Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 182 - County and City Libraries — Libraries Generally
Section 182.410 - Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
182.410. Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan. — When any incorporated city containing over three hundred thousand inhabitants shall have decided to establish and maintain a public library and reading room under this chapter, the mayor of such city shall, with the approval of the city council, proceed to appoint a board of nine directors for the same, chosen from the citizens at large, with reference to their fitness for such office; and no member of the municipal government shall be a member of said board; provided, that not more than five of such directors shall be members of the same political party.
(RSMo 1939 § 14777)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13473; 1919 § 7206; 1909 § 8202

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 182 - County and City Libraries — Libraries Generally

Section 182.010 - County library districts — petition — tax levy — notice — elections — election to increase levy.

Section 182.015 - County commission may establish library district without vote, when — tax levy, submitted how — dissolution of library district — change of boundaries, procedure.

Section 182.020 - Levy and collection of tax — reconsideration of tax — increase in tax levy procedure, ballot form.

Section 182.030 - Voters of municipal district may vote on establishing or inclusion in county district when — effect.

Section 182.040 - City may become part of county library district — procedure — effect.

Section 182.050 - County library boards — appointment, qualification, removal, vacancies — nepotism forbidden.

Section 182.060 - Board to organize — rules and regulations — county librarian, appointment.

Section 182.070 - General powers of district — seal.

Section 182.073 - Treasurer of board, custodian of funds, duties.

Section 182.075 - Bond requirement for treasurer, librarian and other employees — cost — librarian's duties, accounts and reports.

Section 182.080 - Board may contract for library service — procedure.

Section 182.100 - Tax for library building, election — duration, rate — building fund — revenues paid to district, when.

Section 182.105 - Issuance of bonds for building — limits — maturity — election — tax to pay.

Section 182.110 - Librarians required to attend meetings — expenses.

Section 182.120 - Services accessible to all residents of county.

Section 182.130 - Certain areas excluded from county library districts (first class charter counties).

Section 182.140 - Petition for library tax — rate — election — funds, management and disbursement — increase in rate, procedure — reconsideration.

Section 182.143 - Treasurer of board of trustees, duties.

Section 182.145 - Cities maintaining library prior to August 29, 1955, may levy tax for and maintain library.

Section 182.150 - Election on tax to establish and maintain library, procedure — funds, management and disbursement (cities over 600,000).

Section 182.170 - Trustees, number, appointment.

Section 182.180 - Terms of office of trustees — removal.

Section 182.190 - Vacancies, how filled — three terms disqualifies — nepotism forbidden.

Section 182.200 - Board, organization, powers, duties — funds, management and disbursement — exchange services.

Section 182.210 - Annual report of librarian, contents, when submitted.

Section 182.221 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (cities 600,000 or more).

Section 182.230 - Library free to public subject to regulations.

Section 182.240 - Council may provide penalties for damage to property.

Section 182.260 - Library building tax — duration, rate, election — funds, management and disbursement (cities 10,000 or over).

Section 182.270 - Plans — contracts for library building (cities 10,000 or over).

Section 182.280 - Board may sell lands, when — exceptions (cities 10,000 or over).

Section 182.291 - City-county library, how organized — board of trustees, duties — effect of merger on assets and liabilities — funds, how handled — budget required.

Section 182.296 - Treasurer, librarian and board employees — bond, duties (city and county library).

Section 182.301 - City or city-county library may contract for cooperative service.

Section 182.410 - Directors — appointment — number — board to be bipartisan.

Section 182.420 - Term of directors — removal.

Section 182.430 - Vacancies, how filled — no compensation.

Section 182.440 - Duty of board — appointment of officers — powers.

Section 182.450 - Board to make annual report — contents.

Section 182.460 - City to provide penalties.

Section 182.480 - Municipal library districts created in cities — property subject to taxation.

Section 182.490 - City library tax rate to be continued — construction of library laws.

Section 182.500 - Excluded property subject to taxation for payment of bonded indebtedness — alternative.

Section 182.510 - Law not to prevent merger of city and county district.

Section 182.610 - County library districts may consolidate, when.

Section 182.620 - Consolidation — resolution — election — form of ballot — transfer of property.

Section 182.630 - Consolidated district is body corporate and a political subdivision — corporate powers.

Section 182.640 - Board of trustees — how appointed, grounds for removal, vacancies how filled — librarian to be appointed.

Section 182.645 - Fiscal year — budget — treasurer custodian of funds.

Section 182.647 - Bonds of employees — records and reports required.

Section 182.650 - Rate of tax — election to increase rate — form of ballot.

Section 182.655 - Board may purchase land and erect buildings — bonds issued, when — election.

Section 182.660 - May incorporate other public library districts — petition, notice — transfer of property, when.

Section 182.670 - Board to adopt rules and regulations — suspension of library privileges, when.

Section 182.701 - Definitions.

Section 182.703 - Urban public library district, procedure to create — boundaries — new district to be successor to library serving same boundaries — authority to levy property tax.

Section 182.705 - Powers — duties of urban public library districts.

Section 182.707 - Board of trustees, appointment, qualifications, terms, vacancies, expenses, officers how selected — meetings — majority vote of full board required when — librarian powers and duties — staff.

Section 182.709 - Retirement system, employees eligible for certain public school retirement system.

Section 182.711 - Fiscal year for library district — budget to be approved, when, modification when, filed with state auditor — library operating fund established — treasurer powers and duties.

Section 182.713 - Bond required for treasurer, librarian and certain other employees.

Section 182.715 - Taxes raised for a library district transferred to successor urban district, when — tax levy authorized, rate — rate increase, procedure — additional tax to erect buildings, procedure, ballot form.

Section 182.717 - Bonds issued by district, limitation, purposes, rate — approval by voters required — form and content — sale — amount of bond.

Section 182.719 - Rules and regulations, duties of board to establish, filed with county clerk — violations, suspension of library privileges.

Section 182.721 - Real property, obligations, rights of nine-director urban school district used solely for library purposes transferred to urban public library district — property used for both library and nonlibrary purposes not to be transferred —...

Section 182.723 - Personal property, funds and obligations of nine-director urban school districts used for public library purposes to be transferred to urban public district.

Section 182.800 - Free libraries — funds, investment of.

Section 182.802 - Public libraries, sales tax authorized — ballot language — definitions (Butler, Ripley, Wayne, Stoddard, New Madrid, Dunklin, Pemiscot, Saline, and Cedar counties)

Section 182.810 - Insurance for library boards.

Section 182.812 - Library network defined — appropriations, rules and regulations — library networking fund established — rulemaking, procedure.

Section 182.815 - Disclosure of library records, definitions.

Section 182.817 - Disclosure of library records not required — exceptions — complaint may be filed for compromised privacy, procedure.

Section 182.825 - Definitions.

Section 182.827 - Responsibilities of public schools and public libraries with public access computers — rulemaking authority — immunity from liability, when.

Section 182.900 - City libraries — organization of library board — state aid, requirements to obtain.