Effective - 28 Aug 2007
208.951. Request for proposals. — For purposes of a request for proposal for health improvement plans, there shall be a request for proposal for at least six regions in the state, however in no case shall there be a single statewide contract. Counties with a risk-bearing care coordination plan as of July 1, 2007, shall continue as risk-bearing care coordination plans for the categories of aid in such program as of July 1, 2007. Nothing in sections 208.950 and 208.955 shall be construed to void a chronic care improvement plan contract existing on August 28, 2007.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577 § 3)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 208 - Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children and General Relief
Section 208.001 - Citation of law — MO HealthNet created — division created — rulemaking authority.
Section 208.022 - TANF electronic benefit cards to include photograph of recipient.
Section 208.044 - Child day care services to be provided certain persons — eligible providers.
Section 208.048 - Aid to families with dependent child — school attendance required — rules.
Section 208.050 - Aid to dependent children denied, when.
Section 208.060 - Applications for benefits, how and where filed.
Section 208.065 - Verification of eligibility for public assistance, contract for.
Section 208.067 - TANF set-aside minimums for certain programs.
Section 208.071 - Individualized assessment of applicant — rulemaking authority.
Section 208.080 - Appeal to director of the respective division, when — procedure.
Section 208.090 - Reinstatement and payment of benefits to applicant.
Section 208.100 - Appeal to circuit court — procedure.
Section 208.110 - Appeals from circuit court.
Section 208.120 - Records, when evidence, restrictions on disclosure — penalty.
Section 208.125 - Records may be destroyed, when.
Section 208.130 - Benefits granted may be reconsidered.
Section 208.140 - Grants subject to any change of law.
Section 208.145 - Medical assistance benefits, eligibility based on receipt of AFDC benefits, when.
Section 208.146 - Ticket-to-work health assurance program — eligibility — expiration date.
Section 208.150 - Monthly benefits, how determined.
Section 208.154 - Insufficient funds, benefits to be paid pro rata.
Section 208.155 - Records concerning applicants and recipients of medical assistance confidential.
Section 208.158 - Payments to be made only when federal grants-in-aid are provided.
Section 208.159 - Payments for nursing home services, how administered — rules.
Section 208.160 - Payment rolls, how prepared — checks and warrants, how issued.
Section 208.163 - Direct payment on request by authorized providers of services.
Section 208.170 - Duties of state treasurer — special funds created.
Section 208.171 - Effective date of certain sections.
Section 208.172 - Reduction or denial of benefits, basis for, restrictions on.
Section 208.173 - Committee established.
Section 208.175 - Drug utilization review board established, members, terms, compensation, duties.
Section 208.176 - Division to provide for prospective review of drug therapy.
Section 208.180 - Payment of benefits, to whom — disposition of benefit check of deceased person.
Section 208.181 - Expedited eligibility process, pregnant women.
Section 208.190 - Division to comply with acts of congress relating to Social Security benefits.
Section 208.198 - Same or similar services, equal reimbursement rate required.
Section 208.210 - Undeclared income or property — benefits may be recovered by division, when.
Section 208.212 - Annuities, affect on Medicaid eligibility — rulemaking authority.
Section 208.213 - Personal care contracts, effect on eligibility.
Section 208.221 - Jurisdiction, administrative hearing commission, procedure.
Section 208.223 - Reimbursement for ambulance service to be based on mileage.
Section 208.225 - Medicaid per diem rate recalculation for nursing homes, amount.
Section 208.229 - Rebates on outpatient drugs — definitions.
Section 208.230 - Public assistance beneficiary employer disclosure act — report, content.
Section 208.238 - Eligibility, automated process to check applicants and recipients.
Section 208.240 - Statewide dental delivery system authorized.
Section 208.247 - Food stamp eligibility, felony conviction not to make ineligible, when.
Section 208.250 - Definitions.
Section 208.265 - Rules and procedures, developed by whom, published, where.
Section 208.341 - School programs — postponing sexual involvement — QUEST — rites of passage.
Section 208.342 - Earned income tax credit program, AFDC recipients.
Section 208.345 - Protocols for referral of public assistance recipients to federal programs.
Section 208.400 - Definitions.
Section 208.405 - JOBS program established, duties of department.
