Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare
Section 191.914 - False report or claim, penalty.

Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
191.914. False report or claim, penalty. — 1. Any person who intentionally files a false report or claim alleging a violation of sections 191.900 to 191.910 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Any second or subsequent violation of this section is a class E felony and shall be punished as provided by law.
2. Any person who receives any compensation in exchange for knowingly failing to report any violation of subsections 1 to 3 of section 191.905 is guilty of a class E felony.
(L. 2007 S.B. 577, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XII - Public Health and Welfare

Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare

Section 191.005 - Information exchange between departments, rulemaking authority.

Section 191.025 - Health care compact.

Section 191.116 - Alzheimer's state plan task force established — members, appointment, duties — report — expiration date.

Section 191.127 - Land may be leased for farming or grazing — procedure.

Section 191.150 - Purchase of food limited to use of institution inmates.

Section 191.160 - Board and living quarters for employees of institutions.

Section 191.170 - Mistreatment of inmates — penalty.

Section 191.180 - Furnishing unfit food to institution — penalty.

Section 191.190 - Accessory to mistreatment of inmates or furnishing of unwholesome food — penalty.

Section 191.210 - Attendance of patient by private physician.

Section 191.211 - Funding of certain programs.

Section 191.213 - Additional funding sources for certain programs.

Section 191.226 - Costs of HIV testing for certain crime victims payable by department of health and senior services, when, conditions.

Section 191.227 - Medical records to be released to patient, when, exception — fee permitted, amount — liability of provider limited — annual handling fee adjustment — disclosure of deceased patient records, when.

Section 191.228 - Physician and pharmacist not subject to discipline for cooperation.

Section 191.229 - Accreditation of not-for-profit human services organizations deemed equivalent to licensure.

Section 191.231 - Community-based integrated delivery system, qualification, powers — organization, board of directors, powers — plans.

Section 191.235 - Mercury contained in immunizations, not to be administered to certain persons — insurance reimbursement for nonmercury immunizations — exemptions, when.

Section 191.237 - Failure to participate in health information organization, no fine or penalty may be imposed — no exchange of data, when — definitions.

Section 191.250 - Citation of law — definitions — DNR orders, requirements — revocation of consent — appointment of guardian, when — continuation of treatment not required, when.

Section 191.300 - Definitions.

Section 191.305 - Missouri genetic advisory committee created — purpose — appointment, terms — qualifications — expenses.

Section 191.310 - Duties of committee — liaison officers with mental health and education, appointment.

Section 191.315 - Genetics program to be established by department — rules authorized — procedure.

Section 191.317 - Confidentiality of all tests and personal information — exceptions — retention of specimens, procedure.

Section 191.320 - Genetic diagnostic and counseling services to be established — outreach centers, duties — referral for abortion, procedure, requirements.

Section 191.323 - Powers and duties of department of health and senior services in prevention and treatment of genetic diseases and birth defects.

Section 191.325 - Cost of services, how paid — free to persons financially unable to pay — residency requirement.

Section 191.331 - Infants to be tested for metabolic and genetic diseases — reports — exceptions — refusal to test — fee for screening test, department may impose by rule, use of fees — formula provided by department, when — assistance available, whe...

Section 191.332 - Supplemental newborn screening requirements — additional screenings — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.333 - Citation of law — screening for lysosomal storage diseases — rulemaking authority — fee increase authorized.

Section 191.334 - Chloe's Law — critical congenital heart disease screening, requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.335 - Hemophilia program established — state assistance, when.

Section 191.340 - Hemophilia program — care and treatment — financial assistance — education — duties of department.

Section 191.360 - Trained employee of end-stage renal disease facility may initiate dialysis — not unlawful practice of medicine.

Section 191.362 - Appropriately trained employees to have completed course in dialysis techniques.

Section 191.365 - Sickle cell anemia — purposes of program — financial assistance, when.

Section 191.370 - Sickle cell anemia, development of program for care and treatment — duties of department.

Section 191.375 - Cystic fibrosis, program for care and treatment — financial assistance, when.

