Effective - 28 Aug 1995
260.260. Batteries, lead-acid, disposal of restricted — penalty. — 1. Effective January 1, 1991, no person shall knowingly place a used lead-acid battery in a solid waste disposal area, discard or otherwise dispose of a lead-acid battery.
2. Such batteries shall be delivered to a recycling or resource recovery facility permitted by this or another state or to the agent of a battery wholesaler or manufacturer for delivery to a permitted secondary lead smelter.
3. Each lead-acid battery improperly disposed of shall constitute a separate violation. A person who disposes of a lead-acid battery in violation of this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
(L. 1990 S.B. 530, A.L. 1995 H.B. 81)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVI - Conservation, Resources and Development
Chapter 260 - Environmental Control
Section 260.005 - Definitions.
Section 260.010 - Authority created.
Section 260.015 - Purpose of authority.
Section 260.020 - Membership of authority, appointed how, terms, quorum.
Section 260.025 - Officers, how selected.
Section 260.030 - Compensation and expenses.
Section 260.040 - Revenue bonds, issued when — sale, limitations — procedure — rate.
Section 260.045 - Notes issued when, how sold.
Section 260.050 - Renewal notes or refunding bonds issued when.
Section 260.055 - Resolution authorizing notes or bonds, contents of.
Section 260.060 - Resolution may provide for trust agreements.
Section 260.065 - Notes and bonds not an indebtedness of the state.
Section 260.070 - Notes and bonds approved as investments — who may invest.
Section 260.075 - Projects subject to taxation — notes, bonds and their income tax free, exceptions.
Section 260.085 - Termination or dissolution, property to pass to state.
Section 260.095 - Contracts between authority and political subdivisions, purpose.
Section 260.100 - Authority member not personally liable on notes or bonds issued.
Section 260.110 - Statutory conflicts, which prevails.
Section 260.120 - Interest rate on loans.
Section 260.125 - Severability.
Section 260.200 - Definitions.
Section 260.204 - Permit for treatment of infectious waste, not to be issued, when.
Section 260.211 - Demolition waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy.
Section 260.212 - Solid waste, criminal disposition of — penalties — conspiracy.
Section 260.213 - Disclosure of landfill, sale of property, required.
Section 260.216 - Solid waste disposal in receptacle of another, prohibited — penalty.
Section 260.220 - Plans to be submitted, contents of — disapproval, effect of.
Section 260.221 - Processed recycled asphalt shingles — definitions — use without permit, when.
Section 260.236 - Severability of provisions.
Section 260.241 - Permit not to be issued, when.
Section 260.243 - Buffer zone required, commercial processing facility, how determined.
Section 260.245 - Tax, how levied — limitation — form of ballot.
Section 260.260 - Batteries, lead-acid, disposal of restricted — penalty.
Section 260.262 - Retailers of lead-acid batteries, duties — notice to purchaser, contents.
Section 260.264 - Notices to public, batteries, duties of department.
Section 260.266 - Wholesalers of lead-acid batteries, duties — storage of batteries, requirements.
Section 260.269 - In-state private entity disposal permitted, when.
Section 260.273 - Fee, sale of new tires, amount — collection, use of moneys — termination.
Section 260.300 - Regions, division of state into — procedures, purpose.
Section 260.302 - County may apply for change in region, when, procedures.
Section 260.310 - Contractual authority, powers.
Section 260.324 - Grants, familial relationships not a disqualifier — voting restrictions.
Section 260.350 - Short title.
Section 260.355 - Exempted wastes.
Section 260.360 - Definitions.
Section 260.371 - Severability clause, exceptions.
Section 260.372 - Powers and duties of commission.
Section 260.375 - Duties of department — licenses required — permits required.
Section 260.377 - Inspection by department.
Section 260.385 - Activities not allowed and requirements to be met by hazardous waste transporters.
Section 260.400 - Procedure for conducting public hearings.
Section 260.405 - Variances granted, when.
Section 260.410 - Department to enforce standards, rules and regulations — appeal authorized.
Section 260.415 - Appeals — other remedies available, costs.
Section 260.420 - Imminent hazard, action to be taken.
