use of real property subject to zoning laws and recorded instruments.
Section 260.1018 - Copy of covenant to be provided, to whom.
Section 260.1021 - Recording of a covenant, procedure.
Section 260.1024 - Covenants are perpetual, exceptions — department may terminate covenants, when.
Section 260.1036 - Inapplicability to storage tanks.
Section 260.1039 - Effect of act on certain federal laws.
Section 260.1050 - Citation of act.
Section 260.1053 - Definitions.
Section 260.1059 - Applicability of act — exceptions.
Section 260.1065 - Labeling requirements for sale of new equipment.
Section 260.1068 - Information on computer materials, immunity from liability, when.
Section 260.1071 - Department to educate consumers — internet site required.
Section 260.1077 - Financial and proprietary information not a public record.
Section 260.1080 - Report to legislative committees.
Section 260.1083 - Fee not authorized, when.
Section 260.1092 - Federal law may preempt, when.