Effective - 28 Aug 2010, 2 histories
167.627. Possession and self-administration of medication in school — requirements. — 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Medication", any medicine prescribed or ordered by a physician for the treatment of asthma or anaphylaxis, including without limitation inhaled bronchodilators and auto-injectible epinephrine;
(2) "Self-administration", a pupil's discretionary use of medication prescribed by a physician or under a written treatment plan from a physician.
2. Each board of education and its employees and agents in this state shall grant any pupil in the school authorization for the possession and self-administration of medication to treat such pupil's chronic health condition, including but not limited to asthma or anaphylaxis if:
(1) A licensed physician prescribed or ordered such medication for use by the pupil and instructed such pupil in the correct and responsible use of such medication;
(2) The pupil has demonstrated to the pupil's licensed physician or the licensed physician's designee, and the school nurse, if available, the skill level necessary to use the medication and any device necessary to administer such medication prescribed or ordered;
(3) The pupil's physician has approved and signed a written treatment plan for managing the pupil's chronic health condition, including asthma or anaphylaxis episodes and for medication for use by the pupil. Such plan shall include a statement that the pupil is capable of self-administering the medication under the treatment plan;
(4) The pupil's parent or guardian has completed and submitted to the school any written documentation required by the school, including the treatment plan required under subdivision (3) of this subsection and the liability statement required under subdivision (5) of this subsection; and
(5) The pupil's parent or guardian has signed a statement acknowledging that the school district and its employees or agents shall incur no liability as a result of any injury arising from the self-administration of medication by the pupil or the administration of such medication by school staff. Such statement shall not be construed to release the school district and its employees or agents from liability for negligence.
3. An authorization granted under subsection 2 of this section shall:
(1) Permit such pupil to possess and self-administer such pupil's medication while in school, at a school-sponsored activity, and in transit to or from school or school-sponsored activity; and
(2) Be effective only for the same school and school year for which it is granted. Such authorization shall be renewed by the pupil's parent or guardian each subsequent school year in accordance with this section.
4. Any current duplicate prescription medication, if provided by a pupil's parent or guardian or by the school, shall be kept at a pupil's school in a location at which the pupil or school staff has immediate access in the event of an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency.
5. The information described in subdivisions (3) and (4) of subsection 2 of this section shall be kept on file at the pupil's school in a location easily accessible in the event of an emergency.
(L. 1996 H.B. 1301 & 1298 § 10, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1732, A.L. 2010 H.B. 1543)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 167 - Pupils and Special Services
Section 167.022 - Request for records, placed pupils.
Section 167.026 - Expungement of disciplinary records, exception.
Section 167.029 - School uniforms.
Section 167.051 - Compulsory attendance of part-time schools.
Section 167.061 - Penalty for violating compulsory attendance law.
Section 167.111 - Officials to enforce compulsory attendance law.
Section 167.113 - Compliance with federal laws relating to pupil rights required.
Section 167.121 - Assignment of pupil to another district, when — tuition, how paid, amount.
Section 167.122 - Placed pupils, notification of district, distribution of information.
Section 167.182 - HPV informational brochure, contents.
Section 167.191 - Children with contagious diseases not to attend school — penalty.
Section 167.201 - School lunch program — funds — duties of state board.
Section 167.211 - School boards may provide for sale of lunches to children.
Section 167.223 - High school may offer postsecondary course options — fees.
Section 167.232 - Tax for extra transportation may be rescinded, procedure.
Section 167.265 - School counselors, grades kindergarten through nine — eligibility — application.
Section 167.266 - Academic and career counseling program — rulemaking authority.
Section 167.268 - Policy for reading success plans — state board to develop guidelines.
Section 167.335 - Alternative education grants — qualifications — joint applications.
Section 167.349 - Charter schools, establishment.
Section 167.600 - Definitions — nonseverability.
Section 167.614 - Discontinuance of participation.
Section 167.617 - Continuation of services previously provided.
Section 167.619 - Most accessible care to be provided — discrimination prohibited.
Section 167.624 - Lifesaving training — CPR.
Section 167.627 - Possession and self-administration of medication in school — requirements.
Section 167.637 - Influenza and influenza vaccination information, provided when.
Section 167.638 - Meningitis immunization, brochure, contents.
Section 167.720 - Physical education required — definitions.
Section 167.803 - Training of school employees, content, requirements.
Section 167.809 - Diabetic care may be provided to students, when, trained personnel to be on site.
Section 167.818 - Student may perform certain diabetic care for self, when.
Section 167.821 - Immunity from liability, when
Section 167.824 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 167.902 - Critical need occupations, data and information distribution.
Section 167.903 - Personal plan of study for certain students, contents — waiver.
Section 167.905 - At-risk students to be identified, district policy required.