Section 260.423 - Facility ordered to accept waste, reimbursement rate disagreement, procedure.
Section 260.424 - Underground injection prohibited.
Section 260.425 - Violations, how punished.
Section 260.429 - No permit in non-karst area of state over groundwater divide.
Section 260.430 - Confidential information — illegal disclosure, penalty.
Section 260.437 - Rules and regulations, authority.
Section 260.445 - Abandoned and uncontrolled sites, annual report, content — sent to whom.
Section 260.455 - Registry, proposed site addition, procedure, notice.
Section 260.460 - Listing or proposed listing of site in registry, procedure to remove.
Section 260.470 - Recording of sites, placed on or removed from registry — removal procedure.
Section 260.480 - Transfer of moneys in the hazardous waste remedial fund to hazardous waste fund.
Section 260.482 - Incineration of certain material by Department of Defense, limitation.
Section 260.500 - Definitions.
Section 260.510 - Hazardous substances, director's powers and duties.
Section 260.515 - Actions to abate, control or clean up not construed as admission of liability.
Section 260.520 - Rules and regulations, limitation — procedure.
Section 260.525 - Investigation, no person to refuse entry — search warrant to be issued.
Section 260.535 - Hazardous waste fund, deposits to — purpose for use.
Section 260.540 - State employees acting in official capacity, liability.
Section 260.550 - Information to be available to public, exceptions.
Section 260.565 - Definitions.
Section 260.571 - Hazardous waste management commission may promulgate rules, scope.
Section 260.573 - Completion of plan, department to issue letter, contents — effect.
Section 260.575 - False information, submission of — penalty.
Section 260.602 - Authorities' articles of incorporation, content.
Section 260.603 - Articles filed where — secretary of state, duties.
Section 260.605 - Board of directors, number, qualifications, election, term.
Section 260.607 - Powers and duties of board.
Section 260.609 - Authority, state and state employees no liability, when.
Section 260.700 - Membership authorized — compact — purposes.
Section 260.705 - Definitions.
Section 260.730 - Tax levy authorized for counties containing regional disposal facilities.
Section 260.750 - Environmental radiation monitoring program and fund established — purposes.
Section 260.800 - Definitions.
Section 260.805 - Electric suppliers to purchase electricity generated, rate allowable.
Section 260.810 - Extraordinary costs and interconnection charges paid by governing body.
Section 260.815 - Loss of revenue, rate case before public service commission allowable.
Section 260.818 - Definitions.
Section 260.819 - Removal costs and damages, liability, limitations.
Section 260.820 - Definitions.
Section 260.822 - Content concentration of certain elements, restrictions.
Section 260.900 - Definitions.
Section 260.910 - Violations of dry-cleaning remediation laws — civil damages.
Section 260.915 - Registration of dry-cleaning facilities with department.
Section 260.945 - Surcharges not collected, when.
Section 260.950 - Judicial review.
Section 260.955 - Department to report on fund, corrective action from fund.
Section 260.965 - Expiration date.
Section 260.1000 - Citation of law.
Section 260.1003 - Definitions.
Section 260.1009 - Contents of a covenant.
Section 260.1012 - Enforceability of covenants, criteria.
Section 260.1015 - Use of real property subject to zoning laws and recorded instruments.
Section 260.1018 - Copy of covenant to be provided, to whom.
Section 260.1021 - Recording of a covenant, procedure.
Section 260.1024 - Covenants are perpetual, exceptions — department may terminate covenants, when.
Section 260.1036 - Inapplicability to storage tanks.
Section 260.1039 - Effect of act on certain federal laws.
Section 260.1050 - Citation of act.
Section 260.1053 - Definitions.
Section 260.1059 - Applicability of act — exceptions.
Section 260.1065 - Labeling requirements for sale of new equipment.
Section 260.1068 - Information on computer materials, immunity from liability, when.
Section 260.1071 - Department to educate consumers — internet site required.
Section 260.1077 - Financial and proprietary information not a public record.
Section 260.1080 - Report to legislative committees.
Section 260.1083 - Fee not authorized, when.
Section 260.1092 - Federal law may preempt, when.