Section 191.380 - Cystic fibrosis, duties of department.

Section 191.400 - State board of health and senior services — appointment — terms — qualifications — limitation on other employment, exception — vacancies — compensation — meetings.

Section 191.411 - System of coordinated health care services — health access incentive fund created, purpose — enhanced Medicaid payments — rules — annual report.

Section 191.425 - Program established, eligibility — contracting authority — conditional on receipt of federal funding — sunset provision.

Section 191.480 - Manufacturers may make investigational drugs and devices available to eligible patients, when — definitions — requirements.

Section 191.500 - Definitions.

Section 191.505 - Department of health and senior services to administer — may make rules and regulations.

Section 191.510 - Contracts for loans to include terms.

Section 191.515 - Requirements for application.

Section 191.520 - Maximum amount of loans — source of funds.

Section 191.525 - Number of loans available — to whom — length of loans.

Section 191.530 - Interest on loans — repayment terms — temporary deferral.

Section 191.535 - Termination of course of study, effect.

Section 191.540 - Repayment schedules — breach of contract.

Section 191.545 - Recovery — actions for.

Section 191.550 - Approval of contracts.

Section 191.594 - Citation of law — prevalence of depression and suicide study — prohibited acts — definitions.

Section 191.596 - Research project authorized — committee established, members, duties — center study, contents — annual report.

Section 191.600 - Loan repayment program established — health professional student loan repayment program fund established — use.

Section 191.603 - Definitions.

Section 191.605 - Department to designate as areas of need — factors to be considered.

Section 191.607 - Qualifications for eligibility established by department.

Section 191.609 - Contract for repayment of loans, contents.

Section 191.611 - Loan repayment program to cover certain loans — amount paid per year of obligated service — schedule of payments — communities sharing costs to be given first consideration.

Section 191.614 - Termination of medical studies or failure to become licensed doctor, liability — breach of contract for service obligation, penalties — recovery of amount paid by contributing community.

Section 191.615 - Application for federal funds — insufficient funds, effect.

Section 191.630 - Definitions.

Section 191.631 - Testing for disease, consent deemed given, when — hospital to conduct testing, written policies and procedures required — notification for confirmed exposure, by whom — limitations on testing and duties of hospitals, coroners, and m...

Section 191.640 - Blood-borne pathogen standard required for occupational exposure of public employees to blood and other infectious materials — definitions — requirements of needleless system and sharps — violations, penalty.

Section 191.645 - Risk of exposure to Hepatitis C, information to be made available — website to be maintained, content.

Section 191.648 - Expedited partner therapy permitted, requirements for physicians utilizing — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.650 - Definitions.

Section 191.653 - HIV testing performed by whom, how — consultation with subject required, when.

Section 191.656 - Confidentiality of reports and records, exceptions — violation, civil action for injunction, damages, costs and attorney fees — health care provider participating in judicial proceeding, immune from civil liability.

Section 191.657 - Disclosure of confidential HIV information, by court order, only to certain persons, procedure, when.

Section 191.658 - HIV infection status disclosure by department of health and senior services to exposed health workers or law enforcement officers, when, violation, penalty.

Section 191.659 - Department of corrections, HIV and infectious diseases testing without right of refusal — exception — minors victim of sexual assault, testing, notice to parents or custodians required.

Section 191.662 - Department of mental health, permissive HIV testing without right of refusal, when — results of testing not to be reported to department of health and senior services, when.

Section 191.663 - HIV testing, defined — court order to test certain sexual offenders — costs — bond — disclosure of results of test — parents of unemancipated minor informed, when.

Section 191.665 - Discrimination prohibited, exceptions.

Section 191.668 - Department of health and senior services and department of elementary and secondary education to prepare education programs, contents.

Section 191.671 - Insurance companies, HMOs or health service corporations, HIV testing by, regulation by department — disclosure of test results, confidentiality.

Section 191.674 - Court-ordered HIV testing without right of refusal, department of health and senior services may seek, when — court record closed, proceeding to be in camera, when.

