Effective - 28 Aug 1992, 2 histories
168.101. Employment of certificated teachers ineligible for permanent status under the teacher tenure act (all districts except metropolitan). — 1. In addition to the employment of teachers as provided in section 168.104, the school board or board of directors of a school district, except a metropolitan school district, may, at any regular or special meeting, contract and employ legally certificated teachers not employed as superintendent of the district and not eligible under section 168.104 to gain permanent status or tenure in the position held within the school system. The contract shall be made by the order of the board, shall specify the number of months the employee is to work and the wages per month to be paid, shall be signed by the employee and the president of the board, or a facsimile signature of the president may be affixed at his direction, and the contract shall be attested by the secretary of the board by signature or facsimile.
2. After the original employment of a certificated employee not employed as superintendent of the district under this section, his employment shall continue in the same staff position from year to year subject to the regulations hereinafter set forth.
3. Each school board having one or more certificated employees as described in subsection 1 of this section under contract shall notify each such certificated employee in writing concerning his reemployment in his present staff position or lack thereof on or before the fifteenth day of April of the year in which the contract then in force expires. Failure on the part of a board to give the notice constitutes reemployment on the same terms and in the same staff position as those provided in the contract of the current fiscal year; and not later than the fifteenth day of May of the same year the board shall present a contract to each such certificated employee notified of reemployment by the district.
4. Any motion regarding reemployment of such certificated employee shall include only one person and a motion to reemploy shall be made in the positive sense and a majority of the elected members voting in the affirmative shall constitute reemployment.
5. Any such certificated employee not employed as superintendent of the district who receives a contract shall within fifteen days thereafter present to the employing board a written acceptance or rejection of the employment tendered and his failure to present the acceptance within such time constitutes a rejection of the board's offer.
6. If such certificated employee has been reemployed five times within the district, the school board, if requested in writing by such certificated employee within ten days after receipt of notice of demotion or lack of reemployment on the same terms and in the same staff position, shall make available in writing a statement of reasons for demotion or lack of reemployment within ten days after receipt of the request. The board shall grant such certificated employee a hearing if requested in writing by him within ten days after the receipt of statement of reasons, the hearing to be held within ten days after the request therefor, and to be open at the request of the certificated employee. The certificated employee may have counsel at the hearing, may testify and offer testimony of witnesses as well as other evidence sustaining his defense and may cross-examine adverse witnesses.
7. A contract between the board of education and such certificated employee may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the certificated employee and the board.
8. This section shall not affect the employment or reemployment of the superintendent of schools by a board of education.
(L. 1973 H.B. 151 § 1, A.L. 1990 S.B. 740, A.L. 1992 S.B. 470 & 497)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 168 - Personnel — Teachers and Others
Section 168.024 - Local business externship, count as contact hours of professional development.
Section 168.025 - Teacher externships, requirements — rulemaking authority — sunset provision.
Section 168.037 - Web-based survey, substitute teachers, purpose — survey completion and contents.
Section 168.081 - Teaching or acting as school administrator without certificate prohibited.
Section 168.102 - Short title.
Section 168.104 - Definitions.
Section 168.106 - Indefinite contract, what affects.
Section 168.108 - Contract, form of — requirements.
Section 168.110 - Contract modification, when — what provisions.
Section 168.112 - Modification or termination, how.
Section 168.114 - Board may terminate, grounds for.
Section 168.116 - Termination by board — notice — charges.
Section 168.118 - Termination hearing, procedure, costs.
Section 168.120 - Appeal by teacher, procedure.
Section 168.122 - Leaves of absence, board may establish policy — retention of permanent status.
Section 168.126 - Probationary teachers, how terminated — notice, contents — reemployed, how.
Section 168.128 - Teacher records, how maintained — evaluations, how performed and maintained.
Section 168.129 - Board member exempt from civil liability resulting from charges against teacher.
Section 168.130 - Teachers not to participate in management of school board election, campaign.
Section 168.151 - Solicitation of or payment by teacher of expenses of school prohibited, penalty.
Section 168.181 - Business manager and clerical help may be employed in certain districts — duties.
Section 168.205 - Superintendent, school districts may share, when — additional state aid.
Section 168.232 - Consequences of dissolution of St. Louis special school district.
Section 168.271 - Probationary period for employees — discharge during (metropolitan districts).
Section 168.303 - Job-sharing rules to be adopted by board, job sharing defined.
Section 168.400 - Programs established for public school personnel — contents.
Section 168.407 - Principal-administrator academy program for school leaders.
Section 168.409 - Fees and costs for assessment center and academy.
Section 168.505 - Teacher receiving career pay not to affect district base pay.
Section 168.510 - Disqualified from participating in career plan, grounds.
Section 168.530 - Reimbursement by department for coordinator, when.
Section 168.745 - Compensation package created — fund created.
Section 168.747 - Eligibility for compensation package.
Section 168.749 - Eligibility for stipends, criteria.
Section 168.750 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 168.770 - Library information and technology program recognized — rulemaking authority.