Effective - 28 Aug 2007
191.331. Infants to be tested for metabolic and genetic diseases — reports — exceptions — refusal to test — fee for screening test, department may impose by rule, use of fees — formula provided by department, when — assistance available, when. — 1. Every infant who is born in this state shall be tested for phenylketonuria and such other metabolic or genetic diseases as are prescribed by the department. The test used by the department shall be dictated by accepted medical practice and such tests shall be of the types approved by the department. All newborn screening tests required by the department shall be performed by the department of health and senior services laboratories. The attending physician, certified nurse midwife, public health facility, ambulatory surgical center or hospital shall assure that appropriate specimens are collected and submitted to the department of health and senior services laboratories.
2. All physicians, certified nurse midwives, public health nurses and administrators of ambulatory surgical centers or hospitals shall report to the department all diagnosed cases of phenylketonuria and other metabolic or genetic diseases as designated by the department. The department shall prescribe and furnish all necessary reporting forms.
3. The department shall develop and institute educational programs concerning phenylketonuria and other metabolic and genetic diseases and assist parents, physicians, hospitals and public health nurses in the management and basic treatment of these diseases.
4. The provisions of this section shall not apply if the parents of such child object to the tests or examinations provided in this section on the grounds that such tests or examinations conflict with their religious tenets and practices.
5. As provided in subsection 4 of this section, the parents of any child who fail to have such test or examination administered after notice of the requirement for such test or examination shall be required to document in writing such refusal. All physicians, certified nurse midwives, public health nurses and administrators of ambulatory surgical centers or hospitals shall provide to the parents or guardians a written packet of educational information developed and supplied by the department of health and senior services describing the type of specimen, how it is obtained, the nature of diseases being screened, and the consequences of treatment and nontreatment. The attending physician, certified nurse midwife, public health facility, ambulatory surgical center or hospital shall obtain the written refusal and make such refusal part of the medical record of the infant.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 192.015 to the contrary, the department may, by rule, annually determine and impose a reasonable fee for each newborn screening test made in any of its laboratories. The department may collect the fee from any entity or individual described in subsection 1 of this section in a form and manner established by the department. Such fee shall be considered as a cost payable to such entity by a health care third-party payer, including, but not limited to, a health insurer operating pursuant to chapter 376, a domestic health services corporation or health maintenance organization operating pursuant to chapter 354, and a governmental or entitlement program operating pursuant to state law. Such fee shall not be considered as part of the internal laboratory costs of the persons and entities described in subsection 1 of this section by such health care third-party payers. No individual shall be denied screening because of inability to pay. Such fees shall be deposited in a separate account in the public health services fund created in section 192.900, and funds in such account shall be used for the support of the newborn screening program and activities related to the screening, diagnosis, and treatment, including special dietary products, of persons with metabolic and genetic diseases; and follow-up activities that ensure that diagnostic evaluation, treatment and management is available and accessible once an at-risk family is identified through initial screening; and for no other purpose. These programs may include education in these areas and the development of new programs related to these diseases.
7. Subject to appropriations provided for formula for the treatment of inherited diseases of amino acids and organic acids, the department shall provide such formula to persons with inherited diseases of amino acids and organic acids subject to the conditions described in this subsection. State assistance pursuant to this subsection shall be available to an applicant only after the applicant has shown that the applicant has exhausted all benefits from third-party payers, including, but not limited to, health insurers, domestic health services corporations, health maintenance organizations, Medicare, Medicaid and other government assistance programs.
8. Assistance under subsection 7 of this section shall be provided to the following:
(1) Applicants ages birth to five years old meeting the qualifications under subsection 7 of this section;
(2) Applicants between the ages of six to eighteen meeting the qualifications under subsection 7 of this section and whose family income is below three hundred percent of the federal poverty level;
(3) Applicants between the ages of six to eighteen meeting the qualifications under subsection 7 of this section and whose family income is at three hundred percent of the federal poverty level or above. For these applicants, the department shall establish a sliding scale of fees and monthly premiums to be paid in order to receive assistance under subsection 7 of this section; and
(4) Applicants age nineteen and above meeting the qualifications under subsection 7 of this section and who are eligible under an income-based means test established by the department to determine eligibility for the assistance under subsection 7 of this section.
9. The department shall have authority over the use, retention, and disposal of biological specimens and all related information collected in connection with newborn screening tests conducted under subsection 1 of this section. The use of such specimens and related information shall only be made for public health purposes and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal law. The department may charge a reasonable fee for the use of such specimens for public health research and preparing and supplying specimens for research proposals approved by the department.
(L. 1965 p. 358 §§ 1 to 5; L. 1985 H.B. 612, A.L. 1992 H.B. 995, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 1997 H.B. 600 & 388, A.L. 2007 H.B. 948)
Fee under subsection 6 of this section may be increased, when, 191.332
Rulemaking authority, effective when, null and void, when, 376.1399
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 191 - Health and Welfare
Section 191.005 - Information exchange between departments, rulemaking authority.
Section 191.025 - Health care compact.
