Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 168 - Personnel — Teachers and Others
Section 168.036 - Substitute teacher certificates, issuance of — requirements — retired teachers employed as substitutes, no loss of retirement, when — employment as a substitute teacher — orientation — background checks — rules.

Effective - 30 Jun 2022
168.036. Substitute teacher certificates, issuance of — requirements — retired teachers employed as substitutes, no loss of retirement, when — employment as a substitute teacher — orientation — background checks — rules. — 1. In addition to granting certificates of license to teach in public schools of the state under section 168.021, the state board of education shall grant substitute teacher certificates as provided in this section to any individual seeking to substitute teach in any public school in this state.
2. (1) The state board shall not grant a certificate of license to teach under this section to any individual who has not completed a background check as required under section 168.021.
(2) The state board may refuse to issue or renew, suspend, or revoke any certificate sought or issued under this section in the same manner and for the same reasons as under section 168.071.
3. The state board may grant a certificate under this section to any individual who has completed:
(1) At least thirty-six semester hours at an accredited institution of higher education; or
(2) The twenty-hour online training program required in this section and who possesses a high school diploma or the equivalent thereof.
4. The department of elementary and secondary education shall develop and maintain an online training program for individuals, which shall consist of twenty hours of training related to subjects appropriate for substitute teachers as determined by the department.
5. The state board may grant a certificate under this section to any highly qualified individual with expertise in a technical or business field or with experience in the Armed Forces of the United States who has completed the background check required in this section but does not meet any of the qualifications under subdivision (1) or (2) of subsection 3 of this section if the superintendent of the school district in which the individual seeks to substitute teach sponsors such individual and the school board of the school district in which the individual seeks to substitute teach votes to approve such individual to substitute teach.
6. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions to contrary, beginning on June 30, 2022, and ending on June 30, 2025, any person who is retired and currently receiving a retirement allowance under sections 169.010 to 169.141 or sections 169.600 to 169.715, other than for disability, may be employed to substitute teach on a part-time or temporary substitute basis by an employer included in the retirement system without a discontinuance of the person's retirement allowance. Such a person shall not contribute to the retirement system, or to the public school retirement system established by sections 169.010 to 169.141 or to the public education employee retirement system established by sections 169.600 to 169.715, because of earnings during such period of employment.
(2) In addition to the conditions set forth in subdivision 1 of this subsection, any person retired and currently receiving a retirement allowance under sections 169.010 to 169.141, other than for disability, who is employed by a third party or is performing work as an independent contractor may be employed to substitute teach on a part-time or temporary substitute basis, if such person is performing work for an employer included in the retirement system without a discontinuance of the person's retirement allowance.
(3) If a person is employed pursuant to this subsection on a regular, full-time basis the person shall not be entitled to receive the person's retirement allowance for any month during which the person is so employed. The retirement system may require the employer, the third-party employer, the independent contractor, and the retiree subject to this subsection to provide documentation showing compliance with this subsection. If such documentation is not provided, the retirement system may deem the retiree to have exceeded the limitations provided in this subsection.
7. A certificate granted under this section shall be valid for four years. A certificate granted under this section shall expire at the end of any calendar year in which the individual fails to substitute teach for at least five days or forty hours of in-seat instruction.
8. (1) An individual to whom the state board grants a certificate under this section may be a substitute teacher in a public school in the state if the school district agrees to employ the individual as a substitute teacher and such individual has completed a background check as required in subsection 10 of this section.
(2) No individual to whom the state board grants a certificate under this section and who is under twenty years of age shall be a substitute teacher in grades nine to twelve.
9. Each school district may develop an orientation for individuals to whom the state board grants a certificate under this section for such individuals employed by the school district and may require such individuals to complete such orientation. Such orientation shall contain at least two hours of subjects appropriate for substitute teachers and shall contain instruction on the school district's best practices for classroom management.
10. Beginning January 1, 2023, any substitute teacher may, at the time such substitute teacher submits the fingerprints and information required for the background check required under section 168.021, designate up to five school districts to which such substitute teacher has submitted an application for substitute teaching to receive the results of the substitute teacher's criminal history background check and fingerprint collection. The total amount of any fees for disseminating such results to up to five school districts under this subsection shall not exceed fifty dollars.
11. The state board may exercise the board's authority under chapter 161 to promulgate all necessary rules and regulations necessary for the administration of this section.
(L. 2022 S.B. 681 & 662)
Effective 6-30-22

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 168 - Personnel — Teachers and Others

Section 168.011 - Teachers — license required — teaching, and administration, to be recognized as professions.

Section 168.015 - Advisory council of certification for educators established — number — appointment — qualifications — powers — duties.

