Effective - 28 Aug 2014
191.480. Manufacturers may make investigational drugs and devices available to eligible patients, when — definitions — requirements. — 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Eligible patient", a person who meets all of the following:
(a) Has a terminal illness;
(b) Has considered all other treatment options currently approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and all relevant clinical trials conducted in this state;
(c) Has received a prescription or recommendation from the person's physician for an investigational drug, biological product, or device;
(d) Has given written informed consent which shall be at least as comprehensive as the consent used in clinical trials for the use of the investigational drug, biological product, or device or, if the patient is a minor or lacks the mental capacity to provide informed consent, a parent or legal guardian has given written informed consent on the patient's behalf; and
(e) Has documentation from the person's physician that the person has met the requirements of this subdivision;
(2) "Investigational drug, biological product, or device", a drug, biological product, or device, any of which are used to treat the patient's terminal illness, that has successfully completed phase one of a clinical trial but has not been approved for general use by the United States Food and Drug Administration and remains under investigation in a clinical trial. The term shall not include Schedule I controlled substances;
(3) "Terminal illness", a disease that without life-sustaining procedures will result in death in the near future or a state of permanent unconsciousness from which recovery is unlikely.
2. A manufacturer of an investigational drug, biological product, or device may make available the manufacturer's investigational drug, biological product, or device to eligible patients under this section. This section does not require that a manufacturer make available an investigational drug, biological product, or device to an eligible patient. A manufacturer may:
(1) Provide an investigational drug, biological product, or device to an eligible patient without receiving compensation; or
(2) Require an eligible patient to pay the costs of or associated with the manufacture of the investigational drug, biological product, or device.
3. This section does not require a health care insurer to provide coverage for the cost of any investigational drug, biological product, or device. A health care insurer may provide coverage for an investigational drug, biological product, or device.
4. This section does not require the department of corrections to provide coverage for the cost of any investigational drug, biological product, or device.
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no state agency or regulatory board shall revoke, fail to renew, or take any other action against a physician's license issued under chapter 334 based solely on the physician's recommendation to an eligible patient regarding prescription for or treatment with an investigational drug, biological product, or device. Action against a health care provider's Medicare certification based solely on the health care provider's recommendation that a patient have access to an investigational drug, biological product, or device is prohibited.
6. If a provision of this section or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this section that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this section are severable.
7. If the clinical trial is closed due to lack of efficacy or toxicity, the drug shall not be offered. If notice is given on a drug, product, or device taken by a patient outside of a clinical trial, the pharmaceutical company or patient's physician shall notify the patient of the information from the safety committee of the clinical trial.
8. Except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct, any person who manufactures, imports, distributes, prescribes, dispenses, or administers an investigational drug or device to an eligible patient with a terminal illness in accordance with this section shall not be liable in any action under state law for any loss, damage, or injury arising out of, relating to, or resulting from:
(1) The design, development, clinical testing and investigation, manufacturing, labeling, distribution, sale, purchase, donation, dispensing, prescription, administration, or use of the drug or device; or
(2) The safety or effectiveness of the drug or device.
(L. 2014 H.B. 1685)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare
Section 191.005 - Information exchange between departments, rulemaking authority.
Section 191.025 - Health care compact.
Section 191.127 - Land may be leased for farming or grazing — procedure.
Section 191.150 - Purchase of food limited to use of institution inmates.
Section 191.160 - Board and living quarters for employees of institutions.
Section 191.170 - Mistreatment of inmates — penalty.
Section 191.180 - Furnishing unfit food to institution — penalty.
Section 191.190 - Accessory to mistreatment of inmates or furnishing of unwholesome food — penalty.
Section 191.210 - Attendance of patient by private physician.
Section 191.211 - Funding of certain programs.
Section 191.213 - Additional funding sources for certain programs.
Section 191.228 - Physician and pharmacist not subject to discipline for cooperation.
Section 191.300 - Definitions.
Section 191.315 - Genetics program to be established by department — rules authorized — procedure.
Section 191.335 - Hemophilia program established — state assistance, when.
Section 191.362 - Appropriately trained employees to have completed course in dialysis techniques.