Section 208.420 - Department to apply for and accept federal funds.
Section 208.425 - Welfare reform coordinating committee established.
Section 208.431 - Medicaid managed care organization reimbursement allowance, amount.
Section 208.432 - Record keeping required, submission to department.
Section 208.434 - Amount final, when — protest, procedure.
Section 208.435 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 208.436 - Remittance to the department — deposit in dedicated fund.
Section 208.455 - Formula for federal reimbursement allowance established by rule — procedure.
Section 208.463 - Documents content and form prescribed by rule.
Section 208.469 - Tax exempt or nonprofit status granted by state not to be affected.
Section 208.471 - Medicaid reimbursement payments to hospitals, amount, how calculated.
Section 208.475 - Effective date of allowance.
Section 208.477 - Medicaid eligibility, criteria used, effect when more restrictive than FY2003.
Section 208.480 - Federal reimbursement allowance expiration date.
Section 208.530 - Definitions.
Section 208.533 - Commission established — members, qualifications — terms — expenses.
Section 208.535 - Commission, duties.
Section 208.600 - Citation of law, definitions.
Section 208.603 - Department of health and senior services to administer federal program.
Section 208.618 - Program to address mental health needs.
Section 208.621 - Program, at-risk elderly.
Section 208.624 - Invest in caring, model program — intergenerational care and training program.
Section 208.627 - Report, delivery of case management services, contents — delivery of report.
Section 208.631 - Program established, terminates, when — definitions.
Section 208.633 - Eligible children, income limits of parents or guardians.
Section 208.636 - Requirements of parents or guardians.
Section 208.640 - Co-payments required, when, amount, limitations.
Section 208.643 - Rules, compliance with federal law.
Section 208.646 - Waiting period required, when.
Section 208.647 - Special health care needs, waiver of waiting period for coverage.
Section 208.650 - Studies and reports required by department of social services.
Section 208.655 - Abortion counseling prohibited, exceptions.
Section 208.657 - Rules, effective when, invalid when.
Section 208.659 - Revision of eligibility requirements for uninsured women's health program.
Section 208.670 - Practice of telehealth, definitions — reimbursement of providers.
Section 208.677 - School children, parental authorization required for telehealth.
Section 208.690 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 208.692 - Program established, purpose — asset disregard — departments duties — rules.
Section 208.694 - Eligibility — discontinuance of program, effect of — reciprocal agreements.
Section 208.696 - Director's duties — rules.
Section 208.698 - Reports required.
Section 208.750 - Title — definitions.
Section 208.760 - Eligibility — withdrawal of moneys, when.
Section 208.765 - Forfeiture of account moneys, when — death of account holder, effect of.
Section 208.770 - Tax exemption, credit, when.
Section 208.775 - Independent evaluation — report.
Section 208.780 - Definitions.
Section 208.782 - Missouri Rx plan established, purpose — rulemaking authority.
Section 208.786 - Authority of department in providing benefits — start of program benefits, when.
Section 208.788 - Program not an entitlement — payer of last resort requirements.
Section 208.794 - Fund created.
Section 208.798 - Termination date.
Section 208.853 - Findings and purpose.
Section 208.856 - Council created, expenses, members, terms, removal.
Section 208.859 - Powers and duties of the council.
Section 208.862 - Consumer rights and employment relations.
Section 208.865 - Definitions.
Section 208.868 - Federal approval and funding.
Section 208.871 - Severability clause.
Section 208.900 - Definitions.
Section 208.903 - Financial assistance for personal care, eligibility requirements.
Section 208.909 - Responsibilities of recipients and vendors.
Section 208.918 - Vendor requirements, philosophy and services.
Section 208.921 - Denial of eligibility, applicant entitled to hearing.
Section 208.924 - Discontinuation of services, when.
Section 208.927 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 208.935 - Assessment tool, home and community-based services.
Section 208.951 - Request for proposals.
Section 208.952 - Committee established, members, duties.
Section 208.955 - Committee established, members, duties — issuance of findings.
Section 208.990 - MO HealthNet eligibility requirements.
Section 208.991 - Definitions — persons eligible for MO HealthNet — rulemaking authority.
Section 208.1050 - Fund created, use of moneys.
Section 208.1060 - Food banks, state plan to be submitted for federal project.