Section 168.021 - Issuance of teachers' licenses and scholars certificates, requirements, procedure — fees — effect of certification in another state and subsequent employment in this state — certificate issuance for military members.

Section 168.023 - Contact hours included in professional development requirements for vocational-technical certification.

Section 168.024 - Local business externship, count as contact hours of professional development.

Section 168.025 - Teacher externships, requirements — rulemaking authority — sunset provision.

Section 168.036 - Substitute teacher certificates, issuance of — requirements — retired teachers employed as substitutes, no loss of retirement, when — employment as a substitute teacher — orientation — background checks — rules.

Section 168.037 - Web-based survey, substitute teachers, purpose — survey completion and contents.

Section 168.071 - Revocation, suspension or refusal of certificate or license, grounds — procedure — appeal.

Section 168.081 - Teaching or acting as school administrator without certificate prohibited.

Section 168.101 - Employment of certificated teachers ineligible for permanent status under the teacher tenure act (all districts except metropolitan).

Section 168.102 - Short title.

Section 168.104 - Definitions.

Section 168.106 - Indefinite contract, what affects.

Section 168.108 - Contract, form of — requirements.

Section 168.110 - Contract modification, when — what provisions.

Section 168.112 - Modification or termination, how.

Section 168.114 - Board may terminate, grounds for.

Section 168.116 - Termination by board — notice — charges.

Section 168.118 - Termination hearing, procedure, costs.

Section 168.120 - Appeal by teacher, procedure.

Section 168.122 - Leaves of absence, board may establish policy — retention of permanent status.

Section 168.124 - Board may place on leave — provisions governing — salary to be paid to affected teacher, when.

Section 168.126 - Probationary teachers, how terminated — notice, contents — reemployed, how.

Section 168.128 - Teacher records, how maintained — evaluations, how performed and maintained.

Section 168.129 - Board member exempt from civil liability resulting from charges against teacher.

Section 168.130 - Teachers not to participate in management of school board election, campaign.

Section 168.133 - Criminal background checks required for school personnel, when, procedure — rulemaking authority.

Section 168.151 - Solicitation of or payment by teacher of expenses of school prohibited, penalty.

Section 168.171 - Supervisor of physical education, supervisor of health and school nurses may be employed in certain districts.

Section 168.181 - Business manager and clerical help may be employed in certain districts — duties.

Section 168.191 - Superintendent of schools, employment of authorized (first class charter counties).

Section 168.201 - Superintendent of schools and other employees — employment of by all districts except metropolitan authorized.

Section 168.205 - Superintendent, school districts may share, when — additional state aid.

Section 168.211 - Superintendent of schools, appointment, term — superintendent to appoint a treasurer and commissioner of school buildings and associate and assistant superintendents — bond — powers of superintendent (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.221 - Probationary period for teachers — removal of probationary and permanent personnel — hearing — demotions — reduction of personnel (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.232 - Consequences of dissolution of St. Louis special school district.

Section 168.251 - Noncertificated employees — appointment, promotion, removal, suspension (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.261 - Director of personnel, appointment — personnel committee, appointment (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.271 - Probationary period for employees — discharge during (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.281 - Permanent employees, removal, procedure — suspension, demotion — reduction of personnel (metropolitan districts).

Section 168.300 - District employers may authorize contributions to credit unions and for other purposes, to be deducted and paid from compensation — procedure.

Section 168.303 - Job-sharing rules to be adopted by board, job sharing defined.

Section 168.400 - Programs established for public school personnel — contents.

Section 168.405 - Administrator assessment center established — certificate issued — unsatisfactory assessment, hearing.

Section 168.407 - Principal-administrator academy program for school leaders.

Section 168.409 - Fees and costs for assessment center and academy.

Section 168.410 - Evaluations of school administrators and district superintendents — copy of evaluation to person evaluated.

Section 168.450 - Officer training, Missouri state training center to develop curriculum and certification requirements.

Section 168.500 - Career and teacher excellence plan, career ladder forward funding fund established — general assembly to appropriate funds — model career plans, contents — criteria for career ladder — participation to be voluntary — qualifications...

Section 168.505 - Teacher receiving career pay not to affect district base pay.

Section 168.510 - Disqualified from participating in career plan, grounds.

Section 168.515 - Salary supplement for participants in career plan — method of distribution — amounts — matching funds, contributions — review of career pay — tax levy authorized, when — use of funds.

Section 168.520 - Career advancement program for personnel of state schools for the blind, deaf and severely disabled — salary supplement for participants.

Section 168.530 - Reimbursement by department for coordinator, when.

Section 168.745 - Compensation package created — fund created.

Section 168.747 - Eligibility for compensation package.

Section 168.749 - Eligibility for stipends, criteria.

Section 168.750 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 168.770 - Library information and technology program recognized — rulemaking authority.