Effective - 28 Aug 1987
182.140. Petition for library tax — rate — election — funds, management and disbursement — increase in rate, procedure — reconsideration. — 1. Whenever voters equal to five percent of the total vote cast for governor at the last election in any city petition the mayor, common council or other proper governing body in writing asking that an annual tax be levied for the establishment and maintenance of a free public library in the city, and specify in their petition a rate of taxation on all the taxable property in the city, the governing body shall direct that the question be submitted to the voters of the city at an election. The order of the governing body and the notice shall specify the name of the city and the rate of taxation mentioned in the petition.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall there be a tax of ______ (insert amount) on each one hundred dollars assessed valuation for a public library?
3. If, from returns of the election, the majority of all the votes cast on the question are in favor of the tax, the governing body shall enter of record a brief recital of the returns and that there has been established a public library and thereafter the free public library shall be established, and shall be a body corporate, and known as such.
4. The tax specified in the notice, subject to the provisions of this section, shall be levied and collected, from year to year, in like manner with other general taxes of the city. The proceeds of the levy, together with all interest accruing on same, with library fines, collections, bequests and donations in money, shall be deposited in the city library fund. At least once in every month the proper city finance officer shall pay over to the treasurer of the library district all moneys received and collected for the city library fund, including interest on such moneys, and shall take duplicate receipts from the treasurer, one of which he shall file with the secretary of the library district and the other of which he shall file in his settlement with the city governing body.
5. In case the proposed tax is sought as an increased tax for the maintenance of a free public library already established over a lesser tax rate theretofore voted and adopted, then such fact shall be recited in the petition and the notice of the election or whenever the city library board of trustees finds it appropriate it may order an election on the question of increasing the tax established pursuant to this section. Notice of the election shall be published in the same manner as is notice of an election to establish a city library district under this section. The notice and order shall each recite the amount of the proposed increase.
6. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:
Shall there be a tax increase of ______ (insert amount) over the present ______ tax for the public library?
7. If a majority of all the votes cast on the question is for the tax submitted, the tax specified in the notice shall be levied and collected in like manner with other general taxes of the city, and shall be known as and become a part of the "City Library Fund" and be administered as provided in section 182.200.
8. The tax may be reconsidered whenever the voters of the city determine by a majority vote given at an election.
9. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, any city may establish, operate and maintain a free public library in accordance with the provisions of this section if the city is located within the boundaries of a county library district that has been established, but has not levied and collected a library tax pursuant to section 182.020 within a year of when the county library district was first established.
10. The authority granted by this section shall be in addition to those powers granted in section 94.400.
(RSMo 1939 § 14752, A.L. 1943 p. 638, A.L. 1945 p. 1127, A.L. 1955 p. 555, A.L. 1961 p. 404, A.L. 1974 H.B. 1643, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1021, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1985 S.B. 152, A.L. 1987 H.B. 179 & 307)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13448; 1919 § 7191; 1909 § 8187
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 182 - County and City Libraries — Libraries Generally
Section 182.040 - City may become part of county library district — procedure — effect.
Section 182.060 - Board to organize — rules and regulations — county librarian, appointment.
Section 182.070 - General powers of district — seal.
Section 182.073 - Treasurer of board, custodian of funds, duties.
Section 182.080 - Board may contract for library service — procedure.
Section 182.105 - Issuance of bonds for building — limits — maturity — election — tax to pay.
Section 182.110 - Librarians required to attend meetings — expenses.
Section 182.120 - Services accessible to all residents of county.
Section 182.143 - Treasurer of board of trustees, duties.
Section 182.170 - Trustees, number, appointment.
Section 182.180 - Terms of office of trustees — removal.
Section 182.190 - Vacancies, how filled — three terms disqualifies — nepotism forbidden.
Section 182.210 - Annual report of librarian, contents, when submitted.
Section 182.221 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (cities 600,000 or more).
Section 182.230 - Library free to public subject to regulations.
Section 182.240 - Council may provide penalties for damage to property.
Section 182.270 - Plans — contracts for library building (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.280 - Board may sell lands, when — exceptions (cities 10,000 or over).
Section 182.296 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (city and county library).
Section 182.301 - City or city-county library may contract for cooperative service.
Section 182.410 - Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan.
Section 182.420 - Term of directors — removal.
Section 182.430 - Vacancies, how filled — no compensation.
Section 182.440 - Duty of board — appointment of officers — powers.
Section 182.450 - Board to make annual report — contents.
Section 182.460 - City to provide penalties.
Section 182.480 - Municipal library districts created in cities — property subject to taxation.
Section 182.490 - City library tax rate to be continued — construction of library laws.
Section 182.510 - Law not to prevent merger of city and county district.
Section 182.610 - County library districts may consolidate, when.
Section 182.620 - Consolidation — resolution — election — form of ballot — transfer of property.
Section 182.645 - Fiscal year — budget — treasurer custodian of funds.
Section 182.647 - Bonds of employees — records and reports required.
Section 182.650 - Rate of tax — election to increase rate — form of ballot.
Section 182.655 - Board may purchase land and erect buildings — bonds issued, when — election.
Section 182.670 - Board to adopt rules and regulations — suspension of library privileges, when.
Section 182.701 - Definitions.
Section 182.705 - Powers — duties of urban public library districts.
Section 182.709 - Retirement system, employees eligible for certain public school retirement system.
Section 182.713 - Bond required for treasurer, librarian and certain other employees.
Section 182.800 - Free libraries — funds, investment of.
Section 182.810 - Insurance for library boards.
Section 182.815 - Disclosure of library records, definitions.