Section 191.127 - Land may be leased for farming or grazing — procedure.
Section 191.150 - Purchase of food limited to use of institution inmates.
Section 191.160 - Board and living quarters for employees of institutions.
Section 191.170 - Mistreatment of inmates — penalty.
Section 191.180 - Furnishing unfit food to institution — penalty.
Section 191.190 - Accessory to mistreatment of inmates or furnishing of unwholesome food — penalty.
Section 191.210 - Attendance of patient by private physician.
Section 191.211 - Funding of certain programs.
Section 191.213 - Additional funding sources for certain programs.
Section 191.228 - Physician and pharmacist not subject to discipline for cooperation.
Section 191.300 - Definitions.
Section 191.315 - Genetics program to be established by department — rules authorized — procedure.
Section 191.335 - Hemophilia program established — state assistance, when.
Section 191.362 - Appropriately trained employees to have completed course in dialysis techniques.
Section 191.365 - Sickle cell anemia — purposes of program — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.375 - Cystic fibrosis, program for care and treatment — financial assistance, when.
Section 191.380 - Cystic fibrosis, duties of department.
Section 191.500 - Definitions.
Section 191.510 - Contracts for loans to include terms.
Section 191.515 - Requirements for application.
Section 191.520 - Maximum amount of loans — source of funds.
Section 191.525 - Number of loans available — to whom — length of loans.
Section 191.530 - Interest on loans — repayment terms — temporary deferral.
Section 191.535 - Termination of course of study, effect.
Section 191.540 - Repayment schedules — breach of contract.
Section 191.545 - Recovery — actions for.
Section 191.550 - Approval of contracts.
Section 191.603 - Definitions.
Section 191.605 - Department to designate as areas of need — factors to be considered.
Section 191.607 - Qualifications for eligibility established by department.
Section 191.609 - Contract for repayment of loans, contents.
Section 191.615 - Application for federal funds — insufficient funds, effect.
Section 191.630 - Definitions.
Section 191.650 - Definitions.
Section 191.653 - HIV testing performed by whom, how — consultation with subject required, when.
Section 191.665 - Discrimination prohibited, exceptions.
Section 191.680 - Maintaining a nuisance, abatement to be ordered, when.
Section 191.683 - Reports to general assembly by department of health and senior services.
Section 191.692 - Premarital HIV testing, rulemaking authorized, when.
Section 191.695 - Rulemaking authority, department of health and senior services — procedure.
Section 191.710 - MO HealthNet program and SCHIPS to focus on premature infant health care.
Section 191.711 - Education publications to be prepared, contents — distribution.
Section 191.748 - Shaken baby syndrome video, required viewing, when.
Section 191.755 - Department to post resources on website, content.
Section 191.756 - Grants awarded by board of health and senior services — eligibility criteria.
Section 191.758 - Information to be made available by physician to pregnant women, when.
Section 191.765 - Definitions.
Section 191.769 - Areas not considered public places.
Section 191.771 - Person in control of public places or public meetings, duties.
Section 191.773 - Violators, guilty of infraction.
Section 191.800 - Definitions.
Section 191.803 - Boards of education to establish breakfast program — rules — waiver, procedure.
Section 191.805 - Hardship grant program, distribution of, rules.
Section 191.815 - Administrative rules, procedure.
Section 191.828 - Evaluations, effect of initiatives.
Section 191.839 - Education programs for persons with no or inadequate health insurance.
Section 191.843 - Authorizes grants for regional research consortia in a distressed community.
Section 191.900 - Definitions.
Section 191.907 - Original source of information to receive a portion of any recovery.
Section 191.908 - Whistleblower protections — violations, penalty.
Section 191.914 - False report or claim, penalty.
Section 191.915 - Breast-feeding information provided, when, by whom.
Section 191.931 - Early intervention services available — report, content.
Section 191.937 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 191.990 - Diabetes goals and benchmarks — report, contents.
Section 191.1050 - Definitions.
Section 191.1056 - Fund created, use of moneys.
Section 191.1075 - Definitions.
Section 191.1080 - Council created, purpose, members, terms, duties — report — expiration date.
Section 191.1085 - Program established, purpose — website information — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1100 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1102 - Additional licensure not required, when — inapplicability.
Section 191.1104 - Display of license or certificate, how satisfied.
Section 191.1140 - Treatment of chronic, common, and complex diseases, program authorized, purpose.
Section 191.1145 - Definitions — telehealth services authorized, when.
Section 191.1146 - Physician-patient relationship required, how established.
Section 191.1150 - Citation of law — definitions — designation of caregiver, when — requirements.
Section 191.1164 - Citation of law — definitions.
Section 191.1167 - Contracts, policies, or procedures in violation of act deemed null and void.
Section 191.1168 - Severability clause.
Section 191.1601 - Citation of law.
Section 191.1603 - Definitions.
Section 191.1604 - Long-term dignity savings account, use, requirements.
Section 191.1606 - Reporting, forms — rulemaking authority.
Section 191.1607 - Financial institutions, requirements — no responsibility or liability, when.