Section 191.365 - Sickle cell anemia — purposes of program — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.375 - Cystic fibrosis, program for care and treatment — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.380 - Cystic fibrosis, duties of department.
Section 191.500 - Definitions.
Section 191.510 - Contracts for loans to include terms.
Section 191.515 - Requirements for application.
Section 191.520 - Maximum amount of loans — source of funds.
Section 191.525 - Number of loans available — to whom — length of loans.
Section 191.530 - Interest on loans — repayment terms — temporary deferral.
Section 191.535 - Termination of course of study, effect.
Section 191.540 - Repayment schedules — breach of contract.
Section 191.545 - Recovery — actions for.
Section 191.550 - Approval of contracts.
Section 191.603 - Definitions.
Section 191.605 - Department to designate as areas of need — factors to be considered.
Section 191.607 - Qualifications for eligibility established by department.
Section 191.609 - Contract for repayment of loans, contents.
Section 191.615 - Application for federal funds — insufficient funds, effect.
Section 191.630 - Definitions.
Section 191.650 - Definitions.
Section 191.653 - HIV testing performed by whom, how — consultation with subject required, when.
Section 191.665 - Discrimination prohibited, exceptions.
Section 191.680 - Maintaining a nuisance, abatement to be ordered, when.
Section 191.683 - Reports to general assembly by department of health and senior services.
Section 191.692 - Premarital HIV testing, rulemaking authorized, when.
Section 191.695 - Rulemaking authority, department of health and senior services — procedure.
Section 191.710 - MO HealthNet program and SCHIPS to focus on premature infant health care.
Section 191.711 - Education publications to be prepared, contents — distribution.
Section 191.748 - Shaken baby syndrome video, required viewing, when.
Section 191.755 - Department to post resources on website, content.
Section 191.756 - Grants awarded by board of health and senior services — eligibility criteria.
Section 191.758 - Information to be made available by physician to pregnant women, when.
Section 191.765 - Definitions.
Section 191.769 - Areas not considered public places.
Section 191.771 - Person in control of public places or public meetings, duties.
Section 191.773 - Violators, guilty of infraction.
Section 191.800 - Definitions.
Section 191.803 - Boards of education to establish breakfast program — rules — waiver, procedure.
Section 191.805 - Hardship grant program, distribution of, rules.
Section 191.815 - Administrative rules, procedure.
Section 191.828 - Evaluations, effect of initiatives.
Section 191.839 - Education programs for persons with no or inadequate health insurance.
Section 191.843 - Authorizes grants for regional research consortia in a distressed community.
Section 191.900 - Definitions.
Section 191.907 - Original source of information to receive a portion of any recovery.
Section 191.908 - Whistleblower protections — violations, penalty.
Section 191.914 - False report or claim, penalty.
Section 191.915 - Breast-feeding information provided, when, by whom.
Section 191.931 - Early intervention services available — report, content.
Section 191.937 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 191.990 - Diabetes goals and benchmarks — report, contents.
Section 191.1050 - Definitions.
Section 191.1056 - Fund created, use of moneys.
Section 191.1075 - Definitions.
Section 191.1080 - Council created, purpose, members, terms, duties — report — expiration date.
Section 191.1085 - Program established, purpose — website information — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1100 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1102 - Additional licensure not required, when — inapplicability.
Section 191.1104 - Display of license or certificate, how satisfied.
Section 191.1140 - Treatment of chronic, common, and complex diseases, program authorized, purpose.
Section 191.1145 - Definitions — telehealth services authorized, when.
Section 191.1146 - Physician-patient relationship required, how established.
Section 191.1150 - Citation of law — definitions — designation of caregiver, when — requirements.
Section 191.1164 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1167 - Contracts, policies, or procedures in violation of act deemed null and void.
Section 191.1168 - Severability clause.
Section 191.1601 - Citation of law.
Section 191.1603 - Definitions.
Section 191.1604 - Long-term dignity savings account, use, requirements.
Section 191.1606 - Reporting, forms — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1607 - Financial institutions, requirements — no responsibility or liability, when.