Section 191.677 - Serious infectious or communicable diseases, prohibited acts, criminal penalties — affirmative defense — use of pseudonym, when.

Section 191.680 - Maintaining a nuisance, abatement to be ordered, when.

Section 191.683 - Reports to general assembly by department of health and senior services.

Section 191.686 - Anonymous testing sites in central Missouri, Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis — reports of results, use of coded system — contact notification required, when.

Section 191.689 - Schools to be given notice of identity of child with HIV infection, when, by whom — identity of infected child may be released to whom by school.

Section 191.692 - Premarital HIV testing, rulemaking authorized, when.

Section 191.694 - Infection control procedures — requirements and training for health care facilities and professionals.

Section 191.695 - Rulemaking authority, department of health and senior services — procedure.

Section 191.699 - Disciplinary action for health care professionals who discriminate or require HIV testing before treatment.

Section 191.700 - Testing of all health care professionals not justified — voluntary and confidential evaluation of infected professional, procedure — expert review panel qualifications, powers and duties, practice restrictions, when — health care fa...

Section 191.703 - Death of patient with infectious or contagious disease, notification to funeral director or coroner.

Section 191.710 - MO HealthNet program and SCHIPS to focus on premature infant health care.

Section 191.711 - Education publications to be prepared, contents — distribution.

Section 191.724 - Discrimination based on religious beliefs or moral convictions prohibited, health plan coverage of abortion — no mandatory employee coverage of certain procedures — attorney general to enforce — sterilization defined.

Section 191.725 - Physician to counsel pregnant patients on effects of cigarettes, alcohol and controlled substances — certifying form to be signed by patient on counseling — educational materials to be furnished to physicians.

Section 191.729 - School districts to be furnished information on prenatal and postnatal effects of substances, when.

Section 191.731 - Pregnant woman referred for substance abuse to have priority for treatment — confidentiality of records.

Section 191.737 - Children exposed to substance abuse, referral by physician to children's division — physician making referral immune from civil liability — confidentiality of report.

Section 191.739 - Protective and preventive services to be provided by department of social services, duties.

Section 191.748 - Shaken baby syndrome video, required viewing, when.

Section 191.755 - Department to post resources on website, content.

Section 191.756 - Grants awarded by board of health and senior services — eligibility criteria.

Section 191.758 - Information to be made available by physician to pregnant women, when.

Section 191.761 - Umbilical cord blood samples, department to provide courier service to nonprofit umbilical cord blood bank — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.765 - Definitions.

Section 191.767 - Persons not to smoke in public places or meetings, except in designated smoking areas — designation of space for smoking area, requirements.

Section 191.769 - Areas not considered public places.

Section 191.771 - Person in control of public places or public meetings, duties.

Section 191.773 - Violators, guilty of infraction.

Section 191.775 - Public schools and school buses — smoking, or tobacco or vapor product use prohibited — permissible use of tobacco, where.

Section 191.776 - Child day care facilities, smoking or tobacco use when children are present, prohibited, penalty.

Section 191.777 - More stringent ordinances or rules may be adopted by governing bodies or school boards.

Section 191.800 - Definitions.

Section 191.803 - Boards of education to establish breakfast program — rules — waiver, procedure.

Section 191.805 - Hardship grant program, distribution of, rules.

Section 191.807 - Supplemental funding, women, infants and children supplemental food program — funding of certain county health offices, use, maximum amount of grants — rules and regulations.

Section 191.810 - Department of health and senior services to establish standards for summer food service program — where established — order of priority — waiver, filing required.

Section 191.813 - Agencies to coordinate outreach programs — specific programs — public service announcements to be designed.

Section 191.815 - Administrative rules, procedure.

Section 191.828 - Evaluations, effect of initiatives.

Section 191.831 - Health initiatives fund established, use — Alt-care pilot program, components — participation may be required.

Section 191.835 - Community 2000 grants program — local commissions, members — goals, objectives — evaluations, funding.

