Effective - 28 Aug 1995
182.440. Duty of board — appointment of officers — powers. — 1. The directors shall be known and styled in their corporate name as the board of directors of the public library, and in such name may exercise the powers herein granted.
2. They shall, immediately after appointment, meet and organize by the election of one of their number as president, and by the election of such other officers as they may deem necessary.
3. They shall make and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for their own guidance, and for the government of the library and reading room, as may be expedient, not inconsistent with this chapter.
4. They shall have the exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected to the credit of the library fund, and of the construction of any library building, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased or set apart for that purpose.
5. The board shall have power to purchase, hold or lease grounds, to occupy, lease or erect an appropriate building or buildings for the use of the library, and to issue bonds, secured by deed of trust on any land of which they may be possessed, for the purpose of the purchase of grounds* and for the erection of public library buildings and for the improvement of existing buildings and all property by such board purchased, or otherwise obtained, shall vest in such board as a body corporate, and be held by it in trust.
6. They shall have power to appoint a suitable librarian and necessary assistants, and fix their compensation, and shall also have power to remove such appointees; and shall, in general, carry out the spirit and intent of this chapter in establishing and maintaining a public library and reading room.
(RSMo 1939 § 14780, A.L. 1985 S.B. 152, A.L. 1995 S.B. 14)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13476; 1919 § 7209; 1909 § 8205
*Word "ground" appears in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 182 - County and City Libraries — Libraries Generally
Section 182.040 - City may become part of county library district — procedure — effect.
Section 182.060 - Board to organize — rules and regulations — county librarian, appointment.
Section 182.070 - General powers of district — seal.
Section 182.073 - Treasurer of board, custodian of funds, duties.
Section 182.080 - Board may contract for library service — procedure.
Section 182.105 - Issuance of bonds for building — limits — maturity — election — tax to pay.
Section 182.110 - Librarians required to attend meetings — expenses.
Section 182.120 - Services accessible to all residents of county.
Section 182.143 - Treasurer of board of trustees, duties.
Section 182.170 - Trustees, number, appointment.
Section 182.180 - Terms of office of trustees — removal.
Section 182.190 - Vacancies, how filled — three terms disqualifies — nepotism forbidden.
Section 182.210 - Annual report of librarian, contents, when submitted.
Section 182.221 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (cities 600,000 or more).
Section 182.230 - Library free to public subject to regulations.
Section 182.240 - Council may provide penalties for damage to property.
Section 182.270 - Plans — contracts for library building (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.280 - Board may sell lands, when — exceptions (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.296 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (city and county library).
Section 182.301 - City or city-county library may contract for cooperative service.
Section 182.410 - Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan.
Section 182.420 - Term of directors — removal.
Section 182.430 - Vacancies, how filled — no compensation.
Section 182.440 - Duty of board — appointment of officers — powers.
Section 182.450 - Board to make annual report — contents.
Section 182.460 - City to provide penalties.
Section 182.480 - Municipal library districts created in cities — property subject to taxation.
Section 182.490 - City library tax rate to be continued — construction of library laws.
Section 182.510 - Law not to prevent merger of city and county district.
Section 182.610 - County library districts may consolidate, when.
Section 182.620 - Consolidation — resolution — election — form of ballot — transfer of property.
Section 182.645 - Fiscal year — budget — treasurer custodian of funds.
Section 182.647 - Bonds of employees — records and reports required.
Section 182.650 - Rate of tax — election to increase rate — form of ballot.
Section 182.655 - Board may purchase land and erect buildings — bonds issued, when — election.
Section 182.670 - Board to adopt rules and regulations — suspension of library privileges, when.
Section 182.701 - Definitions.
Section 182.705 - Powers — duties of urban public library districts.
Section 182.709 - Retirement system, employees eligible for certain public school retirement system.
Section 182.713 - Bond required for treasurer, librarian and certain other employees.
Section 182.800 - Free libraries — funds, investment of.
Section 182.810 - Insurance for library boards.
Section 182.815 - Disclosure of library records, definitions.