Effective - 28 Aug 2007
182.015. County commission may establish library district without vote, when — tax levy, submitted how — dissolution of library district — change of boundaries, procedure. — 1. In addition to the provisions of section 182.010, the county commission of any county of the state may establish by its order a county library district without a petition or submission to the voters as provided in section 182.010, provided such district conforms otherwise to the provisions of that section and does not include any part of a regional library system established pursuant to other provisions of this chapter. In the event a district is so established, the county commission shall propose an annual rate of taxation within the limitations prescribed by section 182.010, which proposal shall be submitted to a vote of the people in the same manner as though the district were formed under the provisions of that section.
2. Where the county library district of any county is not operating a library within such county, the county commission may divide the county library district into subdistricts. In the event the subdistricts are established, the county commission shall propose an annual rate of taxation, which proposal shall be submitted to a vote of the people residing in the subdistrict in the same manner as provided for in section 182.010. If a majority of the votes cast on the question are for the tax as submitted, the tax shall be levied and collected on property within the subdistrict in the same manner as other county library taxes are levied and collected pursuant to section 182.020. Such funds shall be used to provide library services in the subdistrict of the county library district.
3. Where a tax has not been approved by the voters within a five-year period from the establishment of a library district, such library district shall be dissolved.
4. (1) The boundaries of any subdistrict established under this section in any county may be expanded as provided in this subsection. Whenever not less than ten percent of registered voters residing in an area in such county adjacent to an existing subdistrict desire to be annexed into the subdistrict, such registered voters shall file a petition with the governing body of the county requesting, subject to the official approval of the existing county library board, the expansion of the subdistrict. The petition shall contain the following information:
(a) The name and residence of each petitioner; and
(b) A specific description of the proposed subdistrict boundaries, including a map illustrating the boundaries.
(2) Upon the filing of a petition under this subsection, subject to the official approval of the existing county library board, the governing body of the county may, by resolution, approve the expansion of the subdistrict. Any resolution to expand such subdistrict adopted by the governing body of the county shall contain the following information:
(a) A description of the proposed boundaries of the subdistrict;
(b) The time and place of a hearing to be held to consider expansion of the subdistrict; and
(c) The rate of tax to be imposed in the area of expansion and voted on within the proposed subdistrict, if any.
Following the hearing required in this subsection, if the existing library board approves the expansion, and if the governing body of the county determines that expansion is in the best interest of the current subdistrict, then the governing body may, by order or ordinance, provide for the expansion of the subdistrict and for any imposition of the existing subdistrict tax rate within the area of expansion. The order or ordinance shall not become effective unless the governing body of the county submits to the voters residing within the proposed subdistrict, at a state general, primary, or special election, a proposal to authorize the governing body of the county to expand the boundaries of the subdistrict and, if necessary, to impose the existing subdistrict tax rate within the area of expansion. If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon and residing in the existing subdistrict and a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon and residing in the area proposed to be annexed into the subdistrict are in favor of the question, then the expansion of the subdistrict and the imposition of the tax within the area of expansion shall become effective on the first day of the second calendar quarter immediately following the vote. If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon in either the existing subdistrict or in the area proposed to be annexed into the subdistrict are opposed to the question, then the expansion of the subdistrict and the imposition of the tax shall not become effective unless and until the question is resubmitted under this subsection to the qualified voters and such question is approved by the required majorities of the qualified voters voting on the question under this subsection.
(3) The governing body of any county that has expanded subdistrict boundaries or imposed a tax increase authorized in this subsection may submit the question of repeal of the expansion of boundaries and the accompanying imposition of the tax in the area of expansion to the voters of the subdistrict on any date available for elections for the county.
If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of repeal, that repeal shall become effective on December thirty-first of the calendar year in which such repeal was approved. If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon are opposed to the repeal, then the expansion of boundaries and the imposition of the tax as authorized in this subsection shall remain effective until the question is resubmitted under this subsection to the qualified voters and the repeal is approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question.
(4) Whenever the governing body of any county that has expanded subdistrict boundaries or imposed a tax as authorized in this subsection receives a petition, signed by ten percent of the registered voters of the library subdistrict, calling for an election to repeal the expansion of boundaries and the accompanying imposition of the tax in the area of expansion under this subsection, the governing body shall submit to the voters of the subdistrict a proposal to repeal the expansion and the accompanying imposition of the tax. If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon are in favor of the repeal, the repeal shall become effective on December thirty-first of the calendar year in which such repeal was approved. If a majority of the votes cast on the question by the qualified voters voting thereon are opposed to the repeal, then the expansion of boundaries and the imposition of the tax as authorized in this subsection shall remain effective until the question is resubmitted under this subsection to the qualified voters and the repeal is approved by a majority of the qualified voters voting on the question.
(L. 1972 S.B. 583, A.L. 1987 H.B. 179 & 307, A.L. 1995 S.B. 14, A.L. 2007 S.B. 22)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 182 - County and City Libraries — Libraries Generally
Section 182.040 - City may become part of county library district — procedure — effect.
Section 182.060 - Board to organize — rules and regulations — county librarian, appointment.
Section 182.070 - General powers of district — seal.
Section 182.073 - Treasurer of board, custodian of funds, duties.
Section 182.080 - Board may contract for library service — procedure.
Section 182.105 - Issuance of bonds for building — limits — maturity — election — tax to pay.
Section 182.110 - Librarians required to attend meetings — expenses.
Section 182.120 - Services accessible to all residents of county.
Section 182.143 - Treasurer of board of trustees, duties.
Section 182.170 - Trustees, number, appointment.
Section 182.180 - Terms of office of trustees — removal.
Section 182.190 - Vacancies, how filled — three terms disqualifies — nepotism forbidden.
Section 182.210 - Annual report of librarian, contents, when submitted.
Section 182.221 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (cities 600,000 or more).
Section 182.230 - Library free to public subject to regulations.
Section 182.240 - Council may provide penalties for damage to property.
Section 182.270 - Plans — contracts for library building (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.280 - Board may sell lands, when — exceptions (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.296 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (city and county library).
Section 182.301 - City or city-county library may contract for cooperative service.
Section 182.410 - Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan.
Section 182.420 - Term of directors — removal.
Section 182.430 - Vacancies, how filled — no compensation.
Section 182.440 - Duty of board — appointment of officers — powers.
Section 182.450 - Board to make annual report — contents.
Section 182.460 - City to provide penalties.
Section 182.480 - Municipal library districts created in cities — property subject to taxation.
Section 182.490 - City library tax rate to be continued — construction of library laws.
Section 182.510 - Law not to prevent merger of city and county district.
Section 182.610 - County library districts may consolidate, when.
Section 182.620 - Consolidation — resolution — election — form of ballot — transfer of property.
Section 182.645 - Fiscal year — budget — treasurer custodian of funds.
Section 182.647 - Bonds of employees — records and reports required.
Section 182.650 - Rate of tax — election to increase rate — form of ballot.
Section 182.655 - Board may purchase land and erect buildings — bonds issued, when — election.
Section 182.670 - Board to adopt rules and regulations — suspension of library privileges, when.
Section 182.701 - Definitions.
Section 182.705 - Powers — duties of urban public library districts.
Section 182.709 - Retirement system, employees eligible for certain public school retirement system.
Section 182.713 - Bond required for treasurer, librarian and certain other employees.
Section 182.800 - Free libraries — funds, investment of.
Section 182.810 - Insurance for library boards.
Section 182.815 - Disclosure of library records, definitions.