Section 191.839 - Education programs for persons with no or inadequate health insurance.

Section 191.843 - Authorizes grants for regional research consortia in a distressed community.

Section 191.875 - Citation--definitions--estimate of cost provided, when--statement--disclosure of costs without discounts.

Section 191.900 - Definitions.

Section 191.905 - False statement to receive health care payment prohibited — kickback, bribe, purpose, prohibited, exceptions — abuse prohibited — penalty — prosecution, procedure — Medicaid fraud reimbursement fund created — restitution — civil pen...

Section 191.907 - Original source of information to receive a portion of any recovery.

Section 191.908 - Whistleblower protections — violations, penalty.

Section 191.910 - Attorney general may investigate violations, powers — service authorized — prosecuting attorney, report, prosecution — provision of records — no limitation of other actions.

Section 191.914 - False report or claim, penalty.

Section 191.915 - Breast-feeding information provided, when, by whom.

Section 191.918 - Breast-feeding in public permitted — not sexual conduct, public indecency, or obscenity — no municipal ordinances to prohibit or restrict.

Section 191.923 - Prenatally diagnosed conditions, patient to be provided information — definitions — clearinghouse of information to be established.

Section 191.925 - Screening for hearing loss, infants, when — procedures used — exemptions — information provided, by whom — no liability, when.

Section 191.928 - Surveillance and monitoring system for certain newborns — standards and follow-up procedure — confidentiality of information.

Section 191.931 - Early intervention services available — report, content.

Section 191.937 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.

Section 191.940 - Citation of law — definitions — hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to provide information about postpartum depression.

Section 191.950 - Prostate cancer pilot programs — definitions — eligibility — services provided — grants — rulemaking authority — sunset provision.

Section 191.975 - Adoption awareness, department duties — advertising campaign authorized — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.980 - Missouri area health education centers program established — authority of director — duties.

Section 191.990 - Diabetes goals and benchmarks — report, contents.

Section 191.1050 - Definitions.

Section 191.1053 - Designation of areas — re-evaluation of designations, when — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.1056 - Fund created, use of moneys.

Section 191.1075 - Definitions.

Section 191.1080 - Council created, purpose, members, terms, duties — report — expiration date.

Section 191.1085 - Program established, purpose — website information — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.1100 - Citation of law — definitions.

Section 191.1102 - Additional licensure not required, when — inapplicability.

Section 191.1104 - Display of license or certificate, how satisfied.

Section 191.1106 - Registration with department required, fee, contents — quarterly reports — list of providers — recordkeeping requirements — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.1110 - Immunity from liability, when — no compensation to be received — certain military personnel deemed licensed.

Section 191.1112 - Volunteer crisis response teams — definitions — immunity from liability, inapplicability of.

Section 191.1140 - Treatment of chronic, common, and complex diseases, program authorized, purpose.

Section 191.1145 - Definitions — telehealth services authorized, when.

Section 191.1146 - Physician-patient relationship required, how established.

Section 191.1150 - Citation of law — definitions — designation of caregiver, when — requirements.

Section 191.1164 - Citation of law — definitions.

Section 191.1165 - Medication-assisted treatment — formulary medications and requirements — disclosure of MAT services provided — incarcerated persons and diversion program participants, assessment for substance use disorders.

Section 191.1167 - Contracts, policies, or procedures in violation of act deemed null and void.

Section 191.1168 - Severability clause.

Section 191.1400 - Citation of law — definitions — compassionate care visits to be permitted, policy — limitations — informational materials — violations may be reported — immunity from liability, when.

Section 191.1601 - Citation of law.

Section 191.1603 - Definitions.

Section 191.1604 - Long-term dignity savings account, use, requirements.

Section 191.1605 - Accounts, use of moneys — withdrawals, recapture — death of account holder, effect of.

Section 191.1606 - Reporting, forms — rulemaking authority.

Section 191.1607 - Financial institutions, requirements — no responsibility or liability, when.

Section 191.2290 - Citation of law — definitions — state of emergency, designated essential caregiver designation — requirements.