Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
191.914. False report or claim, penalty. — 1. Any person who intentionally files a false report or claim alleging a violation of sections 191.900 to 191.910 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Any second or subsequent violation of this section is a class E felony and shall be punished as provided by law.
2. Any person who receives any compensation in exchange for knowingly failing to report any violation of subsections 1 to 3 of section 191.905 is guilty of a class E felony.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare
Section 191.005 - Information exchange between departments, rulemaking authority.
Section 191.025 - Health care compact.
Section 191.127 - Land may be leased for farming or grazing — procedure.
Section 191.150 - Purchase of food limited to use of institution inmates.
Section 191.160 - Board and living quarters for employees of institutions.
Section 191.170 - Mistreatment of inmates — penalty.
Section 191.180 - Furnishing unfit food to institution — penalty.
Section 191.190 - Accessory to mistreatment of inmates or furnishing of unwholesome food — penalty.
Section 191.210 - Attendance of patient by private physician.
Section 191.211 - Funding of certain programs.
Section 191.213 - Additional funding sources for certain programs.
Section 191.228 - Physician and pharmacist not subject to discipline for cooperation.
Section 191.300 - Definitions.
Section 191.315 - Genetics program to be established by department — rules authorized — procedure.
Section 191.335 - Hemophilia program established — state assistance, when.
Section 191.362 - Appropriately trained employees to have completed course in dialysis techniques.
Section 191.365 - Sickle cell anemia — purposes of program — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.375 - Cystic fibrosis, program for care and treatment — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.380 - Cystic fibrosis, duties of department.
Section 191.500 - Definitions.
Section 191.510 - Contracts for loans to include terms.
Section 191.515 - Requirements for application.
Section 191.520 - Maximum amount of loans — source of funds.
Section 191.525 - Number of loans available — to whom — length of loans.
Section 191.530 - Interest on loans — repayment terms — temporary deferral.
Section 191.535 - Termination of course of study, effect.
Section 191.540 - Repayment schedules — breach of contract.
Section 191.545 - Recovery — actions for.
Section 191.550 - Approval of contracts.
Section 191.603 - Definitions.
Section 191.605 - Department to designate as areas of need — factors to be considered.
Section 191.607 - Qualifications for eligibility established by department.
Section 191.609 - Contract for repayment of loans, contents.
Section 191.615 - Application for federal funds — insufficient funds, effect.
Section 191.630 - Definitions.
Section 191.650 - Definitions.
Section 191.653 - HIV testing performed by whom, how — consultation with subject required, when.
Section 191.665 - Discrimination prohibited, exceptions.
Section 191.680 - Maintaining a nuisance, abatement to be ordered, when.
Section 191.683 - Reports to general assembly by department of health and senior services.
Section 191.692 - Premarital HIV testing, rulemaking authorized, when.
Section 191.695 - Rulemaking authority, department of health and senior services — procedure.
Section 191.710 - MO HealthNet program and SCHIPS to focus on premature infant health care.
Section 191.711 - Education publications to be prepared, contents — distribution.
Section 191.748 - Shaken baby syndrome video, required viewing, when.
Section 191.755 - Department to post resources on website, content.
Section 191.756 - Grants awarded by board of health and senior services — eligibility criteria.
Section 191.758 - Information to be made available by physician to pregnant women, when.
Section 191.765 - Definitions.
Section 191.769 - Areas not considered public places.
Section 191.771 - Person in control of public places or public meetings, duties.
Section 191.773 - Violators, guilty of infraction.
Section 191.800 - Definitions.
Section 191.803 - Boards of education to establish breakfast program — rules — waiver, procedure.
Section 191.805 - Hardship grant program, distribution of, rules.
Section 191.815 - Administrative rules, procedure.
Section 191.828 - Evaluations, effect of initiatives.
Section 191.839 - Education programs for persons with no or inadequate health insurance.
Section 191.843 - Authorizes grants for regional research consortia in a distressed community.
Section 191.900 - Definitions.
Section 191.907 - Original source of information to receive a portion of any recovery.
Section 191.908 - Whistleblower protections — violations, penalty.
Section 191.914 - False report or claim, penalty.
Section 191.915 - Breast-feeding information provided, when, by whom.
Section 191.931 - Early intervention services available — report, content.
Section 191.937 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 191.990 - Diabetes goals and benchmarks — report, contents.
Section 191.1050 - Definitions.
Section 191.1056 - Fund created, use of moneys.
Section 191.1075 - Definitions.
Section 191.1080 - Council created, purpose, members, terms, duties — report — expiration date.
Section 191.1085 - Program established, purpose — website information — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1100 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1102 - Additional licensure not required, when — inapplicability.
Section 191.1104 - Display of license or certificate, how satisfied.
Section 191.1140 - Treatment of chronic, common, and complex diseases, program authorized, purpose.
Section 191.1145 - Definitions — telehealth services authorized, when.
Section 191.1146 - Physician-patient relationship required, how established.
Section 191.1150 - Citation of law — definitions — designation of caregiver, when — requirements.
Section 191.1164 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1167 - Contracts, policies, or procedures in violation of act deemed null and void.
Section 191.1168 - Severability clause.
Section 191.1601 - Citation of law.
Section 191.1603 - Definitions.
Section 191.1604 - Long-term dignity savings account, use, requirements.
Section 191.1606 - Reporting, forms — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1607 - Financial institutions, requirements — no responsibility or liability, when.